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Peter Drew

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Everything posted by Peter Drew

  1. I have the similar Vixen model. The first thing I noticed was that, due to the Galilean optical design, the apparent field of view was smaller than that of traditional binoculars. However, it's the actual field of view that sets them apart, whole constellations at a time!. There is definitely around about 1.5 mag gain over naked eye, faint naked eye objects become obvious under most conditions. They are quite front heavy, you may struggle to keep them in place hands free with just a strap, I ended up making a bracket which I fitted to the peak of a hard hat and this needed a counterweight to the rear of the hat for balance. 🙂
  2. @Rich1980. The West Yorkshire Astro Society are an active group that meet at the Rosse Observatory at Pontefract. 🙂
  3. I also have a TAL-1 telescope with a spherical mirror, the performance is outstanding for the aperture. 🙂
  4. It is quite easy to mix up the results of Ronchi testing without knowing how it was performed. If testing a mirror whilst working it, the usual procedure, the Ronchi screen will be at the radius of curvature and a parabolic mirror will exhibit convex lines. If a parabolic mirror is tested on a star at infinity, the Ronchi screen will produce straight lines if all is well. I think this is also highlighted in the CN discussion. 🙂
  5. These don't look like parabolic images gained from basic Ronchi or Foucalt tests. To me they look like null tests where the parabola gives a simulated spherical image by introducing corrective optics, the Dall null test. I used a similar setup on my optical bench when I was a professional telescope maker. 🙂
  6. A similar scenario with car insurance. I have "fully comp" like most of us these days so if my car is stolen and not recovered the insurers pay out. Not so!, in the small print it states that if the car isn't fitted with a tracker, you're not covered for theft. This is a household name insurer. ☹️
  7. A small aperture mirror at F10 spherical will be equivalent to a 1/4 wave parabolic one. I don't think a Ronchi test would be sensitive enough to show much difference. A Foucalt test would be preferable as a sphere completely nulls out when it's a good one. 😀
  8. As Peter has said, the difference between a spherical mirror and a parabolic one at those specs is minimal. In fact you are more likely to get a good sphere than a good parabola on an entry level telescope. 😀
  9. We'll all probably leave at the same time when it hits. Problem sorted. 😀
  10. Good seeing today. Two excellent proms on opposite sides of the disc, faint but very detailed. Several other minor projections. 😎
  11. Generally, if the target star is too bright, the glare swamps the finer quality details under test. Usually, if the out of focus star image looks round either side of focus, a small dot without spikes and no smearing to a side when at focus, you're off to a good start. 😀
  12. Any reasonably long focal length 50mm/60mm achromatic refractor should be adequate. A Huygenian eyepiece, having no cemented optical components, would be preferred to avoid heat damage. There should be no significant fire risk, the heat will be concentrated at the focus of the eyepiece rather than the focused projected image. An umbrella might well be the best "umbrella" to protect kit against rain. 😀
  13. Just come in from an excellent view thanks Charl. As you say, somewhat fainter than before but very fine detail. 😀
  14. Just caught a glimpse thanks Charl, hope for better later. 😀
  15. I think this will be the solution to the problem. The plated screws do appear to be levelling jacks now that we have a better view of them. 😀
  16. Good effort considering the conditions Charl, surprising what modern cameras can do. 😀
  17. An excellent starter package, in my opinion the best of the table top offerings. A zoom eyepiece would be a good optional extra as already mentioned but get used to the telescope first. I went for the larger 114mm option as I already had a 90mm Maksutov which will fit as an alternative. Welcome to SGL. 😀
  18. With solar activity being currently so low, a Ha view should still have a more interesting backdrop if the choice is available. 😀
  19. Is this issue the only reason why such a potentially great facility has been unused? 🤔
  20. Welcome to SGL John. I have an apartment with a few telescopes on Tenerife, despite being at sea level I can still see the Milky Way from an urban location. Lunar and planetary images are frequently outstanding. 😀
  21. My whole astronomical life has been a WOW! 😊
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