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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Well, I'm glad someone saw it, cloudy for me, onwards and upwards 😊.
  2. AR2978/81 still has a beta-gamma magnetic field so still offers plenty to HA ans WL observers. AR2975/76 finally exiting on the W limb. Single frame, and crops, below taken with the Tecnosky 102ED and Olympuus E-M5 Mk11, 9.57 am. Some cloud interfering unfortunately.
  3. As AR2975/76 approach the W limb, AR2978/81 take centre stage - with potential to still surprise us. Single frame below, and crops, taken at 9.29 am, Tecnosky 102ED and Olympus E-M5 Mk11.
  4. And that's a 'small' eyepiece case!? My three eyepieces and two barlows would get lost in it 😅.
  5. In West Yorkshire, at 9.19pm, the Moon will be 10 degrees altitude with m5.9 Uranus being 1.5 degrees to the right of it. Bear in mind, it will be higher in the sky the further south you are. To see both together you need it dark enough to pick up Uranus. Binoculars or a small telescope will give the best view.
  6. Out early again, frozen snow and very cold. Six ARs including newly numbered AR2981, 82 and 83. Observed with Tecnosky 102ED F7 7.10 am - 8.40 am. Single frame below taken at 8.32, Olympus E'-M5 Mk11, 1/200 at 200 asa. Two crops taken from it, the first showing 2975 and 2975, and the second 2978 and 2981.
  7. Thank Stu. As you say, it's been a really good period of activity, and with luck this is only the start of it.
  8. 👍😊 Many thanks Mark that was a great heads up for me, had a brilliant view in the PST, the seeing was fabulous. Very unusually for me, I hadn't checked GONG today - too busy with WL between heavy snow showers, put post on solar imaging. The prom is really active isn't it, easy to observe the changes, I was out from 5.25 to 5.55. It wasn't just the prom though, there were several fine filaments plus smaller ones and lots of activity around the main ARs. Beautiful texture to the whole disc and good fine details - plus other proms. I wonder if that line of proms means we have some more goodies about to cone round the limb!? It started snowing yet again just after I got in and still is, snow flakes as big as saucers 😅. Thanks again Mark.
  9. After wall to wall cloud for two days, the forecast was sunshine for this morning. The reality at 7am was thick cloud, mist and heavy snow. Luckily there have been some sunny periods since. It was nice to see the changes in AR2975 and AR2978 particularly. I thought the near circle of numerous umbral spots that AR2975 had become by 28th (following the 'genesis of activity' in the preceeding 12 hours) was fairly unusual. But much to my surprise, this morning, AR2978 was doing its best to imitate it, all be it not as spectacularly. Observed with the Tecnosky 102 ED F7. The single frame below (and two crops from it) taken with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11 at 11.24 am, 1/320 at 200 asa.
  10. I thought the same thing Pete, particularly that they formed into a nearly circular feature.
  11. This new spot that was against the E limb on 27th has moved further onto disk and looks promising. Crop from single frame posted earlier today, taken 11.32 am.
  12. Yes Stu, to think that all those small umbral regions forming the ' C ' shape appeared in 12 hours shows just how dynamic the sun is. I also looked in HA and this area was just sizzling with activity, fabulous.
  13. Hi bish. If you use a binoviewer it really helps to aleviate the floater problem, as well as giving you a much better view than with a single eyepiece. Re the dust specs and hairs. After every session I use a large rubber blower bulb to blow any debris from either end of the eyepiece and put both caps on before putting them away - day and night. I don't look for any debris, I always do this without even looking . It also blows off pollen which is very difficult to see. Do this, and you will have much less problems with dust.
  14. Not my words, but taken from spaceweather.com The increase in activity since yesterday in AR2975 and AR2976 is quite amazing. The single frame and crop below was taken at 11.32 am, Tecnosky 102ED, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/250 at 200 asa I've also added a crop taken yesterday for comparison. Great activity in HA too.
  15. Thanks Stu nearly missed your post as I don't tend to look ar Stargazers lounge. I took a snap of the new spot at 7.21am. It looks promising, the weather doesn't after today,but fingers crossed.
  16. Some nice views between cloud early on, lovely visual detail in AR2976 particularly. Also I spotted what looks like a new big spot just on the SE limb. Then saw a heads up of it on spaceweather.com Took the single frame below (and crops) at 7.21 am, Tecnosky 102ED, Oympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/60 at 200 asa prife focus.
  17. Neil, now that is so good it's just showing off 😊. Fantastic, thanks for posting.
  18. Observed this morning with the Tecnosky 102 ED F7. AR2975 still showing lots of detail. NW of the spot on the W edge of AR2975 is an, as yet undesignated, AR consisting of two very small spots. It can be seen in the crop of the single frame below. Taken at 7.56 am, 102ED, Olympus E - M5 Mk11, 1/160 at 200 asa.
  19. Out at 7.20 am, observed with Tecnosky 102ED until about 8.15 when I had to go out. What I thought was the E spot of AR2975 has now been designated as AR2976 on spaceweather.com Some nice detail and again plenty of faculae weaving around d the AR. Single frame and crop below taken at 7.59 am using the Olympue E - M5 Mk11, 1/160 at 200 asa. Spaceweather.com image added at bottom.
  20. Three beautiful looking scopes there Dave. I have fond memories of using Mike's FS128 when he owned it. From a selfish point of view, I wish he had kept it. Ah well. I just love your garden, the scopes are lucky to have such a nice place to be set up in 😃.
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