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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. thanks Rusty, no you can keep it we have enough here theres no room for anymore๐Ÿ˜€. charl.
  2. thanks Peter, agreed, but this prom is very bright the brightest ive seen for a long time which helps when shooting through the evil stuff ๐Ÿ˜€. charl.
  3. thanks Dave, thay said it was going to be clear here mate, do thay ever look outside ? goodluck mate there other proms to if your luck holds. charl.
  4. very cloudy here thismorrning but after looking on gong and seeing the bright prom I thought id have a go at catching through the thinner bits of cloud and I just about got it if a bit noisy. kit starwave 102, quark, asi120mc. thanks for looking. clear skys. charl. prom lower oncoming limb.
  5. thanks star101, DS while a fullmoon that's hardcore mate well done. charl.
  6. thanks Dave, for once nice and clear here but it didn't last till thismorrning darn weather I havnt seen the sun for ages. charl.
  7. not sure if it is a fullmoon tonight but it looks near enough for me ๐Ÿ˜€ on stel its saying %99.7. seeings a bit fazey but nothing what a frame cul wont sort. kit starwave 102 f11, 1200d. thanks for looking. and i wish you all clear skys. charl. wide. closer.
  8. great shots mate, some lovely detail caught. charl.
  9. thanks Matt, lastnight was better conditions mate no cloud too. charl.
  10. thanks Maw, yes its had some action in the past mate. charl.
  11. thanks Pete, clear skys mate. charl.
  12. thanks Swoop, yes the seeing was much better than the 8th and I was not dogged by cloud, makes it easy work mate. charl.
  13. great shots Mate, I try and not use a barlow I find the less glass the better i use a ccd for the extra mag. charl.
  14. thanks Dave, lovely seeing here mate lastnight, ive been trying to catch that hedgerow on the upper oncoming limb thismorrning but the clouds bad here. hope you have better. charl.
  15. thanks Michael, its been very hit or miss here mate, the weathers been against this year in the uk so lastnights seeing was a surprise, I should of swapped to the 120mm for the closer shots as old faithful dos better than the 102mm at the higher mags. clear skys. charl.
  16. two nights in a row but tonights seeing and lack of cloud is nice to have for a change. kit starwave 102, 1200d and asi120mc for closer shots. thanks for looking, clear skys. charl. wide. closer. some closer shots not great but gives the jist . top. bit lower. bit more lets call it mid. and another. lower. bottom.
  17. thanks Dave, darn moon eh, theres no comets round here mate thay got brought out by PC world ๐Ÿ˜€. charl.
  18. i wasnt going to bother with the cloud last night but im glad i did it might break my luck with the darn weather of late. seeing was quite good in the gaps. kit old faithfull. 1200d and sai120mc for the closer ones. thanks for looking, clear skys. dusk. wide a hour later. top. down a bit bit more. lower. bottom.
  19. every scope is serious its a frame of mind, bigger don't mean better and the more you spend wont make ya happier the only thing that matters is the state of the sky but don't lisen to me im quite Mad ๐Ÿ˜€. charl.
  20. welcome to SGL mate, ive terrible eyes, ive tunnel vision too but through the ep I need not glasses which is wonderful also when im in VR I don't need them there aswell, my doctor stopped me driving over 15 years ago due to my eyesight so that's how bad mine is but so far "touch wood" im good for astronomy mate. hope yours keep good. charl.
  21. loving it, well done, about the hardest moon shot to pull off. charl.
  22. thanks Matt, agreed the weather stinks mate, heres hoping for some better. charl.
  23. thanks Dave, im waiting for the forcasted sun today mate but so far its like a wet day in November. hope you have better. charl.
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