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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. My right eye (dominate) are a mass of floaters, luck will have it that my left is absolutely floater free, so I easily trained myself to view with my left. My Opthamologist says there is no cure for floaters, unfortunately. Good luck and Clear Skies to you !
  2. My scopes are 5.4, 5.5, 6.4, 11.4, no real problem with any of them. I am not a nit picker though, I mean if I looked hard enough I would probably find some small, inconsequential whatever. I never right a detailed report, it just causes a name calling argument many times, I learned that on a popular North American site. I leave it up to more knowledgeable astronomers to get into that, I just mention my experience in broad terms, for anyone that wants to read them.
  3. I owned a couple of 100° eps, I was never too keen on them, I have a 31.5mm, 90° Antares widefield which is pretty decent but normally I prefer anything below 80°.
  4. We sold it to a young outdoors couple, by our choice, that spend all their off time in the wilds fishing and hunting. We wanted them to have it so we sold it to them for about 50% the market value, sometimes money isn't everything ! Now they are citizens of the historic Ottawa River, home of the ancients, loggers and fur traders and my wife and I are happy for it. I didn't leave them any astro gear though, but they are aware of the potential for great astronomy, lol. Especially my Morpheus eps !
  5. Use the good quality North American built rubber or neoprene rings, no smell ! Unless you have super sensitive sense of smell or are allergic to ?
  6. I have the 17.5, 12.5, 9, 6.5mm Morpheus eps they are probably the best eps that I personally have ever owned. They are excellent performers in every respect, I wish they would make one in a 25 & 30mm range but I use the 31, 21mm Hyperions which are no slouch as well. That photo was taken at my remote camp in northern Quebec, Bortle 1, SQM-L 22.0 / 22.05 on clear nites right out the camp door. It is a single 13 second shot taken with my DSLR. We sold it after 50 yrs last Sept. and miss it every night. Now I view in my Bortle 4/5 backyard but Bortle 1-2 skies are less than 20-30 minutes away for my use.
  7. You are correct but I didn't imply that you / anyone had to use a large number of eps on any one observing session, just a great option if you own say a couple of dozen. But as always to each his own.
  8. With more eps you can mix and match them on any given nite, its not always the same old ....... ! It offers a great change of pace, a challenge and can make it more interesting incl. views that you / we didn't know is / was possible. There are advantages, knowledgeable expansions of expertise.
  9. You are correct, I have several barlows as backups but for me sometimes its the fun of the chase ! lol !
  10. To fill in between my 17.5 and 12.5 M's I bought a Celestron 15mm Ultima Edge rather than the 14mm M. It provides wonderfull views for a lot less under my needed conditions but I still consider my 4 Morpheus and 2 Hyperions my No 1's and then comes my 24 Pan. The 15 Ultima is pretty competent !
  11. Last night I tried the 4 under clear, close to Bortle 4 skize @ 9° C using my f3.9 reflector aimed at Jupiter, Andromeda etc. So far its not a very good viewer with those Bortle #'s maybe a bit better under the Bortle 1 skies I used to have at my disposal. Oh well I know one of my xmas / birthday gifts to give this year ! LOL ! PS: Its only $68 C + ship / tax.
  12. Last nite I tried it under SQM-L 20.2-20.4 skies and 8°C temps with a steady, lite breeze. Using my NP101 I jumped back and forth using the new 4mm Antares and my 6.5 Morpheus at 6x the price.
  13. I received the ep today and anxious to try it out so under Bortle 4-5 mostly clear skies, 43°F, 75-78% humidity at 10pm I gave it a whirl in my 90mm, f5.5 gng refractor. The views of Jupiter, then the Andromeda G and then the Double Cluster showed it to be over powering for that scope. With Jupiter I even toned it down with a no 80A filter, a bit better but not good enough. I will continue to experiment with it under various and better conditions and scopes incl. comparing against my 6.5 Morpheus. It won't be the first time I have gifted, this is what I like, what I enjoy as much as the views. The experimenting but I am far from giving up ! Stay tuned, lol.
  14. If what you say is correct I will let all know, for $68 C I am not out a lot of time / money. I have an almost complete set of Morpheus eps but for the amount of time I view the moon / planets it makes no sense to buy the 4-4.5 Morpheus and thus my research and resulting purchase and solicitited experiences.
  15. Do some real research, it is Made in Canada ! Contact the maker and talk to them / him. You are still referencing the situation 15+ years go.
  16. I am not a higher power observer but I decided to get a realatively low cost ep to use on the better nites to view the moon and planets. My research led me in the end to the 4mm Antares W70 Series2 for an excellent price. It has a 70° FOV and 12.5 er, I am hoping it will perform well, not perfect, in my f5.4-5.5-11.4 refractors as well as couple other of my scopes. I prefer this to barlowing my 9.5mm Morphius, again I am not a barlower even though I own several. Anyone have experience using that eyepiece ? PS: And its Canadian Made by Sky Instruments out of British Columbia !
  17. Over the last 25+ years I have problably owned a couple of dozen scopes of various brands, types and sizes including more than a dozen refractors. I am a lover of refractors there is no question, from 60mm to 127mm, from achro to apo. To go with them I have worked my way up the eyepiece ladder to my now Morpheus / Hyperion lines with a 24mm Panoptic and a 15mm Celestron Ultra thrown in as well as a myriad of zooms (mainly Svbony). Now I am down to 2 scopes, my No.1 Televue NP101 and my fairly newly acquired Svbony 48p 90mm, my No2. There is no question which is the best performer but if I wasn't so lucky to find my 101 here in Canada, a year ago, the 90 would be all the scope, the only scope I need for my preferred viewing pleasure ie relatively low power / widefield. The views are dark and pin point and very contrasty right to the edge in my normal Bortle 4/5 backyard, last nite proved that again. If anyone is thinking of this size of refractor consider one of these that are second best to an NP101, mine cost me $350 C + $20 shipping. PS: My early 90's Celestron C80 refractor stands idle most times now, in 3rd place !
  18. I tried it out last nite with the newly arrived ep, for about an hour, under descriptively lousy skies, SQM-L 19.5-19.8, but thin clouds and associated haziness kept viewing bad for the most part. The Andomeda Galaxy and M110 looked not bad as did the Double Cluster and a few other open clusters. The Dumbell was no where to be seen. This new 36mm Hyperion under better viewing I think will be okay, to go with the rest. I was just using my 90mm Svbony f5.5 scope and my SW AZ5 mount and my 17.5-12.5mm Morpheus also. Another winner to my collection but I am not a real picky guy who thinks he can control even the nite sky, I take what I can get and enjoy, lol ! PS: And stars were pin point out to at least 90% with the typical grayish background with Bortle 5 conditions, I made sure to check the pinpointedness all the time in which ever direction I looked, it was constant.
  19. I just bought the 36mm Baader Hyperion to use in my NP101, Svbony 48P and several other scopes. I am hoping that it will perform in low power as a couplement to the rest of my collection of Hyperion / Morpheus eps. Do any fellow astronomers have any personal viewing experiences with this eyepiece that would be of help ? Hopefully tonite will be a first test under supposedly les than average Bortle 4/5 skize.
  20. My 90mm Svbony 48P is a real winner as well, their reputation just keeps growing as varified by my 3 Sv zooms, various filters and several other eps. You will keep liking / using it more and more there is no doubt. And this comes from someone who has an NP101, a very capable scope !
  21. It has been a year since we sold our remote camp on the banks of the Ottawa R. in northern Ontario / Quebec, I had the priviledge of viewing the nite skizes under Bortle 1, SQM-L 22.05, for about 25 out of 50 years. I don't have to describe what my eyeballs witnessed in that time with my myriad of large / small scopes of various types. Now I am relegated to my Bortle 4/5 backyard here in my home city, I can travel to Bortle 1-2 locations in half and hour at most but a guick grab & go takes me outside about 20' for an hour or two. The big thing about it is the great, contrasty views that one gets under that less than perfect darkness when it comes to deep sky objects even with, what most call, that dastardly LED street lighting. I am sure many feel the same and have noticed it ie you don't have to have perfection to enjoy and appreciate the night skies offerings ! The first pic is what I had and the 2nd is out my backdoor. Still not bad !
  22. Last nite in my backyard under Bortle 4/5 skize, SQM-L 20.5, the views were above average. With my NP101 mounted on my SW AZ5 using my 21mm Hyperion, 15mm Ultima Edge, 12.5mm Morpheous and 9mm Morpheous it was a great night between 11pm and 1am, everything seemed to be just right. Temperature was around 15°C with humidity just a bit high. Everything that Andormeda, Hercules, Cassiopia and Saggittarius had to offer was wonderfull and the Dumbell stood out in all its glory using my NPB UHC filter. And as usual the Double Cluster was spectacular ! And supposedly tonite is supposed to be even better skies, I'll keep my fingers crossed, lol.
  23. Had my fairly new 90mm Svbony 48P, f5.5 ST achro out in my Bortle 4/5 city backyard last nite under above average skize with about 50-55 % humidity, at 11-12 DST. I bought it as a small compliment to my NP101. M22, the Lagoon, Trifid, Swan nebulas, M13, M92, M31 and its small companion M110 were all clear and well defined. The Double Cluster was spectacular with my 9mm Morpheous ! If anyone is considering an ST achro this is at the top of my list amoungst at least a 1/2 doz. that I have tried / owned, it leaves them in a trail of dust. All for $350 C., its not an NP101 but neither is the cost !
  24. I used my 31 and 21 mm Hyperions with my 80mm, f11.4 refractor last nite under average skies, Bortle 4-5 backyard. Again the Double Cluster, M31, M13, M92, the Lagoon Neb., etc looked great. I hadn't used my 80mm for a while, the Hyperions performed sharply well. Unless you are some sort of perfectionist that line of eps will serve you well, right to the edge of view !
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