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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. A nice morning with good seeing at times. Nice to see AR3038 has developed nicely since yesterday. Also new spot, AR3040, coming round the E limb. Single frame and crop taken at 10.05am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/500 at 200asa.
  2. I had been observing with the 10 inch SW from about midnight to 1.40, and by 2.30 was about to get into bed. I looked through the window to see a display of noctolucent clouds! I watched it until about 2.50 by which time it was less intense. A nice end to a good observing session. The snaps below were hastily taken on my mobile.
  3. Well, it would be rude not join in. AR3038 has certainly drawn a crowd 😄. Single frame and crop taken at 10.15am, Tecnosky 102ED and Olympus E'M5 Mk11.
  4. Thanks Alan. I'll look forward to seeing your imagers when the roof is finished. We've just had the house pebble-dashed, so I understand your dust problem, the scaffolding only came down yesterday. I'm just relieved it's finished.
  5. I wasn't observing in HA only WL, so sorry, can't help.
  6. Well, if you haven't already, you're too late, AR3036 has now rotated out of view 😁. According to spaceweather.com, "its the first time for years" there have been nine ARs visible at the same time. (they didn't say how many years, does anyone know?) I was observing from 9.59 to 10.49am and AR3036 was still visible at that time - all be it a difficult spot in the 102ED with turbulence on the W limb. The single frame below shows all nine and on the second crop AR3036 is just visible as a small 'sliver' - not far from the top of the limb. Frame taken at 10.29am, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/320 at 200asa.
  7. I wouldn't call it an upgrade. White Light viewing and HA are just different, they both have lots to offer, and many solar enthusiasts use both. Sorry, back on topic, I've not used a Solar Scout 😊.
  8. Eight ARs today, taking the SN to 149. I had to be out and about today, so took a single frame at 6.22am. Rather hazy, but it it's been like it most of the day. Single frame and crop with the Tecnosky and Olympus. The crop includes seven of the eight ARs. The other one is close to the SW limb.
  9. Well, its good to have all bases covered 😊.
  10. Single frame plus two crops from it taken at 9.23 am. Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E- M5 Mk11, 1/250 at 200 asa. Sky very turbulent with cloud drifting by most of the time. AR3031 still developing, and SN up from 96 yesterday to 121.
  11. It's nice to see the sun picking up again, after the shock of a day with no sunspots recently. One of the seven ARs, in the SW quadrant, hadn't been designated a number when I was observing from 3.45pm to 4.30pm. It's nice to see sunspots across the disc, a good sign of an active sun. The seeing was rather poor but managed a few images. The single frame, and crops, was taken at 4.18pm, Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11.
  12. You did well to have some clear sky Andrew.
  13. Not sure if this is a good price, so I'm posting it anyway.
  14. I don't know if this is a good price or not, but thought I'd post it here in case it is 🙂.
  15. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/395680-great-news-re-solar-cycle-25-🙂/#comment-4251163
  16. The latest from spacewearher.com
  17. Andrew, I just found your post. Just a couple of minutes ago I pm'd you, also mentioning M13 in the SW. As you say, M13 is stunning in a ten inch scope, I didn't know you hadn't seen it in a 10 inch when I messaged you. It's one of those landmarks you will never forget.
  18. A good write up Andrew, I'll look forward to reading your assessment when you havemanaged to have first light.
  19. It was a great pleasure to meet you Andrew I enjoyed our chat very much. It was a first for me. The first time I've spoken to an SGL member in person before 'meeting' them online 🙂. In actual fact, I've met very few SGL members in person. Your new scope looks great, I'll look forward to hearing how you get on with it. I'm going out soon to have first light with my own 'new' scope 😊.
  20. I had a session between clouds, 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Single frame and crop taken at 4.54 pm, Tecnosky 1O2ED F7 Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/200 at 200 asa. Thanks for a great show!
  21. Thank you Peter. Yes, I think you are right. In fact to be honest, I'll be glad of the rest a long as its not for too long. I've managed a pic on the last 12 or 13 days and I'm hoping for a final opportunity today, though there's not any gaps in the cloud forecast until late afternoon or evening. I have a hospital appointment this afternoon, but may catch a break when I get back.
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