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Status Updates posted by pipnina

  1. Stellarium misclassified LDN 106 and SH2-73 as HII regions, when in reality they are IFN. 3+ hours of Ha imaging last night down the drain 😕

  2. We know how painfully true this is more than any other group I think haha.


  3. I've just calculated how much money I've ACTUALLY spent on astro this year. And now I am glad my family doesn't know because they might stage an intervention...

    1. Knighty2112


      These figures should always be kept top secret, especially from oneself too! ;) 

    2. pipnina


      Unfortunately the bank account balance (and lack thereof) makes itself all too well known haha

    3. Hawksmoor


      My son says its not the absolute cost but the unit cost you should monitor. So if you use your astro kit more often the cost actually goes down. 😉

  4. I find myself in awe looking at the sky tonight, despite the full moon I think our recent rain has cleaned the atmosphere and the stars seem brighter than ever. Despite the full moon being nearby I think I spotted a mag 4.5 star in my B5 area, not half Bad!

    Orion coming back into view now, and it's as stunning as ever a region to just... Stare at.

  5. Heads up for anyone wanting an IMX 571 cooled cam: TS is selling the RisingCam version for 1250 EUR on sale right now: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p15758_Offer--TS-Optics-Color-Astro-Camera-2600CP-Sony-IMX571-Sensor-D-28-3-mm.html

    I already have one from another source but this sounds like a good opportunity for someone on the fence.

  6. Trying to capture data for the phone astrophotography challenge, when the clouds roll in and I only have 2 light frames : (

    Not enough for pix to stack.

    The starting images are amazing by themselves however. North america nebula, dusty lanes in the MW, when I get the chance to do it proper it's gonna be amazing!

  7. Met office lied to me! promised 0% cloud all night, I go outside and no sooner is everything set up, I get a nice wave of wall-to-wall thick cloud 😡

    I thought I was gonna be able to test my new ZWO EAF, apparently not.

    1. Knighty2112


      Yeah, they excel at lying to us! 🫤

    2. Cjg


      I've noticed too how the weather forecasts seem to be less accurate than they were a few years ago. I don't quite understand why, better satellites, more computing power. Is our weather just less settled and predictable than it used to be now?


  8. Tried to adjust the tilt out of my camera, but ended up making it worse, and then stripped a thread on the tilt plate : (
    Another night's imaging ruined

  9. Just finished the surgery on my Nikon D3200! No more pesky IR filter removing all my Ha! Can't wait for the next clear sky! It all seems to work fine and the images around the house are quite orange haha. Anything I need to be aware of when it comes to IR-modded DSLRs? I didn't have a replacement filter to put in so I'm a bit worried about dust and if it will now accept TOO much IR?

    1. timwetherell


      Just exploring the same thing myself with a Sony A7s, though had mine done by someone else. Don't think too much IR will be an issue. I'm quite keen to see what various galaxies look like in near IR. Probably sharper due to less seeing effects out at that wavelength?

      According to the charts I've seen for the Sony, the IR filter cuts about 80% of H alpha so hopefully will be a lot better with it out :)


    2. pipnina


      Indeed mine was a massive success!

      Hope you get similar uplift in results! I think you can tell which one was taken with vs without haha876010149_ORIONNEBULA-1.thumb.jpg.012d3cf22802367d62226420b3a6c50f.jpg



  10. Hard to stay illusioned with this hobby of late.

    I look at the pictures I took now a minimum of a year in the past, and occasionally glimpse a star past some clouds. I then look at my dusty equipment and wonder if this hobby is even still viable for me. I could swear weather in the GMT+0 months has gotten progressively worse since I took up this hobby in 2014 and paired with work I feel this hobby somewhat unsustainable. I wish things were different.

    1. Luke


      There was a period where I got a bit frustrated. I normally feel better once I've got a session in. The other thing that helps me is that I think about how old some of my gear is - ten years or more, some of it - and what good condition it's still in. I reckon I've already had my money's worth out of it, for the amazing views they've given me. I haven't bought anything astro for years now, though it would be lovely to put an order in with FLO if funds allowed. Good luck, I hope you get some opportunities soon.

    2. xtreemchaos


      yea darn weather eh, and when we get a bit of clear its hard to get a frame without one of elons satilites in shot. these things are there to test us for sure. one things for sure it can only get better i hope.

    3. bingevader


      Hang on in their!

      I've had quite sizeable 'breaks' in the past due to work, family, weather.

      At the moment, I'm in bed too early to do any meaningful stargazing.

      However, the stars aren't going anywhere and neither will your kit if you keep hold of it! :D 

  11. My usual summer astro drought continues. In the last 4 months I've basically only had 1 look at Jupiter and Saturn.
    Sad, but the longer nights will come back soon and the garden is doing well in the mean time.

  12. Good sky tonight :D Got the imaging scope pointed at flame/horse/2023, and had a look all around with the visual scope! Clusters in gemini/auriga, nebulae in orion (maybe a glimpse of flame). Saw the andromeda galaxy as well as 81/82. Hoped to find Uranus but no luck :( Too much pollution to navigate the area properly and finders frosted up.

    Hope the rest of you got lucky too!

  13. Here's hoping for some clear sky this new moon. I need to finish my image of M42... from 3 weeks ago.

    1. xtreemchaos


      ill second that, these bad skys carnt last much longer. merry Christmas Pipp. charl.

  14. It's been a week, still no sign of any clear skies in the forecast. The dust on my kit might reach 2cm before I get it out again :(

  15. As is tradition...


    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Astronomers look forward to the "long dark winter nights" under perma-cloud in the rain!

  16. Perfect weather for observing the central milky way nebulae last night. Or it would have been if they weren't so close to the street lamp. Got to see M8 behind some stray light reflections in the binos at least.

  17. I think I'll have to collimate the secondary of my 10" for the first time in 2 years, noticed astigmatism in focused and defocused stars last night.

  18. I think the heat is due to be the end of me... Can't even leave my chocolate in the shade indoors without it becoming a puddle any more.

    1. Alien 13

      Alien 13

      You should live in my house, still have the fire on for about 5 hrs a day.


  19. I think the ZWO 1600MM is the first CMOS I've seen with a reasonable sensor size under £1k... Does it live up to the hype I've been hearing about it on here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pipnina
    3. Allinthehead


      Marcel is producing amazing images with this camera. https://www.astrobin.com/full/350412/0/

    4. pipnina


      That is definitely proof of a good camera!

  20. Spent 30 minutes wondering why my HEQ5 wasn't pointing in the right places, until I realized that it interpreted 11/06/2018 as the 6th of november and not the 11th of june! American date format? What a load of...

    1. Carbon Brush

      Carbon Brush

      I once gave up on goto and resorted to manual positioning for the evening.

      The next day I had the mount indoors and set it pointing to various places. Eventually realising it was 6 months out for exactly this reason.

      I'm sure you won't be the last....

    2. derekf


      That was my 3rd mistake when i started, 2nd mistake coupled with mistake 1 was entering the wrong coordinates and i wondered why my telescope couldn't find the moon :BangHead:.  The first and biggest mistake i've made so far was not doing enough research so i ended up buying the wrong telescope?.

      I'm sure since January i've made every mistake possible:D but i'm enjoying every second i spend viewing and photographing the heavens.

  21. I hope this forecast doesn't change on me! I'm predicted 3 moonless, cloudless nights in a row! I think I'll give M101 a go.

  22. I have been taunted. Last night I look out my back window (11:50~) and see no clouds at all! I get the HEQ5 and 130PDS out hoping to get first light. But by the time I'd brought the mount out to the tripod it had become completely cloudy again!

    I also must have stepped on an ant hill... But because it was dark I didn't see all the ants on my shoe and brought them inside. Spent a lot of today chasing ants out of the house.

  23. I bit the bullet and bought a HEQ5 & 130-PDS. They should arrive today, do the clouds appear when the package arrives or when I open the box?

  24. It was not to be... Surprise clear skies tonight. Got outside with the camera to test. 1 minute sub showed horrible star halos. Maybe if it's clear later Jupiter can console me.

  25. Naturally when one forecast suggests partial cloud, and the other suggests mostly clear skies, they are both wrong, and in the wrong way :( No clear skies in weeks, but be the new equipment curse.

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