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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Thanks for posting Michael, fabulous images. I particularly like the Ca-K shots, stunning detail.
  2. Plenty of sunshine today, but plenty of wind which made for poor seeing unfortunately. Still had some lovely views in good moments. Took the single frame and crop below with the Tecnosky 102EF F7 and Olympus E-M5 Mk11 at 9.47am. 1/320 at 200 asa.
  3. A great image Kon, lots of detail.
  4. This image was taken 7 hrs 40 mts after the one in my post earlier. There are some changes in the spots themselves, but there is also more detail as the conditions were better. Another single frame and crop taken with theTecnosky 102ED and Olympus camera.
  5. Thank Pete. I was very lucky to have those early few mts. It's forecast to start clearing here around 5pm, but it may not!
  6. Unexpectedly, and not forecast, I awoke at 6.30 to a cloudless sky. Quickly dressed and set up scope/camera outside to get a view as the sun came up. To catch the early sun I had to set up with where the sun would appear between my neighbours house and elevated garage. In the pic below, the sun was in the gap over the distant trees and underneath the horizontal drainpipe! I took my first pic at 6.53 am and my last at 7.07 am when the forecast cloud engulfed the sun. The single frame and crop below was taken at 7.00 am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/100 sec at 200 asa. Just as the sun was about to disappear into the cloud bank below it. It's forecast to stay cloudy until late afternoon when I'll try to get a better pic. A brief view, but very pleased to catch AR2993/4 et al while they are directly facing earth.
  7. I wouldn't miss Mike at all, I'd be moving in with him 😊
  8. Many thanks. Yes, there's something rather nice observing something which doesn't entail falling about in the dark and getting frozen 😊.
  9. It was a very hazy sky this morning, and still is. If possible I'll try again late afternoon - if the conditions are better. Single frame and crop taken at 9.00 am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E- M5 Mk11, 1/160 at 400 asa.
  10. Wonderful images Charl, they are a joy, thanks for posting 😊.
  11. Observing from 7.20 to 8.10 am. Its good if I can catch the sun earlier at my location - the seeing tends to be best then until late pm. Seeing better than usual, some nice detail in the three largest ARs with noticeable changes from last evening. Also nice faculae associated with AR2995 and AR2996. Single frame and crop below, 8.03 am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E- M5 Mk11, 1/320 at 200 asa.
  12. Single frame taken at 5.57pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus camera.
  13. Thanks Mike, I didn't know you had bought a new camera? 😅
  14. I had to be out early to catch the sun as I had to take my wife to the train station. Alas it wasn't visible yet from where I usually observe the sun from, but I managed to catch it low down between my neighbours house and his garage. The single frame below was taken at 7.31 am with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 and the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/125 sec at 200 asa.
  15. Lovely images charl, thank you for posting.
  16. Beautiful set of images Ibbo, thank you for posting 😊.
  17. Thank you Pete. As it turned out, the seeing when there was a lot of cloud around was better than it was by the time the sky cleared.
  18. Observed from around 9 to 10am this morning. The newly arrived spot has yet to be designated, perhaps AR2995? Cloud interfered first of all, but it did mostly clear away fairly soon. Below are two single frames and crops taken from them. Used the Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus E- M5 MK11.
  19. Observed from around 9 to 10am this morning. The newly arrived spot has yet to be designated, perhaps AR2995? Cloud interfered first of all, but it did mostly clear away fairly soon. Below are two single frames and crops taken from them. Used the Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus E- M5 MK11.
  20. AR2993/94 are showing more detail as they move further into view. The good news is spaceweathwr.com are indicating there may be more active spots following close behind and visible in a day or so. The single frame and crop below was taken at 9.42 am through thin cloud. Tecnosky 1O2ED and Olympus E-M5 Mk11.
  21. I was out from 8 to 9 am to observe the new ARs, which now comprise of three main spots - for the moment anyway. Some faculae and associated small pores also,. The sky was quite hazy with poor seeing so the single frame and crop below only give a hint of how nice it is. Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus camera, taken at 8.39 am.
  22. Nice HA views between clouds, looks good weather tomorrow, so hoping for some good HA and WL views 😊.
  23. See link below. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/393598-april-16th-potentially-large-and-very-active-sunspot-group-just-visible-on-ne-limb/#comment-4234494
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