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Everything posted by michael8554

  1. Hi Alan The guidescope mounting is much better than the commonly used soft-tippped screws in rings. Maybe good enough to discount diff flex from that source. In each 10 minute guided runs, were the RA and Dec guide figures similar to each other ? That suggests guiding was good enough to give round stars, Leaving only gravity related movement elsewhere. Michael
  2. I'm not familiar with your mount. But I googled for the handset menus, this might be what you need to monitor: View / Goto Pos / RA Dec Michael
  3. I can't give you an experience-based answer, but an eyepiece-shaped camera such as the mini series has a good chance of placing the sensor at a similar point to an eyepiece. Michael
  4. 1. The Ha mod leaves the IR filter in place, so no need to add another IR filter. 2. A Full Spectrum mod removes both filters, useful if you always use additional light pollution or other narrow-band filters. 3. White Balance setting is in the Raw .CR2 metadata, and most image software gives you the choice to apply it or not when loading. Michael
  5. Hi Nic I may be wrong, but doesn't the laser need to be mounted on a stationary part of the platform, so that the platform can be pointed accurately at the NCP ? Not "to the RA axis at one of the ends". Michael
  6. The mount isn't tracking in RA, or it's Periodic Error. Once the target is centred leave for 10 minutes. Then do a GoTo the same target. Does the mount move an appreciable distance ? Then Sidereal Tracking in RA is not on. But if the GoTo move is tiny, then tracking is on but perhaps it's PE causing the target to move in and out of view. Alternatively, once the target is centred, check the RA reading on the handset or app. If after 10 minutes the RA reading is different by about 10 minutes, then tracking is not on. Michael
  7. Hi Figgis Plate Solving doesn't remove the need for a Finder. I gather you want to use it as a Finder and as a Guidescope, by adding a flip mirror like in this Baader image: "Do I need to space either of these further away from the Lip of the Flip for them to be parfocal? " It's unlikely that the camera and eyepiece will both be in focus when fully inserted into the flip. So as you surmise, YES. One might need to be pulled out somewhat to get focus when the other is in focus. Fit a "Parfocal Ring" to the pulled-out item, so that it can always be inserted at the same amount. Michael
  8. A tiny hole creates a "Pinhole Camera" which has enormous depth of field. But might give you a starting point for infinity or distant landmark focus. Without the pinhole try SharpCap in video mode and auto exposure. Michael
  9. Hi Paul During the day, unpowered, pointing roughly south, focus on a distant landmark. Is it inverted ? North is at the bottom of your view. Is it lateral flipped ? West is to the left of your view. Or as Craig suggested, look at the moon, before powering on for the night's viewing. Either compare the view with reality. Or with only finger pressure, give the front of the OTA a tiny push to the west. And to the south. Note which way the movements are in the eyepiece view. Michael
  10. Fascinating to look at those ASTAP results. But what do the stars in your images look like ? Michael
  11. "or! the back focus on the camera is 55mm" The ASI 533MC Pro camera has a 15mm Flange Distance with the M42 adapter screwed on. Many Focal Reducers and Coma Correctors have 55mm Back Focus. Michael
  12. Hi Craig "I’ve got the spacers for the 55mm backfocus on the camera " You don't need 55mm Backfocus, unless you have a FF or CC with 55mm Backfocus. And not all FFs and CCs have 55mm Backfocus. Is this idea from the misleading diagrams on the ZWO site ? Michael
  13. Earthing arrangements may well be correct in the PSU, if it has a 3-pin mains connection. After that the output is DC +/- with no earth. So +12V could be "floating" on a much higher voltage. Michael
  14. Okay, my bad, missed the 12" bit in Spaceship's post. Michael
  15. Tricky to set up with software, as you'll need to constantly alter the exposure. Slow to get the faintest details, fast to get the brightest details. At frequent intervals throughout Totality. A swivel screen or laptop screen to check framing with LiveView (not on for exposures) will help. And a simple shutter release, just to fire the shutter once you've manually altered exposure. Michael
  16. Hi Phil As Danny said, so long as it's under (or over, I can't remember either) the lens will reach infinity-focus before the infinity mark is reached. But 0.04 mm is so small I hope it doesn't matter. Michael
  17. "Brian knows this as he was there to withness the first collision." That's an unwarranted gibe at his apparently youthful appearance 😆 He actually witnessed the "Big Bang". Maybe even caused it.......... ? Michael
  18. If asked nicely I expect the people at Chris's link could do a "Full Spectrum" mod, so that the camera can be used for Astro. It's strange that there are so few sources of Nikon mods. A bit like the Betamax / VHS format war. Same with Canon/Nikon ? Michael
  19. Meade SCTs don't have a rear internal counterweight. The 7" Maksutov does, as in Spaceship's images, maybe as suggested to allow the physically-long OTA to be mounted further forward in the forks. My SCT external balance system has to have its weight almost at the front of the OTA. Michael
  20. Good choice of design, the linear focuser is easier to drive than helical . Michael
  21. "recalibrated PHD2 once I had slewed to the target," The stars appear to "move" fastest at Dec = 0, which makes it easier for PHD2 to give an accurate RA Cal . PHD2 then applies a correction to RA for the Dec you actually image at. Imagine trying to Calibrate near Dec = 90, where the stars hardly seem to move at all. Michael
  22. Hi Ed What camera ? How are you taking Flats ? 1. The Flat seems to be flipped compared to the final image ? 2. Do you have the Coma Corrector ? Reflection from that. Michael
  23. It would appear that info being supplied to PHD2 is missing or erroneous. So try malc-c's suggestion of just PHD2 and EQMOD. I can confirm that when continuous guide pulses were being sent, they were over 5 secs apart. Minimum Move settings will have little impact on Dec Backlash, it's a worm adjustment you need to make. " I also see here some "Minimum Dec Pulse" and "Minimum Ra Pulse" both set to 20. I don't know what these are." "If you are speaking of a software backlash compenstation or something similar, I am new to this and really don't know how." I suggested PHD2 Dec Backlash Compensation. Most of the answers you don't understand are explained in the PHD2 Instructions - have you read them ? Michael
  24. Started hunting IKEA for the panel. Nothing like that. Then saw it's actually "cheap A4 tracing panel was £16 from Amazon" :-< Michael
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