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Everything posted by Thalestris24

  1. Hi I'd suggest fitting one of these - but not sure if you have room in your imaging train? I guess you could check any adjustments with ccd inspector. Louise
  2. It say "Strips multiple layers of latex and oil-based paint, polyurethane, epoxy, Varnish and shellac from wood, metal and masonry surfaces". It might dissolve the sensor and any pcb it comes in contact with!
  3. Hi I don't think many people are bothering with the highly risky and time consuming labour of self debayering dslr sensors. With the advent of (relatively) cheap large sensor, cooled mono cameras like the qhy163m, it's better to save up for one of them. Louise
  4. Yes, 'on camera' for the mount. You can only guide in RA with the SA so DEC guiding has to be disabled in PHD2. You will have to do a fresh calibration if you move to another target in a different part of the sky. Make sure the guide cam is set to 8-bit mode for ST4 operation. Hth Louise
  5. Gosh, narrowband with a Star Adventurer - well done! Louise ps I think I'd have set the ISO to 800 - unity gain (I think!)
  6. It's a helpful thing to do. It doesn't have to be to the nearest arc sec but the closer the better
  7. Hi Regarding orientation, it's a good idea to align the imaging camera with RA and DEC. It's also much better if you can leave your camera connected and undisturbed across nights. That way you should be able to use the same set of flats. It's a good idea to stick to the same exposures and iso settings for lights if you can though it's possible to stack a mixture. hth Louise
  8. Hi Nigel I think I read somewhere that battery power causes increased temperatures with long exposures. In general, I use a mains adapter and a good quality, shielded usb cable. I'm planning a portable system which will use a 12V Li battery and dc-dc covertor for the dslr. I can't say whether not using an internal battery will make any difference to your noise problem. The only time I've experienced noise like that was shortly before a camera failure... Don't want to worry you though! Louise
  9. Happy New Year 'gazers!

  10. Yes, dark skies probably and lots of 30" exposures!
  11. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year - and may your skies be clear! :icon_santa:

    1. Knighty2112


      Have a good one. Fingers crossed for clear skies soon too! :) 

  12. The 130pds does have its, er, characteristics!!
  13. It is an inspiring thread! Louise
  14. Hi All the references I can find say the eq3 synscan pro runs off 11-15V, 2A?? e.g. this one Louise
  15. Thanks Wim - lovely images! I'm jealous of your dark site! I'm in a red zone with dreadful skyglow and no escape . However, I do have some parks nearby and with the possibility of at least pointing away from the city lights if I could get outside. Otherwise I'm limited to about 3 minute subs in broadband and obviously need guiding for narrowband on my avx. I live in a 2nd floor flat so no outdoors mains unfortunately. I guess the adjustments can't be all that much worse than what I did on my avx or heq5 (put a belt mod on that ). Louise
  16. Thanks! Sounds promising, though you have to bear in mind I'm a little old lady! I'm not very strong... But I'm desperate to get outside to do some imaging instead of having to put up with the indoor limitations. It only has to run for a couple of hours (after that I'd probably need to get back in! Haha). I wonder what it's unguided performance might be like? If I could run it unguided (no laptop) with a 200mm or possibly a 300mm lens, that would be good. I guess you run it with eqmod (like I do my heq5)? Louise
  17. Thanks! It would likely only be for a camera+lens or maybe a small frac, nothing more. I suppose I want something better than a Star Adventurer that I can setup quickly and that doesn't need a heavy battery. I can run my AVX from one of those small, blue 12V lithium batteries. If I could do the same with an eq3 that would be good Louise
  18. Hi eq3 users I'm tempted to get an eq3-pro - might be better than messing about with a Star Adventurer... I'm wondering how portable the eq3 pro synscan is, how much power it needs, and computer interface (I assume via the handset?). At the end of the day I just want something I can carry down two flights of stairs without breaking anything! Thanks for any info! Louise
  19. I find it a bit of a beast to balance! I've balanced the counterweight bar off the SA but maybe that's not the best way? I think I'll try it with the old 18-55mm kit lens which is an awful lot lighter than the Takumar. Yet some people seem to get good results with 300mm lenses or even small fracs. Also maybe I'll try with the 75-300mm lens which is still lighter than the Tak albeit hopeless for astro. Louise
  20. Aww... it's been gathering dust for 2 years already! I might fiddle with it a bit more over Christmas Louise
  21. Hi Um, I don't have a 1.5x option - was that a firmware upgrade thing? Interestingly, I had it apart earlier and since trying again it was behaving a bit better. Unfortunately, most attempts were still a failure. Things might be complicated by me imaging in the east, fairly low down. I've always thought it would perform better pointing high up. The Takumar lens is quite weighty and might cause a dynamic imbalance. Oh well, have had enough for one night. Louise
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