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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Had this on a few images last night and the night before, does anyone know why it happens from time to time. looks like light from somewhere, also had it on 2 images from NGC 7000 which I was just looking at to see how doable it was. No bright stars that near and no lights, focus could be better but I don't feel that is issue though guiding was very up and down from time to time. This is a 4 minute sub at 800iso Alan
  2. Lovely wide image, though I personally feel it would be better without the spikes. Alan
  3. For starting out I would have personally picked a star cluster or a globular cluster. M13 is a nice large one where you can see plenty even with limited data, don't try an be as good as some of the people on here straight away, what they do is superb but very difficult to get to the standard they are at and takes time, step by step. I tell you I not great but I have fallen from a few steps, all of this AP can cause even the best imagers problems, don't forget conditions are changing all the time which will not help.
  4. Yes nice first image, I think I may have picked something easier though, never easy any galaxy. As James said try a bit longer exposures. Alan
  5. Very nice image there, I hope to be having a go at this soon, I have imaged it before but not guided, who know I may even do it with my 071, which I have put on the self as I am not friends with it at the moment, not the camera, me and software. Alan
  6. That is 4 very nice colourful images, I wonder which is correct, I personally like the first and last. I can see this from here, just, but not possible to image it so low down, thanks for sharing something many of us will never see. Alan
  7. Is that was Bias are for Win, I just put them in, never have known why, when you know nothing it pays not to question too much. Alan
  8. A very nice and interesting image, what does this HOO stand for, it is actually a small village near to where I was born in Chatham, nice price tags on the house I believe. Alan
  9. I think they only took it out because Holst didn't write music for it, always has been a planet for me too, wish I knew which speck of light it was on sub or indeed with the 18 inch. Alan
  10. I was out for a couple of hours last night and the night before, exact same place in the sky give or take a bit. You would have thought last night I had a filter of some type in the camera comparing the results side by side, same sub length speed scope. the lot. Oddly it appear pretty much the same to my eye overhead anyway, the horizons were clearly unclear below Juptier. Alan
  11. There is a Mosaic program in EQmod, I think it is aimed mainly at the Moon but dare I try it, now what disaster can I cause by that I wonder. Alan
  12. I was dithering but I moved the scope a couple of time as I was getting confident of is get back to where it started. I wanted to get Sadr out of the picture but leave it like it is now just to give the a bit of atmosphere to the shot On the mosaic idea I sort of thought if you did enough random over laps you would sort of loose the area where there's not enough info, this must happen at the top of an image when dithering, I only ever see any thing like an artifact at the bottom and R/h side. Alan
  13. Yes indeed Michael the handset gave me a lot of pointing problems and I actually think I understand that, I think its just me, I can have problems with an empty box. I sometimes thing mine was a Friday afternoon mount. Alan
  14. After sitting feeling rather pleased with myself, lord knows what for it was a site member that solved the problem with my poor pointing. So I am sitting there feeling happy for the first time in a week and the Canon clicking away banging out 5 minute subs at 800iso, could go longer but may nod off. Started with one check of focus and thought no more, anyway lost about one hour through being careless, must have knocked something as it was just out of focus and just not nice. However I am surprised what 45 minutes can give which is nowhere near enough, hopefully I will add to this tonight. Just a quick question to you more experienced imagers, how many frames do I need to get rid of the over laps you can see at the bottom of this image, if I wanted to add to it in a sort of mosaic picture? Alan
  15. What, do not suggest this to me, air traffic will be re-routed. Alan
  16. Set Encoder to disable!!! I thought I was helping my guiding but then I'm thick. If you don't understand it do not touch it is the lesson here. Alan
  17. Nice shot, keep looking at this last night and wondering if I could get maybe just the Pelican part on the DSLR, not sure if it would come out though as this always seems to be narrowband. Alan
  18. Stunning images Olly, just stunning, give me something to aim to get half as good, can't even work the 071 and don't wish to spend Atik 11000 money even though I could. Alan
  19. Nice shot, this is always one I would like get in there with the 180mm Mak, but it is so much easier saying than doing. Alan
  20. Big thanks to you too Dave, you must be fed up with my problems, Tonight, guide is 0.4sec nice and clear and I can find things, only the idle hands doing devils work could make something go wrong. Alan
  21. Youvé done it, it works spot on 3 out of 4. Big thanks. Alan
  22. Well Gents it works now Thanks Stash Old and thanks to everyone else, something simple, me thinking I understand something. Alan
  23. The image is very nice and I am sure one of the more experienced can help with the colour, never easy first time, says he that has never tried it. Alan
  24. Really great image Brian, I am even beginning to like the spikes, bet you would love my skies, 27 clear this month and the other two had clearings in the night., a bit warm though. Alan
  25. With my pointing problems of late, I'm not sure I can find it again, I would like to take a panel next to is tonight and maybe another next to that getting this region of clouds around there and stack them as mosaic, may be nice, right overhead now and that mean very nice guiding. As for the 071, all in good time, I don't have an IR/UV filter due to a misunderstanding, I have a 1,25 inch but that's useless on this camera. Alan
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