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Everything posted by DirkSteele

  1. Thanks! Did not know it was going to be on the cover so was quite a surprise when it arrived on my doormat.
  2. It is a great scope. Mine has traveled south of equator and provided some memorable DSO views under dark skies. And so easy to transport as well.
  3. A stunning array of Takahashi scopes on display in showrooms. But I wonder, have any of them seen starlight? No Tak should be denied what is was designed to do.., Just like this one.
  4. My next equipment review for Astronomy Now is in the June issue which I believe hits newsstands at the end of the week. Means my mother will be buying another issue! :icon_biggrin:...And I am not joking. She will buy it. 

    1. jabeoo1


      Well done again !

    2. DirkSteele


      My review actually made the cover. Certainly a nice surprise.

  5. That is a beautiful scope. I always enjoyed looking at Richard's creations at Astrofest. Shame he has not attended the last couple.
  6. Here you go: http://alpha-lyrae.co.uk/2014/10/25/vixen-sg-2-1x42-binoculars-review/ I love them.
  7. @FLO, any thoughts how one might either mount this on a small dovetail for use on a small telescope mount or directly on to a photo-tripod thread?
  8. I might treat myself to this as a tiny travel scope when even the Tak FS-60 is too much...And there was me thinking I was done purchasing equipment
  9. There is one on display on the Skywatcher stand at Astrofest. Had a quick look and seemed to have a very solid build quality.
  10. That looks fun! I like small scopes (guess it is the traveler in me that appreciates being able to take them to dark places). Will it come to focus with a diagonal in place or is is straight through only?
  11. I love that photo of the EM-3500 mount with the person next to it. It provides context to how large that mount is which suddenly gives insight into how large some of those scopes are! Especially the FCT200 and 250.
  12. So much eye candy! And a great historical record of the development of Takahashi scopes. I really want the FC-50! And one of its far larger brothers....
  13. Amazing! I have a feathertouch on my C11 (it is great) and that looks just like it.
  14. I took my Takahashi FC-76DCU (the split tube version) on Honeymoon with me to Vamizi Island (off the coast of Mozambique) in May. This was captured in the courtyard of our villa.
  15. Your interested public demands photos! Very interesting first report. Look forward to reading more about your experiences with it. As you say the weight is a bit much for airline cabin transport, but the idea of a 12" scope that could go to a dark site is a very intriguing one...
  16. For years, my girlfriend now wife has actually used the lure of astronomy to get me to go to some interesting places that I might otherwise have had some trepidation about. Very smart on her part! She even checks when new moon is so it sits in the middle of a two week vacation to maximise darkness. I am lucky! The most extreme example is our recent wedding and honeymoon. We worked backwards from a new moon to determine honeymoon departure (6 days after the wedding) and the actual wedding day which fell around full moon. However, unless it a specifically Astro focused holiday as some of the trips to Namibia have been, I try to keep it to just three sessions during the holiday, early evening, around midnight and early morning, so I get a shot at all the interesting DSOs.
  17. They really are good fun to use and your experience mirrors my own with the 12" LX200 I have used extensively in Namibia. The Meade electric focuser had issues on that one as well and was replaced with a third party crayford to avoid having to deal with mirror flop, backlash etc. I know what you mean about the noise though! Glad I am in the middle of the desert when I use it. I used a 10" LX200 for my astrophysics masters project and the noise meant I went with the Celestron Nexstar 11 for my own scope after graduating as it was a lot quieter when slewing and I did not want to upset my neighbours.
  18. I have a variety of travel kits, which really depend the on the journey to be taken. A single flight with a major carrier probably sees the APM LZOS 105. The big consideration is the mounting solution needs to be more robust and that takes up more of the checked baggage allowance, Just before sunrise in the desert in Oman. If I have smaller connecting flights then the Tak FC-76 DCU (split tube) can come, as it did on my honeymoon last month. If the connecting flight is really limited, as it was in 2015 which involved a helicopter, the the Tak FS-60 comes. Or the FS-60Q in Namibia in 2016
  19. I am getting married in a few hours. Just got to see the wedding cake. Some of you may have seen a couple of posts from over the last year about the proposal (under the stars in Namibia with a scope pointed at Saturn), the engagement ring (with star motifs and pieces of meteorite) and my cufflinks which are the same. We have kept the theme going with the wedding cake, choosing several of our favourite constellations showing both Classical Greek representations and actual star positions. The cake topper is Lyra (my favourite). The colour has been airbrushed on so not to affect the flavour profile of the cake.
  20. I suppose one's eyes could be considered an equipment set up as well? After everyone else at the lodge in Namibia went to sleep I just sat on a sun lounger by the plunge pool and just took in the view. Had my camera with me and took a few shots.
  21. This is the 12" LX200 I have used a lot in Namibia. A sort of Astro-selfie using the Vixen SG 2.1x42 Bins. My APM LZOS 105 in the desert in Oman just before dawn after an incredible night of stargazing. My Takahashi FS-60 just before sunset on a beach on Benguerra island off the coast of Mozambique. My Takahashi FS-60Q set up ready for s night of stargazing in Sossusvlei in Namibia.
  22. Nice review. Have not come across this piece of equipment before.
  23. My Takahashi FC-76 and Baader Herschel Wedge. Great combination.
  24. On the morning of 22nd Feb I ordered a Baader 2" ClickLock Adapter for 3.25" SCT. I received an email shortly after confirming receipt of my order. On the morning of the 23rd, I received an email confirming the order had been completed and dispatched. It arrived the following day. Nice and easy as it should be.
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