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Everything posted by michael8554

  1. Firstly, a stacked image is not the best for checking star shape. Look at a single short exposure, stretched if necessary, to avoid guiding and stacking errors. Take a second short exposure with the camera rotated 90 degrees. Comparison will tell you if the sensor is tilted, or the rest of the kit. I'd say the Horse Head has tilt, but the other two jpgs look okay. Michael
  2. If I'm right, looking online through the 4000D User Manual,. It seems the 4000D has a Bulb mode, but can only be worked by holding down the shutter release. And it has a USB port, but that only seems to be able to download images to a computer. And suggests a wireless remote is needed. The 1000 range has always been the stripped-down budget range, but Canon serm to have gone to extremes with the 4000D. Michael
  3. Not necessarily, check what you have first. Michael
  4. The original LX200 is now known as the Classic , to avoid confusion with the newer redesigned LX200GPS/ACF. The Classic an have problems with duff capacitors on the circuit boards. Look at the "dashboard" on the mount, does it say "Meade LX200 GPS" ? Michael
  5. Typical behaviour with power supply problems. Start with loose power connectors, then check the battery pack. Michael
  6. Hi James ? What is your budget ? Do you want an astro One Shot Colour (OSC) camera ? Or a modified DSLR ? Michael
  7. You could drill out a 8mm with a 9mm drill bit. But on a lathe would be better, so that the hole can be drilled absolutely concentric.. Michael
  8. "i altered some parameters in "settings" to suit my situation" Reset those to the same as on the second (working) phone. Then alter them one at a time "to suit my situation" until it stops working. Then tell what that setting is called. Michael
  9. So the handset only stopped working after the update ? Did you update with the free StarPatch updater, or the dodgy Meade ASU updater ? There are Safe Load techniques you could try. Andrew Johansen is the expert on these sort of problems. If he doesn't respond here try posting in the Meade section of the USA Cloudy Nights forum, where he's OzAndrewJ. Michael
  10. For the asi120 mini with 3.75um pixels, a guidescope with FL of about 200 to 250mm , giving a pixel scale of 3 to 4 arcsec/pixel Michael
  11. You may not find drivers for modern OS, Windows 10 etc. Michael
  12. To sum up: Setting the EQMOD ASCOM PulseGuide settings correctly for RA and Dec should enable PHD2 to Cal in about 12 steps. If possible Calibrate at +/- 20 degrees of Dec = 0, not Dec = 61.6 deg. Michael
  13. Assuming the Audiostar is the same screen as the 497, look on Cloudy Nights forum for details of a source of replacement. Michael
  14. In the UK lasers are frowned upon because of the danger to air traffic, which we have a lot of, so more than1mW is illegal to sell. Check out the rules for SA. Michael
  15. Happy New Year ! Were you able to make sense of daytime landmarks ? The moon should look like this with the 26mm eyepiece, if I've entered your scope details correctly: Is that the same as your "small circle of white" ? Or is it out of focus ? Michael
  16. Pretty sure the ETX 125 needs a 5.5 x 2.5mm plug, so a 2.1mm plug will be a loose fit, giving you all sorts of issues as you slew around. Michael
  17. Show us a Dark taken with the camera off the rig and effectively hidden from any light source. Michael
  18. Hi Tasmania Can you make sense of distant landmarks viewed during the day ? Try with the longest focal length eyepiece, the 25mm not the 9mm. Can you reach focus ? If not make sure any adapters shown in the instructions are fitted to the focuser. The image may be inverted. (It's that island under the mainland of Australia). That must be dark 😆 Michael
  19. As I said in reply to your other post, you don't need a super-accurate PA for Visual. A guidescope and PHD2 to PA is unnecessary. Michael
  20. You say you are "stargazing", then the polar scope should give good enough PA. If however you are imaging without a guidescope, then very good PA by Drift Alignment is necessary. If you have guiding, then there are two Polar Alignment options in PHD2, written by an Australian to address the PA problems in the southern hemisphere - PDA and SPA. Michael
  21. Similar Norwegian experience. Spent a cold evening on a golf course, no breaks in the cloud. Next evening on the cruise liner we had a magnificent display. It would seem that Scandinavia in winter is often 100% cloud cover. So seeing the lights is a matter of luck, going to a different location may make no difference. Apart from being further north, which is deeper into the zone. Michael
  22. The stock filters on the sensor limit the sensor's ability to capture Ha. Adding a clipin filter to a stock camera won't increase what isn't there. Michael
  23. Hi Deason I think the reason your stars appear as white lines is because, as Geoff says, the mount doesn't have a motor on it to allow the mount to follow the stars as they appear to move across the sky. You'll have to experiment with the longest exposure that gives round stars. Michael
  24. Hi Paul Not spoiled, we're onto Day 4 now, but the cat was already out of the bag. Michael
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