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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. The worlds smallest pier base 😂 cast in a Tupperware box?
  2. I don’t mind stars, so for me it’s probably the one of the left. But I’m viewing on my phone so that viewpoint might change when I’m on my pc later.
  3. Feels like you are just a few km off the surface, brilliant.
  4. I have switched to a 290MM, and whilst it fits over half the disc in the fov, I’m out of luck when out comes to going mosaics. Takes a fairly decent pc to run the 6MP at full pelt I think?
  5. That is really good, like that a lot.
  6. I kinda regret selling my 178 now. These are superb images.
  7. Good man! I can feel your pain today with the kids 🤣
  8. @Xiga thanks for the tips. I ran through the processes as you described (loosely!) and have an improved V2 version. I dialled back a little on the contrast, just personal preference.
  9. There needs to be a slider in PS, the 'COD' slider that does this to an image when it's 99% finished. I always feel my 'finished' images need that little contrast boost, and that looks the ticket, and you have suppressed the noise too.
  10. Hi Stuart. I ran the Ha data through APP again, this time I chose the right settings. I am combining data from two sources, both fairly different focal lengths, and without choosing dynamic distortion correction in APP, the stars dont get properly aligned. I have try to demonstrate that below. There may well be some tilt on my scopes (if you see what's hanging off my stock SW focusers!) but here it the stacking to blame.
  11. Thanks Brendan. I left in 50% of the green after a run with HLVG, as I prefer a little bit of it too.
  12. Thanks Brendan. Maybe too soft is it? I find it a fine balance between going to the right place and going too far. It's too easy to get carried away.
  13. Lol, cheers Paul. There stars are a stacking defect, easily remedied if I have clicked the right box.
  14. I really like the background, and I had hesitated several times in posting a reply, but I'm not sure about the crescent itself. The fine filamentary structure seems lost, it looks a bit hard and contrasty. I tend to leave my images less sharpened, so I appreciate this is personal thing.
  15. I gathered all the data for this image on the evenings of the 5th, 11th, 13th and 25th May. Ha - 10 hours with 250px and 5.5 hours with ED80 Oiii - 5 hours with ED80 Sii - 3.5 hours with 250px and 3.5 hours with ED80 I will try a version with the stars removed prior to processing, so this is a WIP, and to see how the data looks. The stars are a little misaligned at the corners. I realise now that I had ticked same camera and optics, so it didnt stack it in an ideal manner. I had closed APP before I noticed this, so I will reload all the data again tomorrow and restack it. Thanks Adam. V1 V2 added:
  16. This was my first imaging rig. Bought out of Lidl for £399! I found it was satisfactory and before spending any money I’d personally give it a few months using it before buying anything else. You will need to buy an attachment to directly attach your DSLR to get focus. Someone on here recently posted about it.
  17. Yeah the dome drive here runs off the mains separately. What does your mains charger look like?
  18. Just as an update for completeness. Despite the heavy rain and strong wind last night the dome is dry. I then found the rubber strip in the garage and it looks like it was never fitted. I had to modify it to allow it to fit, but I think it will help.
  19. I always want to image the moon when I see results like this. Look forward to your next two images
  20. Hi Ciarán. How are you mounting the filters now then? The Sii has added a depth to the image that was lacking in the bi colour version 👍🏼
  21. Wow Alan. That’s pretty awesome. Processing looks on point 👍🏼
  22. I think it’s still decent. Good detail in the galaxy.
  23. I was planning on parking it facing south to maximise the solar panel recharging of the shutter battery.
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