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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Lunt 80?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jabeoo1


      You will love it whatever you go for. Fancy a joint owned / time share on the new Lunt 230mm with a BF3400?? :) :)

    3. jetstream


      Sure! I wonder about the shipping back and forth though... :) I like the idea of the B1200 DS

    4. Luke


      I wouldn't say seeing by me is very good, which is partly why I don't image planets. Quark and ED100 I don't find to be that demanding for visual, the only reason I use smaller for visual is for portability. For imaging, that's different and a 100mm would sometimes be pushing it at times, but visual in my experience is much more forgiving than a stacking program. Lunt 80 sounds brill too. Good luck deciding what next move to make.

  2. The TV 32mm with the 120ED is hitting a sweet spot for low powe white light. The grans are popped all over the place.

  3. Vg solar observing today, up to about 80x mag

  4. Jupiter time again :)

    1. Pig


      I had a quick look last night Gerry but The conditions were not that great

    2. jetstream


      Hows the new SCT? Conditions here were excellent

  5. 12.5mm Docter UWA shipped , excited to try it...

    1. Pig


      Congrats Gerry :-)

    2. YKSE


      great! looking forward to your first light :-)

  6. I don't understand light

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pig


      I think I read that in "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" so your up there with the big boys

    3. jetstream


      lol! I shouldn't have read the Anthroptic principle- who I might add, (your) Sir Hoyle may have proven....

    4. jetstream


      "so who put them there"...they are there because we are here :)

  7. Finally, I can play with my new toys :) the moon is VG,Jupiter soon.

  8. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      I had second thoughts about that comment :-)

    3. jetstream


      I'm still laughing Shaun, my old proverb has many meanings I guess! :)!!

    4. Pig


      Yes .... I guess it has!!

  9. To Quark or not to Quark....this is the...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jetstream


      :) I might be out of cash now myself.... uh oh!

    3. Pig


      You could always sell the yacht Gerry !!!!

    4. jetstream


      :) lol! all my water and snow toys stay :)

  10. very pleased with the 10BCO & 7mm KK ortho on Jupiter, excellent views

    1. Pig


      Great news Gerry...You have a liking for BCO's

    2. jetstream


      Yes, good orthos must have for me :)

    3. YKSE


      Glad to know they're up to jobs :-)

  11. 32mm TV plossl ordered, one step closer :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jetstream


      I need another EP case, hard to sneak in the house though lol!

    3. Pig


      You could pretend its for a holiday :)

    4. jetstream


      lol! "Hello, I'm home! I just bought some new luggage"! :)

  12. 10mm BCO just picked up, it looks very good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jetstream


      Around 50 deg, not a true ortho in the strictest sense, but it was a design consideration. Others say they work well on DSO- my 18mm does. Faint galaxies will tell the tale I think. I look forward to Jupiter in it too.

    3. Pig


      The 10mm Delos delivered the best views I have seen of Juoiter :-)

    4. jetstream


      I'm comparing this little EP to of my 2 best performers,10E and LZ. My 18BCO barlowed at least equals my 8D on the planets... I like orthos though, some don't :)

  13. Filters and a great T2-M48 adapter arrived, pics soon

    1. Pig


      More shopping !!!! tut tut :-)

    2. jetstream


      Ummmm ya! Anyone want to buy a Delos? The collection will soon be slimmed down lol!

    3. YKSE


      looks like there're toys more fun than EPs:-)

  14. The LZ EOFB disappears when barlowed for some reason. Using the VIP at 1.5x eliminates a lot of it and @ 2x its gone. I notice this phenomena is more visible when I zoom in, to higher mag. The VIP barlow also helps the edge issues of the unbarlowed LZ in a fast scope, nothing noticed @ f7. The benefits of this EP far outweigh any of the mentioned issues IMHO. At 1.5x barlow the LZ is a fine 5.9-12 zoom. Just my 2 cents worth. PS- try it at 17.9mm on M42 under dark skies...
  15. Excellent Jupiter last night, very good seeing.Frac and dob gave fine views.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Qualia


      Great stuff, Gerry. Good luck Shaun. And finger's crossed, Faulksy :-)

    3. Pig


      Quite easy to spot at 20x ... now what to do for the rest of the evening

    4. jetstream


      Awesome Shaun, sounds like time to celebrate....wine anyone?! lol! :)

  16. Uh Oh 10mm BCO on its way

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Very nice, Gerry. One of my most used EPs is the 9mm BGO. Think you're going to like it, just watch out that in that freeze you have, your eyeball doesn't stick to the glass :-)

    3. jetstream


      lol! good one Rob, just like a kid sticking his tongue on a hockey net post at 30 below :)

    4. faulksy


      thats cold gerry, what do use to heat your optics, heated blanket. look forward to your report gerry as usual

  17. excellent Jupiter atm, some ice haze up there helping tame down its brightness, great sight

    1. Pig


      Great news Gerry, still very poor here :-)

  18. 307x on the moon right now,razor like.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YKSE
    3. jetstream


      The sun,the moon..... kind of mixing them up Shaun :) So great to see things again

    4. cotterless45


      Superb, really sharp Moon.

  19. Strange object in the sky ATM, almost star like but bigger, blindingly bright-making my ice melt....need help on this one, any ideas...??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      I think I've got it narrowed down now, I'm thinking its the sun... :) Not sure yet though, havn't seen it for a while

    3. m.tweedy


      are there 3 wise men following it

    4. m.tweedy


      called Jamie Ant and Grant

  20. I do like the fact you can hold them under running water to clean them To me the real advantage the purging offers is a higher resistance to frosting up in the winter. All 3 of my purged eyepieces are more frost resistant, which is nice for me here. Either inert gas works great for purging- and as far as reactive, unpurged atmosphere (oxygen) filled EP's would most likely corrode things first. In reality this isn't an issue either IMHO
  21. Excuse to use cheaper gas and jack up the price...argon is a common inert gas. Not sure if I believe the seals hold better with argon...
  22. fog fog fog.......maybe Tues night clear for a HH try....

    1. Pig


      We had 2 clear nights on the bounce Gerry !!!

    2. YKSE
  23. Seeing great for lunar edge,340x-hope it holds for Jupiter...

  24. Pickering 8/9 = 340x on the moon, what a great night

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pig


      That is a good point. However, I have to set a good example :-)

    3. jetstream


      A boss that actually works and sets a good example? WT F is that?! :) Your employees (and company) are lucky. I hope you gets some good obs in Shaun.

    4. Pig


      LoL are we that rare a species ? The weekend forecast is looking promising here Gerry so fingers crossed.

  25. lol! Snowstorm now

    1. ronin


      Quiet in Ontario at present then. Don't know if it was on your side but there was a program showing how you managed the odd little snow fall over there.

    2. jetstream


      Nice day today, warm and great seeing. Yes the "Ice box of the nation" is right across the crick and we usually manage the snow. Frost last year was over 8' deep, many water lines froze including mine....

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