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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Here she be ! I had to order a set of rings for it because the diameter is quite a bit smaller than a normal 80mm scope.
  2. My latest right out of Texas from a fellow astronomer, a Celestron SS80 from sometime in the 90's on a Porta II. I just ordered a set of rings for it because the diameter is a lot smaller than most 80's.
  3. You will like that scope as a first scope and its all there scope wise. But there is lots to learn, a good solid mount / tripod, say a Twilite I, then there are eyepieces but not necessarily high end but at least 60-70° FOV, I would also recommend one of Svbony's zoom eps a great zoom for a decent price. The learning curve goes on and you will get there just like the rest of us. Good Luck and have fun, thats what its all about ! Note: Sorry I have directed this spiel to the wrong fellow astronomer but it does apply to the OP !
  4. Right now the OP is asking for some, hopefully, expert advice on this forum. Many astronomy groups don't have any better astronomers than right here and many try to push their own high end gear. Looking through a higher end scope hopefully won't push the OP to buy high priced right from the start. Half of the great experience is starting out with a good but not necessarily high priced scope and move along from there when they know what direction they want to go. One or two times at an astronomy group gathering shouldn't focus all their thoughts, it should just give them a bit of a confused taste of what it is all about. Reading from forums, researching, using their own common sense should be the key. They are doing it right being on this site as well as others !
  5. What if they intend to travel around to several sites each with different sky conditions on any given nite ?
  6. I like that scope, right now Telescopes Canada shows them at $349 C + tax and shipping that s where I bought mine for that price, last summer. But with new stock the price might go up a bit, I think through the Svbony site it might be $20-30 more but the shipping might be higher. As I said with my 40mm Panoptic and my collection of Morpheus eps the stars are pinpoint and the views are great.
  7. My 90mm Svbony, f5.5 is pretty pinpoint even compared to my f5.4 Televue NP101, on the great seeing nites in my Bortle 4 backyard.
  8. How about the the quality of what you see, does that count ie pinpoint vs seagulls etc. ? My 114 is pretty good quality and I see them most times with top end eps.
  9. The Svbony 48P 90mm, f5.5 refractor for $350 C., you get a lot for that price incl great views of everything the nite skize have to offer. I have a 114mm, f4 reflector, there is no comparison. Good Luck and Clear Skies to you !
  10. Give it a try at using a 20-18mm ep, not as good as with WL but sometimes it works same as the variable polarizer. Can't hurt to try it.
  11. I always wanted to get my hands on one but in Canada there are virtually none. I passed up a chance about 15-20 yrs ago on one of the 70mm models for a fantastic price and I still kick my *ss, lol ! I had to settle for a 2002 Televue NP101 instead, years later. You are a lucky astronomer, if you get it ! PS: I am now 75 and I would still love to have one, i have never heard a negative review.
  12. I just bought the LS50 model but my 40mm was an excellent scope as well and now you can double stack it in the future if you take a notion, Lunt is putting out a module. You won't be disappointed. with that scope. Under some light conditions you can enhance the contrast using either a variable polarizing filter or a # 56-58 green filter. Here is pic of my 40, that dedicated solar tracker mount is the best. Clear Skies and enjoy !
  13. From the album: LDW1 Astronomy

    Jupiter west of Sagittarius
  14. LDW1

    Worth It ?

    All set up and ready for the sun to show after about a month of cloudy, cold, windy weather. Whats new, lol !
  15. LDW1

    Worth It ?

    I really enjoyed my PST but I wanted the extra features the Lunt 40 had, I combined it with the SW solar mount for excellent tracking and now I want what the LS50 has to offer. I have owned many scopes, have never had to contend with 'luck of the draw'. Just luck of the draw lucky I quess !
  16. From the album: LDW1 Astronomy

    Astronomical Twilight on the Ottawa R.
  17. LDW1

    Worth It ?

    I just bought an LS 50, will sell my LS40 in the spring once the cold / snow is gone because I don't do ha in those conditions. I am visual only. If I was more dedicated to solar and younger (75) I would likely get an 80mm.
  18. Just bought an LS50, will sell my LS40 in the spring after the cold and snow leaves. I love using a zoom ep especially the 10-30mm size.
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