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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Had to go out this morning so another early morning session, 6.10 - 7.15 am. Reasonably seeing before the cloud came in. AR3014 is soon to depart, while according to spaceweather, AR3017 is now likely to pose the greater risk for solar storms. Single frame and crops using Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympue E - M5 Mk11, taken at 6.50 am, 1/250a at 200 asa.
  2. Very poor conditions both days, 22nd pic taken through thin layer of milky cloud, today not much better. Only bothered for completeness in keeping up the sequence of AR3014 pics. Better visually, but not by much. Both days pics are single frames and crops with Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus E-M5 Mk11.
  3. A cloudy morning, but it started to brighten by about 1.30pm. There was always some degree of cloud but still pleased to catch up with AR3014. The changes were more subtle from yesterday than the changes over the previous 24 hours. The single frame and crop were taken at 2.14pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympue E-M5 Mk11, 1/80 at 200 asa.
  4. This is on spaceweather.com. Also put on a single frame and crop taken with my Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus camera.
  5. According to spaceweather.com AR3014 is visible with the naked eye, with the correct protection of course.
  6. Thanks Chris, I'll try, weather permiting.
  7. Thank you Peter, I thought AR3007 looked rather like a Dalmation playing with its ball 😊.
  8. Thank you Peter. It was a short but very sweet session!
  9. I'm pleased you had the same period of good seeing Peter. It was good wasn't it. I also keep an eye on HA with my loaned PST.
  10. Thanks Mike, it could have been one of those too 😅. Let's hope not! 😱
  11. Cloud up to 2.45pm, heavy rain with possible thunderstorms forecast. At this time a blue patch on the horizon appeared. Hurriedly set up, still raining so put a hood over the scope and camera. As the blue patch arrived at the Sun, uncovered the scope and the rain stopped. I'm glad it did, for the twelve minutes I had, starting at 3.13pm, I had moments of the best seeing I have had for at least three weeks. Then the cloud engulfed the sun once more. AR3014 had changed considerably since the 26 hours since I had last observed it. The two separated ares from yesterday were now one large area. There were clearly many more small spots within the penumbral region, indicative of the great activity with multiple flares in the last 24 hours. The detail visually was fabulous, wit the overall shape of a large footprint - to me at least! The single frame and crop below hardly do it justice. Taken at 3.21pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 MK11, 1/400 at 200asa. Other info from spaceweather.
  12. AR3014 is impressive as it faces earth, and its the last day AR3007 is visible, on the W limb. Not so impressive now, but it gave us a fine show. Single frame and two crops taken at 1.29pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/500 at 200 asa.
  13. It's a shame you can't try a 75 out and see if it suits. I don't want to re-ignite the slow-motion/ non slow-motion discussions. Some people prefer them and some don't, that's all there is to it - at least for experienced observers who have experiences of both types. You're right in hesitating if you're in this group in my view.
  14. I was out early from 6.30 to 8.00am. AR3014 has grown quickly since yesterday. It's also active in HA of course, and this showed up well in the PST. AR3007 has diminished greatly compared to what it was like at its peak activity. Single frame and crops taken with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus E-M5 Mk11. ALso added a GONG image for an HA comparison. Much of the detail shown was visible to some degree using the PST.
  15. Single frame below and two crops taken at 7.23am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11. AR3014 growing rapidly while AR3007 heads for its exit at the W limb. Eight sunspot groups for the first time for years and two active sunspots expected this week round the E limb according to spaceweather .com
  16. I was lucky to have some sunshine after rain and mist this morning. The SN today is 129, which I think may be the highest since the start of the current solar cycle. Not surprising with eight ARs with sunspots at present. Single frame taken at 3.48pm, Tecnosky 102ED and Olympus camera.
  17. Out observing from around 12.30 to 1.10pm. Poor seeing for several days now.. Single frame and crop taken at 12.39pm, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, Tecnosky 102ED F7, 1/20 at 200as. From spaceweather.com
  18. Thanks Steve. I'd noticed earlier from your post that you had similiar conditions. At least we both have the compensation that we weren't the only person with such awful conditions 😊.
  19. Quite a sunny day, but seeing unusually poor all day. Not helped by strong winds and a very milky sky. Still, pleased I managed to get anything. As I hoped, AR 3007 had expanded significantly since yesterday. The SN had risen from 84 up to 112. Single frame and crop below taken at 4.07pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/400 at 200asa. The second crop is from a frame taken nearly exactly 24 hours ago. Hopefully AR 3007 still has more to give.
  20. AR3007 had changed considerably since my obsevation yesterday. After my morning session had another go later to see what the changes were like over just six hours. Alas the latter session was badly affected by cloud. First single frame and crop taken at 10.39, the second at 4.39. Both taken with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus E- M5 Mk11.
  21. Many thanks Stu, that's very helpful, thank you.
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