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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. More performance at twice the price until you add in nitely sky conditions on any given night. What does that do to the cost / benefit ? I did quite a lengthy study before I went with the Hyperions but I should have bought the Morpheous which I did about a month later and sold most of the Hyperions. Studies vs end results gets you every time, lol !
  2. My NP101 ! The history of this scope speaks for itself, everyone should have a look through one at say the Double Cluster, M13 or .......... to know. My new 90mm Svbony 48P is no slouch either for about a 10th the price.
  3. I bought that 15mm Ultima Edge and my initial viewing of the Andromeda Gallaxy, Double Cluster and a few sights in Sagittarius show it to be a very capable eyepiece in my f5.5 refractor. My research paid off, it will fit in nicely with my other eps.
  4. I had a set of Hyperions before I went to the Morpheus line but they were excellent with my f5.4, 5.5, 6.0, 6.25 and 6.6 refractors. I would recommend them any day. PS : I kept the the 31-24mm Hyperions as the Morpheus only go to 17.5mm.
  5. I have the 17.5mm and 12.5mm Morpheus eps but I want a 15mm for a particular scope under certain conditions. I have been considering this scenario for a while.
  6. I need a 15mm ep, so I have been looking, I may have settled on the Celestron Ultima Edge ! The $'s look just about right ie $175 C + $15 ship. Any pros or cons before I get one, I am not in a hurry.
  7. LDW1

    Worth It ?

    With that mount it is easy to move the scope very slightly to get any sweet spot, just a push of the switch, it is a fantastic mount / tripod for a light solar scope. I would consider a used 60 but there aren't any advertised here in north america, especially in Canada, right now. It sounds like I will have a few months to watch for one.
  8. LDW1

    Worth It ?

    It will be 2-3 months before my dealer gets their new shipment of Lunt Solar scopes of all sizes. Hopefully, lol !
  9. I have had a Lunt 40mm Solar Ha Telescope for about a year, a jump up from my PST which was an excellent scope (sold it) and it gives a great performance / views. It is mounted on a Skywatcher Solar Quest mount that performs perfectly. As usual my mind never stops working so now I am thinking of the next step up, the Lunt 50mm Ha model, single pressure tuned with the Crayford focuser. Is there a noticeable advantage in performance, in the views for strictly visual use ? I won't jump to the 60 at least not yet, lol ! As a great song once kinda said by a great singer (JL) ' I'm just a DSO guy ' ! My main focus is nite time viewing with my NP101 and several other scopes, solar is just a daytime extension of the enjoyment. So I need more experienced advice before I do or don't move on up to a 'bigger piece of the pie' ! PS: I also do WL solar with my 90mm refractor.
  10. This is by far the best, most functional mount that I have owned for g&g operations, for scopes with a total (all in) weight of about 8 lbs. (4 kg). Thank you Starwave !
  11. I bought a 2" GSO 42mm SuperView from Agena Astro for $100 C to try out mainly with my f11.4, 80mm refractor. All I have to say is ' not bad ' not bad at all ! Its performance so far, under Bortle 4-5 skies in my back yard on various dsos ie. M13 etc. is a lot better than many experts profess, critic to the rest of us. Next chance I will try it with my NP101 and 90mm refractors under faster conditions. Anyone contemplating an ep this size, for this price don't hesitate. And the weight compared to some is like a feather, a lot like the Russell built models.
  12. I am not worried about the f of my 5 scopes, when / if I find an interesting ep I will buy one and test it out. Sometimes the f ratio concerns can be deceiving when it comes to performance unless the astronomer is very technical.
  13. A big difference between 1 lb and 2 lb when it comes to ep's and comfort and logistics.
  14. I know, I had 2-2" Luminos they were heavy enough and they weren't particularly expensive. Weight might be my hang up.
  15. Price may not be a concern but I think the weight is, lol. For me ie 2+ lbs, you have to be kidding, lol ?
  16. I already have a Russell Optics 5? and 65mm eps but I am looking for another brand to play around with in my scopes. I had a WO 40mm SWAN, 72° that performed well but I gave it away.
  17. For years I bought this ep and I bought that ep, I tried this ep and I tried that ep some good quality, some excellent quality, then I decided to buy a set of Baader Hyperions. Within a month I upgraded to a set of Morpheus and retained the 31mm and 21mm Hyperions and never looked back. My scopes (6) love them. And my 2 solar scopes also.
  18. I am looking for a recommendation for a 42-50mm eyepiece, from actual experiences, with as wide a FOV as possible. Cost is not an issue.
  19. This is just the start ! I have 3 Svbony zooms, all cost $125 C or much less. I have been reading about, told about, researched the qualities of the Baader Mark IV so I decided to buy one to compare with, at 3-4 times the $'s. At this point I have seen nothing that would justify that extra. So far I have used my NP101 and my 90mm, f5.5 refractors under good average nites. I have touched base also with my solar WL and Ha scopes, same conclusion but I am not finished, will get back later. I am putting this out now to tell some to not make a decision too fast ! PS I am a Baader astronomer, I have a set of Morpheuses but in this case ....... !
  20. My new Svbony 48P, 90mm, f5.5, sliding shield, 2" 2 speed, 360° rotatable focuser. A perfect companion for my NP101. And for just $350 C. Great performance, wonderful views !
  21. If I didn't have an NP101 already I would have boughten one of those scopes after I looked at it in the Canadian dealer / owners shop here in Ontario last Sept. You get a lot for the price !
  22. Svbony 48P, 90mm, f5.5, 2" 2 speed, 360° rotatable focuser, retractable dew shield. Every astronomer should have one for the price of $350 C !
  23. As you should know, with solar viewing, the seeing can fluctuate in seconds depending on heated air currents, it is constant change a bit different than nite viewing. I use all fast refractors at relative low powers, many times with a good zoom lens and a couple of filters to enhance the contrast and reduce the brightness.
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