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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. thanks Rusty, yes we do it for the challenge mate, if it was easy we wouldn't enjoy it as much and id have more hair 😀. charl.
  2. bit of sun here today but a lot of cloud. theres only one prom on the upper oncoming limb. seeings fair. kit starwave 102, quark, asi120mc. thanks for looking. clear skys , charl. prom upper oncoming limb.
  3. dont i know it mate, trouble is me lucks got to brake at some time but i look at it this way so far it cost me less than a pound a day if i get to feb ill class it as over payed me back that way in my mind (deranged one at that} im good😀. charl.
  4. I carnt complain with mine Dave, as you know I got a try before buy and it ended up being a broken one so it got sent back and got a new one for the nice price of £700 but I feel for all my friends who hasn't been so lucky and it troubles me that its still a game of Russian roullet still !, because at some point ill have to play the game myself because they recommend sending them back for service every 4 to 5 years and ive had mine 3 years in feb. charl.
  5. I don't know Dave, ive a hunch that thay only test a few out of every batch othierwise thay would be knowingly selling faulty goods and we all know thay wouldn't do that don't we 😀😉.
  6. as far as I know Quarks are made and put together and "tested" in the daystar factory in The USA.
  7. truly its the one down fall with quarks, this luck of the draw thingy we get across the board is very troublesum and its wrong when spending so much money and even if thay manage it fix them all = in the future its going to stop in our minds for a long time. its shady at the least. if it was my Quark Mark id contact daystar and see if thay could sort something out, its not on not getting decent surface details in my view. charl.
  8. I get quite good surface details with my quark, do you tune the surface in Mark, its 2clicks right on mine, with proms being at the top or maybe 2 clicks left depending on the seeing. charl.
  9. Nice !. nothing but cloud here in south wales. charl.
  10. solar imaging is akin to juggling ferrets while making rattatooi with lemons being rubbed in both eyes 😀 humor is the the path from sadness into joy with the darn cloud today. sorry about my spelling, my word blindness is quite bad at the mo. charl.
  11. in a ideal situ there are great number of good frames which would make great single shots but that's maybe as little as 4-8 days a year that conditions get that good . gong is a good comparison thay produce a image a minute which is remarkable but its not very often you would see a disc anywhere near as good as Steves or otheirs on here. yes proms are easyer than surface shots because there a lot brighter. charl
  12. its not as easy as that Mark, many a day in the year imagers have to stax to get a useful image, the eye is much better when it comes single images in my view. my images are most days are only staxed and a bit of contrast and brightness and cropped with the goal of as little processing as I can get away with but its not to everybodys taste but I like it, im not into polishing images as thay can take a lot away mate. charl.
  13. great shots under the conditions Dave, I gave up that's how bad it was here I just couldn't focus with the fazing. well done. charl.
  14. great shots Rusty, nothing from me today seeing was pants the worse ive had this year. well done. charl.
  15. been trying today but the seeing pants and gave up, that proms still there but smaller and on the upper off going limb there a nice set of proms if you get chance mate. charl.
  16. great shots Steve, been trying today but the seeing pants and gave up, that proms still there but smaller and on the upper off going limb there a nice set of proms if you get chance mate. charl.
  17. thanks David. been trying today but the seeing pants and gave up, that proms still there but smaller and on the upper off going limb there a nice set of proms if you get chance mate. charl.
  18. wow thats Amazing Dave, you win todays imaging challenge by a mile mate, well done. charl.
  19. thanks Pete, that's very kind of you to say so. clear skys. charl.
  20. great shot Den, its been a nice prom to image. well done. charl.
  21. thanks Peter, glad your getting some views mate, it is brighter today but its fazing very bad here with the heat rising. charl.
  22. thanks Dave, I wasn't going to say anything because I had mushrooms for breakfast 😀 but thought id best say just incase someone else saw something
  23. did anyone see the flash looks to becoming from behind the big prom lasted 3-4 sec at about 11.20am . im outa range from 11.30 so keep the lookout there could be something behind or im just seeing things 😀.
  24. great shots Steve, that prom is still looking good today mate if you get chance. charl.
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