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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Possibly a breakthrough with the A52s, or at least some degree of optimism. I was fiddling around with this phone, checking permissions etc and to my amazement, both the 'centre camera over mirror' and 'drag the image to the crosshair screen' showed the pic from the phone! I couldn't believe it. Several times over a few minutes they worked as they should. However it then stopped working and they were as my original post - no camera pic. I then tried many times and couldn't get it to work again. I though about it, and remembered when the camera pic doesn't show in the first of these screens, a green light flickers on for about a second. It seemed as if the camera was 'trying' to come on. So with no real expectarions I went to my phone app and switched it on. Back to Starsense and the picture was back on these two screens, along with a steady green light in the top right hand corner! Now this may have been a coincidence, I didn't wait to find out. Went outside and quickly set the dob up, centred the mirror image and aligned the camera pic on the crosshairs to the view through the telescopes. So it's all aligned ready to try on the night sky I won't go near the app gain until its clear - which could be a few days. It would seem strange that actually turning the camera on would make it work. It feels rather like jump starting a car rather than high tech! Hope it's clear soon!
  2. Hi Dave. Many thanks to getting back to me again, it's very kind of you. Thank you for the information on re- installing, that's put my mind at rest. The light levels are fairly good - that is this shouldn't be a problem. If it was, there would be many people having problems. No, I haven't had a look at the phone files. I'll try a d locate them and take a look. Many thanks again for your support Dave. Best regards, Paul
  3. Thanks Dave, I did that for the A52s and it made no difference for that paticular problem. Haven't done it with the A40, I'm a bit concerned that each installtion counts as on of the five installations you are allowed?
  4. Many thanks Mark. I did point it to the zenith and it made no difference. Thanks anyway.
  5. Well, things haven't got any better I'm afraid. The problems with both cameras persist when trying to use the StarSense on the dob. Last night I had some Starlight and tried the A40 again, and it still could not find the telescopes position. I tried many times and there were plenty of stars visible unlike in my first attempt.. It's all very frustrating as it should be so easy. The problem with the A52s also persist, the sane as my first post. I contacted Grant at FLO, and he said it would be better if I contacted Celestron myself as they will probably need to ask me more questions, which is fair enough. I'll be doing this in the next couple of days.
  6. Last evening not long before sunset, the sky outside turned a very orange colour, and spots of rain started pattering on the window. It looked very strange outside so I rushed out. When I got outside, as the rain increased, I saw one of the best rainbows I had ever seen, and the eiree orange sky was truly spectaculer. Luckily I had my phone in my pocket and snapped away as my shirt became soaked. It was worth it.
  7. I'm tempted to go to this, as long as they let me across the Yorkshire/Lancashire boarder 😊. From bits of information already released, it will be an epoch marking event. I think we're going to be seeing some outstanding discoveries as future pics are released.
  8. Many thanks David, I'll look into the camera settings and see if I can jump start it into life !
  9. Hi Andrew. I've not seen mention of the A562B. Perhaps the phone has another name in the USA, as many cameras have? When I entered my code when I installed it, it indicated the camera was supported. I'll see if anyone else comes up with any ideas, and I've just sent a message to FLO for advice. At least it's looking as if it's all set up on the A40 ok, - just waiting for a clear night to see if it works in practice. I would like the newer phone to work though, it's a zillion times quicker and the screen is much clearer. Thanks again Andrew.
  10. Many thanks for getting back to me so quickly Dave, I'll do as you suggest. Thanks again.
  11. Many thanks Dave. I knew it wasn't on the list, but I thought any recent phones were supposed to work. I'm afraid I've no idea about releases including Sammy OS can I check? From what you've said, is there a possible solution, or does it mean the A 52s probably won't work with Starsense? I actually did manage to remove the cradle cover 😊. Many thanks.
  12. I have a problem using my Galaxy A52s 5G that prevents me setting up the app. When I get to the two stages on the screens below, as you can see, they remain blank screens. Of course this means it can't be set up. I've uninstalled and re-installed the app, but this made no difference. The only thing I can think of is that there is some setting on the phone, or the app responsible, but I've not found anything. I should also say that in desparation I loaded the app onto my older Galaxy A40, and it seems to work fine! It failed to find it's position on the one night I tried it out, but it was rather cloudy and murky, which was probably me being over optimistic. Anyone any ideas?
  13. Thanks Andrew. My 8 is being delivered this afternoon. Can you tell me if it comes in one or two boxes? I would think two - but I don't want to give the delivery driver any unnecessary grief if he only has one parcel for me πŸ˜„.
  14. I found a link for the Celestron Starsense Explorer Instruction Manual. Apologies if it's been posted before on this thread https://manuals.plus/celestron/22470-starsense-explorer-8-inch-dobsonian-telescope-manual#axzz7XMLbjoH8
  15. Thanks Chros. I hope the 'beast' is being put to good use 😊.
  16. I only managed a brief session early on. Single frame taken at 8.31am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, and Olympus camera.
  17. Can someone tell me if the finder foot for the RDF is a standard SW fitting finder foot please? Heaven forbid I should want to buy one of these scopes, but if I did, I'd want to use an optical finder if I wasn't using the StarSense 😊. Many thanks.
  18. Brilliant Nigella. If only it went across as fast as it does in the video, I might try to get a snap of it πŸ˜….
  19. Yes Stu, if you break it you've bought it πŸ™‚.
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