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Everything posted by PhotoGav

  1. At last, a dark and clear night!

  2. Can anyone tell me when there is even the slightest chance of a clear night all night in southern England? Really losing the will with all this darn cloud. Where in the world should I choose to move to for clear skies?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PhotoGav


      Above the clouds - perfect! I keep on consoling myself with the idea that surely it will clear up soon and we will have so many clear nights that I can't cope with the lack of sleep. Even solar is a big ask and how can I possibly just give in to the Moon, my nemesis in all this... Yes, a desert far far away is very appealing. I dream of bunging all the kit in the camper van and setting off for southern Morocco.

    3. ronin


      Supposed to have had 3 cloudy nights, just been outside and it is clear for the 3rd night. Flaming cold however but clear. I know weather is "chaotic" but this is plain inept.

    4. AstroAndy


      Ha! I finally know what binning subs in the UK means. They go straight to the bin! 3 times I set up lately, things worked nice, clouds came in. And fog. So thick I could see it floating past my eyes. Three or more weather charts do I consult. The few times I went to my dark sites, guiding didn't work, and my cam to PC connection broke. In my 5 years in the UK, I have never gotten used to the weather patterns here, nor do I wish to. After my 6th year, I must seriously consider movi...

  3. I love those nights straight after a full moon when you can grab a few cheeky hours before being blasted by moon light!

  4. Struggling to capture the final sub for my current project - would love to have loads more data, but this weather........

  5. Could the forecast be true? If so an all-nighter looks possible tonight. Please Cloud Gods, be kind...!

    1. James


      Hope its panned out right for you - crystal clear her near Exeter :)

    2. PhotoGav


      Thank you Cloud Gods! Nothing like an all-nighter... Shame I've got work in a few hours time.... :-) Good to hear it was clear down your way too James.

  6. Well, clear forecast + gusty winds + no moon = got to give it a go!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Phillyo


      The sky was incredible last night! Shame about the wind.

    3. Christopher Davenport

      Christopher Davenport

      I am so bummed out, last night was excellent, I setup for 5 hours of data capture and went to sleep after 25min of subs where in. Woke up this morning to find that PHD had crashed and ruined all my subs aarrrrgggggggg

      Well at least I got 5 good uns :(

    4. PhotoGav


      Aargh, that is a proper bummer. I end up snoozing on the sofa and just checking things every now and again through teamviewer on the iPad. Last night turned out good for me - OIII & SII subs for my Heart mosaic. Haven't managed to find the strength to process it yet though - last night was a late (early am) one! Just back to the PHD crash - that kept happening to me because I wasn't using a powered USB hub. Have one now and it's sweet...

  7. Cheeky hour or two gathering OIII subs - hope those pesky clouds and blobby moon give me time...!

  8. Feeling very geeky - managed to solder a cable together for the mount and a bench power supply. Never soldered before, so feeling rather chuffed... It works too!

    1. Mukv


      it's always a buzz doing something new for the first time, one small step and all that well done!

  9. Loving a clear night. Busy gathering Heart Ha photons...

    1. PhotoGav


      Oh well... Low foggy cloud stops play at approx 1am... Good to get something though!

  10. But it's not meant to be cloudy....... :-( what's more I've suffered massive gremlins in the system so far this evening... Why is this such a testing pastime?!

    1. PhotoGav


      Perfect clear sky, perfectly dark, finally gathering subs, sat back in the deck chair scanning the sky, iridium flares, satellites, shooting stars, the Milky Way, even M31 is a faint smudge with the naked eye. I now remember why I love this pastime!!!

    2. Uranium235


      Yep, last night was a good un! Shame it was a week night, but Fri looks like more of the same.

    3. PhotoGav


      A corker... Finally brought the camera back in at 5:30! As for the forecast - lucky you! It's dodgy here for the foreseeable now :-(

  11. OMG - New Moon & Clear Forecast Tonight... Bring it on!

  12. Come on Cloud Gods, please be kind to all us humble SGLers!

  13. Clear out, gathering photons, but transparency is soupy at best... Boo hoo :-(

  14. Aaa argh, milky hazy cloud stops my fun, yet again... Boo hoo.

  15. Excellent - they used my pic of M31 on S@N, I blinked and I still didn't miss it!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Knight of Clear Skies
    3. tingting44


      amazing and well done guys!

    4. Christopher Davenport

      Christopher Davenport

      +1 well deserved, keep up the good work onward and upward

  16. Where have the clear nights gone? :-(

  17. Oh look, perfectly clear skies forecast - must be a full moon..... :-(

    1. hobsey


      Typical, isn't it? I noticed that last night.

    2. tingting44
  18. 1800s Subs are lovely, but the 49 darks are taking forever!!

    1. tingting44


      you must have some dark skies for 20min subs :D

    2. PhotoGav


      I'm lucky to have pretty dark skies, though an Ha filter and a faint object help to need 30 min subs!

  19. I've just joined the 1800 club... First 30 min sub successfully gathered at 1422mm - Yeeeehaaaar!

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      I'm happy when I get 2 minutes at 135mm. ;)

  20. Upping the Ante tonight - First shot at 1800s Subs!

  21. Clear sky, but I've got bad wind...

    1. Uranium235


      Eat less sprouts then! :D

    2. Earl
  22. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh. Clouds....

  23. Finally capturing some data.

    1. PhotoGav


      Oh no, clouds have spoiled the party...!

    2. Earl
  24. Why oh why is this country so cloudy....?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Imagine the very long summer days without some cloud cover! The sun will turn vicious and plants will suffer..to put it in a non-scientific language.

    3. PhotoGav


      I don't mind cloud during the day...!

    4. emadmoussa


      Me neither...not fan of sunny weather myself :)

  25. No clouds, hurray... Moon, boo...

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