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Everything posted by Thalestris24

  1. Oh, ok - looked ok at a glance! As I said, check your balance in all 3 axes, and also check your pa. ps I assume you're tracking at sidereal rate? Dithering off?
  2. Hi Try running the phd2 guiding assistant - it will give you lots of info. Maybe your balance is off? It looks like guiding is doing its job as you don't have star trails. What does your Phd2 target look like and what value of RA Osc are you getting? You want the latter to be around 0.5-ish and you want the target to be closely spaced around the centre - not to one side. Louise
  3. Yeah, lol, but it's sensible to check it before setting up!
  4. Checking the weather should probably take place early on
  5. It's unlikely to be PHD2 itself - almost certainly it will be hardware related. The problem I mentioned above applied to all my usb ports on the laptop though my qhy5l-ii only works at all with the usb 2 port.
  6. Hi I can't be sure but it sounds like a usb problem. It's common with laptops that the usb cable connector isn't tight in the laptop usb socket - worth checking. I have that problem with my Lenovo and got round it by wedging the connector with a small piece of card. Louise
  7. He he I almost wish I'd never started... Maybe I'll get lucky one day and have the chance to move to somewhere better
  8. Thanks! I'm probably going to change things around a bit in the new year. Might transfer the apo to the avx and put the qhy8l on it. Or, might not...
  9. Here's mine - a proper frac! It's a TS F6 triplet APO Mounted on the heq5 with belt mod and OO pedestal. Camera is a qhy Minicam5s mono. That's an ankle weight counterbalance taped to the front - not pretty but it does the job. 50mm finder guider bolted via pipe clips - similarly, does the job! In the background is the window I image through though not done any imaging with it recently cos of the weather. New Moon coming up - along with Storm Barbara - tut! Anyway, on the bright side, it's a lovely scope Merry Christmas SGL! Louise
  10. Mind you don't drop it, en masse - so to speak!
  11. Hi Astrobaby's guide is pretty definitive. Louise
  12. An M48 adapter should reduce the vignetting, I think. Hope you can improve things. Louise
  13. Hi Is that using the XT2 + mpcc with m48 t-ring? Also, I'm just thinking - it shouldn't matter too much and you'd be using it at a particular point of the focusser all the time anyway? Rob's (uranium235) mod of adding a third thumscrew to the focus tube is probably a good idea - if you havn't already done it. Getting any tilt (if you have any) out of the focusser is quite a major operation. Louise
  14. Um, I might have been thinking of the Baader BCF filter or similar clear glass which I think just goes in the sensor carrier?
  15. I think the glass can be bonded to the silicon surface but don't quote me!
  16. I believe you can put AR glass in front of (on?) the sensor but don't ask me how it's done!
  17. That's mostly true but in practice the filter is only used to image emission nebula, and that obviously needs much longer exposures. With bright sources the filter won't block a lot of the non-Ha light.
  18. Hi It seems to me that it would only make sense to image a Ha source when using the Ha filter and then processing the image taken by a mono sensor in it's full resolution. Similarly with an Oiii source/filter. Louise
  19. There is only a small reduction in white light transmission but there will be an affect on colour balance which is easily corrected in processing. You just have to look at the transmission spectrum of the lp filter you're interested in. Lp filters are useful if, for example, you are badly affected by yellow sodium light which can be filtered. However, they are less useful if your sky is blighted by white/broadband light. In that case there can be an advantage to narrowband imaging though there's no substitute for dark skies! Hth Louise
  20. Hi That's a very old thread! Yes, lp filters enable longer exposures but don't help if the lp is a white/broadband source. Louise
  21. The darkside is a slippery slope! Louise
  22. I tighten thumbscrews with the aid of pliers I've no idea whether compression rings are good or bad - I imagine it depends on the load. Louise
  23. I suppose that's what attracted me to it but I lack proper (mechanical) engineering skills and, living in a 1-bed flat, I'm limited to what I can do anyway, sigh.
  24. It seems to be very handy to have engineering skills and to have the wherewithal to be able to apply them!
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