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Everything posted by geordie85

  1. Thanks. I don't think the qhy183m comes with any adapters though.
  2. Have you set this up yet? I'm curious to know how you've added the 1.25 filter I to your imaging train? I'm planning on getting the qhy183m and 1.25 filters but don't quite have enough for a filter wheen yet.
  3. That's the FOV when using this lens with a full frame camera
  4. A new IDAS D1 LPS that'll hopefully cure the grubby background in my images.
  5. It sounds like it's worth the money and time being without a mount. Would this assumption be correct?
  6. You'll have to let me know how it performs once its settled in. I've been tempted to get this done for a while now.
  7. This was at the very end of my imaging session last night. Made the rookie error of not using dew heaters though so I will have lost a couple hours of data due to a frost lens. Ah well, live and learn. Who needs meridian flips
  8. If you don't try, you'll never know. Good luck
  9. I'll be interested to know how your neq6 performs after as I'm contemplating sending my mount for a spa day too
  10. Would you not need one of these? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo_t2-t2.html
  11. A flat IV thanks to John. Its a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Can't wait for clear skies to test it.
  12. It's a surprise clear night tonight and with an almost full moon so I decided to cobble together a dual rig. Canon 6d on the flt98 and qhy183c on my WO Star71. Everything seems to be working OK for now.
  13. 4 new bearings for my moonlite focuser. Hopefully it'll start running smoothly again. Not that I need it at the moment with this weather
  14. I'm out doing the same at a dark site at the moment, just slightly different. Orion at 50mm with my 600d and taurus at 135mm with my 6d
  15. I use a Samyang 135mm. Used to use it on my 600d, now I use it on my 6d
  16. Hi I'd just like to say a massive thank you to the good folks at FLO and to a gentleman known as Es Reid. I bought a re-collimated WO star 71 from FLO in May 2016 and had a slight problem with star shapes. I assumed it was down to needing to play with the tilt adjuster but never got round to it. Earlier this year, after a change in cameras, I figured I'd try and improve my star shapes and tried to remove the tilt but to no avail. After getting in contact with FLO to see if there was anything that could be done, they asked me to return my scope. After a few emails back and forth, I was told that Mr Reid had taken apart the scope, cleaned it, put it back together and re-collimated it yet again and that it looked good on his bench and would be returned shortly. I've just managed to do a quick star test in between the clouds and my stars are the best they've ever been, even with my Canon 6d. So once again, a huge thank you to everyone at First Light Optics as you have once again proven that you guys are the very best telescope vendor out there and that your after sales customer care is second to none. Also a massive thank you to Mr Es Reid for doing the work and fixing my scope. And last, but definitely not least, thank you to Grant for keeping me updated and responding to my (probably annoying) emails.
  17. My 2 year old son had his first telescopic experience tonight. He was so excited since he's seen me setting up, but never looked through my scope (neither have I though as I only use it for astrophotography). He couldn't see anything but said he could see stars then it got too cold for him. I was over the moon at his excitement though.
  18. Looks like you've got really nice skies to image under. Mine are orange.
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