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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Go to CN across the ocean you will see quite a few very positive yet early test results. Looks like another SvBony winner coming up for a pretty nice price. I would buy one to go with my other 3 SvBony zooms if I did higher power viewing.
  2. If you open up the diagonal end and hold the tip of a shop vac type vac very close to the opening you will be surprised how much moisture it can pull out, do that a half dozen times over a day while in a warm area. I do that for inside dust in a scope whenever necessary which is not too often.
  3. To get fungi starting it will have had to be damp / moist / cool for quite a while, IMO !
  4. If the moisture could get in there it can get out over time. Just take the diagonal out and leave in a dry room with a small heater. I doubt if there will be any rust as everything inside should be either ss, aluminum or a bit of plastic.
  5. Over here in Canada a paint shop can analyze the color by scanning it and match the color perfectly by mixing the color exactly. Try a paint shop and talk to them. Cost wise it may not be that expensive for small touch up can.
  6. I really put it through its paces with DSO's last nite under Bortle 5, average to a bit above skies, using various top line eyepieces and a UHC neb filter. This is a wonderful, crisp, clear, pin point telescope for its size. On the higher power end I even pushed beyond its mathimatical max (31x), around Orion and M36, 37 & 38 Auriga, the Double Cluster and the Andromeda Galaxy, its great performance never paused for a moment. What a steal when I bought this scope for less than $500 C !
  7. I have several other non Hyperion eps that I want to play with, they are 2". They are in the 30-50mm range, as I said it is not a lot of money lost vs some enjoyment. Plus I want to try it in my WL and Ha solar scopes.
  8. I hear you, I already have a 40mm, 32mm Omni, a 24mm Pan and a 24mm Hyperion but I just like to experiment as I have said in the past. It isn't very expensive ie $24 C.
  9. I want to try it with my Vixen A62SS refractor using my 36mm Hyperion and a couple of others.
  10. Does / has anyone used a 1.25" to 2" eyepiece adapter in their 1.25" telescope so that they can utilize their 2" eyepieces ?
  11. I used my Svbony 10-30mm zoom in mine 75% of the time and the views were great, now it is in my Lunt solar refractor. For the price try one incl. nite viewing. PS: I use it in my WL scopes as well, a great all round performer for that kind of work as you don't need / care about widefield viewsing with the sun.
  12. My Vixen A62SS mounted, iOptron charged and starting to set up.
  13. I just bought one of these here in Canada. Do any fellow astronomers have any experience, opinions on this mounts capabilities / performance. Maybe a comparison between this and the SkyWatcher az gti mount.
  14. Has anyone did a comparison between a Thousand Oaks Solar Film filter (not glass) vs the Baader Solar Film filter ? I use an Altair Astro 2" wedge for my larger refractors but I want to get a small filter for my newly arrived 1.25" refractor. Cost is not a reason, only performance ! I have always used the Baader film but I would like a color, other than filters, change unless there is some important reason in performance not to.
  15. I own the Baader Mark IV zoom a great ep as well as 3 Svbony zooms, they perform as well as the Baader for a lot less $'s in my various scopes. They are all perfect compliments to my fixed eyepieces on any given nite as a change of pace, a challenge for the night but if you want those wide, super wide hanging in space views of dso's then a zoom, no matter which brand, can never be your only eyepiece, just an occasional option ! Who would want to miss out hanging in space with your eyeballs taking it all in, even the best zooms can't do that ?
  16. My newly arrived Vixen A62SS, 62mm, f8.4, all 3.5lb. Maybe I will get to try it tonite about 11pm.
  17. After selling about 6-8 of my scopes while keeping my NP101, Svbony 90mm and several other Classic scopes (5) I vowed at my age (75) to stop buying any more ! Well I just bought a Vixen A62SS in great shape for a price I could not resist, it will arrive next week. Does anyone have any pros, cons, pointers / advice or anything else to give me ? Here I go again, lol ! PS: Will post a couple of pics when I get it.
  18. A Televue ' in focus ' adapter should solve the problem if you only need a few mm more, it did for me for a few $'s.
  19. Will the cost of the extension brake the bank vs the benefits of the new focuser ?
  20. You might be right, there are various types of floaters, for some it can be very dangerous. It could end your astronomy lifestyle. Flip the coin !
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