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peter shah

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Everything posted by peter shah

  1. Thank you.... Its one of those wonderful targets I just don't get tired of
  2. always nice to get the first light out of the way....nicely done too
  3. Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. Hi Adrian, Rho Ophi has been one I have wanted to do for years, only skimming the horizon during the summer, not good for the UK. Its just the standard Tak FSQ 0.73 reducer, It's very critical on spacing and running just over its limits with those tiny 3.76um pixels, as you say minor issues in the corners....TBH nothing that I am bothered about.
  4. Thank you.... It really does have so much going on in the area Many thanks ....Its one of those areas I can just keep going back to
  5. Yes those night will be drawing in sharpish....nice work
  6. Yes it just teases us skimming along the horizon .....I have wanted to capture this for years
  7. Rho Ophiuchus, one of my favourite parts of the sky. A two panel mosaic in LRGB 1hour and 20mins in each filter imaged remotely from Spain with the FSQ106 at F3.6 with the ZWO ASI6200MM Pro 35mm sensor. Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop. PI makes light work of a seamless mosaic. Thanks for looking Peter Shah
  8. Lovely job ....the outer shell is showing nicely
  9. Just Stunning Chris....I love this object
  10. lovely clean looking image
  11. beautiful detail and star colour
  12. nice work...black point does seem slightly clipped, good colour in 27 itself
  13. Absolutely.... I have already started planning my subs for M33 a couple of days ago 😉....
  14. Thanks Goran, It was this image that prompted me to give it a go....😉....
  15. Beautiful image.....love the framing Adam
  16. With this version I have done some work on the background Luminance layer. It has additional structure in the Luminance that I thought would be worth showing
  17. Cheers Tim That's really interesting.....thank you for the info Thank you Bob
  18. super image with lovely detail
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