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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks. I have just bought a 20A MCB for my CU, and there is already an RCD on the main switch. I was considering an RCD at the obs end too, but I dont think thats now necessary.
  2. Thanks also Steve, our own astro club meetings have been cancelled so was great to hear another talk. The Q&A was helpful too.
  3. Here is a shot from this morning. 25 frames out of 250 stacked. I had planned to do a timelapse on this region, but it didnt work out, so I processed the best frame out of 70 and have presented it here. I shot at 1000x1000 due to hardware constaints - my PC wont run at full resolution at all. Resized to 50% below to hide the noise. Hardly worth posting to be honest. All the best Adam.
  4. Thanks for taking time to share your installation. Looks very comprehensive. The raised floor is a nice idea, as is building the desk around the joints. I hadnt thought of doing it that way, but that is actually the strongest point.
  5. What Pete means is that during the capture, the exposure wasnt long enough to record the faint signal from the proms. Stacking more data now wont help that, and perhaps would even be detrimental. Stacking 10-15% seems to be reasonable, and I would typically try 5, 10 and 20% to see how it looks in the stacks.
  6. Excellent! You should change the title of the thread now to TIME LAPSE SUCCESS!!
  7. Hi Sean I have PIPP but hvent really used it much. How does it work in that respect? I think it might be useful to me if that was thing it could do.
  8. I recently bought a tilt adapter that successfully remove the rings. I didnt find flats worked for me, but YMMV. Good luck with mosaics, not that easy, but then there would be no fun if it was simple.
  9. Wow that is incredibly detailed. I have a couple of suggestions. 1) Download ImPPG http://greatattractor.github.io/imppg/ Once downloaded, open the program, got to TOOLS and then ALIGN IMAGE SEQUENCE. That will bring up the following dialogue box. Load the files, specify an output folder and that should automatically align them. 2) Alternatively open all 29 jpegs in PS and go to file scripts and load files into stack. It's only a matter of nudging each layer in turn into alignment. I did this with over 200 frames, so 29 should be handy enough. I find that after using ImPPG I still need to align the frames a little bit.
  10. I did consider that buts it’s been a few sessions now. Could be the new camera, 290MM, I changed from a 120MM. Should have tried the other camera
  11. That will be the same one. I read a report of it breaking up and spreading out. Cool!
  12. Thanks! I'll try some grease on it today, and wait for the next sunny spell.
  13. Thats a nice capture. I really like having my ASC, but I dont check it as often as I should. I have a lot of data saved. I record and store all the images as I am collecting data on behalf of a local accredited dark site.
  14. Probably light from the sun is reflecting off it, given the time of the morning. Would have been a nice one though.
  15. Hi Peter I was looking at this again, and would be fairly sure it's a plane and the contrails. I shared it on the meteor network along with my views, and the consensus is that - it's a plane - sadly not a superb fireball. Incidentally there was a fireball spotted last night, but it was at 22:18. Best wishes Adam.
  16. Yeah, I fitted new glass in April, the previous one was cloudy. Do the O-rings go off quickly? The scope was bought new in 2017, been stored indoors. I've had to rack the gamma up to 100 to try to get any difference between the shades, and even this isnt working, and have adjusted the pressure tuner in and out. I know have the black tuner off, removed the O-rings, cleaned all the will regrease and refit. The O rings 'look' ok.
  17. I saw this earlier on, there were some nice clear patches, but I'm convinced my Lunt isnt performing properly at all. It was very faint and barely visible on camera, and surface detail is a series of grey shades. Time to look at the Orings I guess.
  18. @peter shah Peter I shared your post here too. I was trying create a thread for all these captures.
  19. Thanks @steppenwolf and @Laurin Dave That was my plan, to use a wooden board and mount it to the dome via spacers glued to the dome. Good idea with the lights on the panel too, hadn't thought of that. Was considering those LED strips around the circumference of the dome under the lip of the wall. Dave is that a candle in the middle of your lights? I like the wall mounted 12v power supply, that is a good use of space. I currently use 14 sockets in my observatory, as I run extra meteor detecting PCs and monitors. These will stay where they are, so I should be ok with 10 sockets, I'll put in 12 to have spares. @Stuart1971 thanks Stuart. I had considered that, but wasn't sure if it made any difference.
  20. I’m getting my electrical stuff bought today so looking for some ideas on how everyone has setup their sockets etc. In a row or column? I reckon 6 doubles will cover it. I plan to run directly into the consumer unit via MCBs. I have two cables pulled into dome to split the load. Is dew an issue in the dome? In my ROR obsy all my sockets are in the warm room with cables fed through the wall. Ive seen some nice photos on here, but haven’t been able to locate them. Would you mind posting photos of your dome set up please? Thanks Adam.
  21. If you think about what the h-alpha scope is already filtering, the scope is already filtering down to a single wavelength 656nm. Additional IR blocking filters will have nothing to block, as there won’t be any IR passing through. I personally haven’t had much luck with a colour camera and stuck with mono (even that’s tricky). Thin haze could affect it as could focus, or even stacking too large a % of frames where you end up including blurred ones. The resolution with a colour camera will be 1/4 of what a mono camera will achieve too.
  22. Thanks for this, great image and nice video. I was considering an Sii session later, but wasnt sure how useful. This has made my mind up that it will be beneficial
  23. I don’t know whether the h alpha made much difference?
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