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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. If it came with a moon filter or neutral density try that.
  2. Thanks Dave. I would have got them in the same FOV if I had thought about it and framed better.
  3. Following on from last weeks M81 I did an evening on 82 and then managed to mosaic them together Tak FS102 reduced to f5.7 QSI cam The background is blacker than I normally like due to the limited data. Give them a click or 3 for full res. And the mosaic
  4. Nice shot. I still have only 3 outings with my UV filter and I was hoping to get a sequence of phases this time round.
  5. Thanks Dave I used the same idea striaght up after I finished some more ha on the cone. I need to swap over to a longer f/l scope on the main mount.
  6. 5x L 1x1 300secs 5x RGB 2x2 300secs Tak 102 reduced f5.7
  7. Cracking image. It is a little tricky to get focus(which I don't think I've quite hit yet)
  8. No luck with mine either. I don't think i will have the patience to upload over 2000 images.
  9. Thank you. I think it depends on the target and how desperate you are to image something.😃 Thanks a lot. I was trying not to over denoise it. Thanks very much.
  10. You may indeed The reducer drops the Tak from f8 to f5.7 Copy and pase from my Astrobin page Technical card Imaging telescope or lens:Takahashi FS-102 Imaging camera:QSI 690WSG-8 QSI690 Mount:Takahashi NJP Temma 2 Guiding telescope or lens:Takahashi FS-102 Guiding camera:SX Lodestar Focal reducer:Astro-Physics 0.67x Reducer Software:MaximDL, Photoshop CS4 Filter:Astrodon 31mm 3nm HA Accessory:Lakeside Astro Focuser Resolution: 1350x1049 Dates:Feb. 4, 2020, Feb. 5, 2020, Feb. 6, 2020, Feb. 13, 2020 Frames: Astrodon 31mm 3nm HA: 3x1200" bin 2x2 Astrodon 31mm 3nm HA: 61x600" bin 2x2 Integration: 11.2 hours Avg. Moon age: 12.88 days Avg. Moon phase: 80.39% Astrometry.net job: 3240483 RA center: 6h 41' 0" DEC center: +9° 42' 0" Pixel scale: 3.080 arcsec/pixel Orientation: 358.260 degrees Field radius: 0.731 Locations: home, nottingham, United Kingdom Data source: Backyard
  11. Now up to 11 hours of 600 subs, but a lot then were when the moon was quite near the target, it might have been a waste as the extra was very noisy.
  12. Good luck. Missed one this am due to clouds. Got another on Saturday but we have a storm due in.
  13. Optolong Uvenus filter Astronomic IR807 Stacked in AS3 put into the PS channels as uv red ir green ir blue stretched (levels) , sharpened (wavelets Astro Image plug in),reduced saturation and increased size.
  14. Toscano 200 RC uv/ir/ir 180 fps 20% of 20000
  15. I think we all need that.
  16. Thanks folks. I think so, if the moon and weather co-operate.
  17. Taken with the Toscano RC and the chameleon cam
  18. A test after the SX694 came back 6x600secs TS71 imaging star and SX6945 and baader 7nm filter
  19. 17 x 600 with the reduced FS102 and QSI cam in ha. Hoping to grab a bit more on this before swapping to longer f/l for galaxy season.
  20. Grear result. Can't help with your exposure times as i have only managed one very poor outing with my UV filter.
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