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Everything posted by StarryEyed

  1. If it seems OK then that's good enough for now. Start using the scope and build up a further opinion over the next few nights of observation. Don't worry about it to much.
  2. With trees in my garden I can't even see the planets this year. So I had a great view of M7 on holiday from Croatia this summer. With all of Scorpio on view and great clear sea views to the horizon it was a lot of fun. No points for effort on my part other than bringing the telescope.
  3. TAK FC100DF. Which it handles very well.
  4. TS said they needed to update the images on the website they didn't mention any change in the specs. Though they refer to this as the current version. I personally don't know if the previous version used a different material and this is just a colour change. I wanted it to be black. Its the same thing as a tak green finder with a tak blue focuser. Calling it a Panda is an attempt to bond with it!
  5. Just received a new Giro Ercole Mini. It's taken on a new appearance. One word comes to mind and that's Panda. I spoke to TS and they said it's how the supplier provides them. It doesn't effect the performance but the white bearing in the middle just seems odd. They showed me another the same.
  6. Not so horizontally polarised antennas pick up less noise less interference from other broadcast and are directional. You get better signal to noise ratios and better signal strength, coupled with beam forming or multipath give better results than vertically polarised antennas. This is why antennas on your routers allow you to rotate them. All my antennas are horizontal which why I get great coverage even up and down the street on 5Ghz.
  7. UFOs do exist your talking about one thats what lights in the sky are UFOs. This is the problem with the subject a lack of detail, reference and concise narrative. It's all Borg. I track satellites and use radios to receive and communicate through them it's much more interesting than watching them.
  8. get a WiFi extender and stick it high up in the loft. One that will connect to your existing WiFi and extend it. Put this one directly over your access point in the house but with no obvious metal obstructions. Go in the garden and find a quite channel not the same as your existing AP. fix your extender to this channel. I get a WiFi connection 50m from the house. Irrespective of all the neighbours WiFi. In the garden garage and front of the house. I full bandwidth connections. Only use this for connections outside keep it free for that purpose alone. Netgear do some nice and cheap ones.
  9. cut them all off. Stick a rubber strip on them or drill a pilot hole and screw in something from eBay.
  10. I love the 6x30 Tak finder. When I first looked through it at the moon I was amazed at the contrast and sharpness. It looks good on the FC100 in my mind it's how my telescope should look. Looks odd without it. It's fiddly to set up a pain to use over priced but I wouldn't sell it.
  11. I was listening, messing with spotify to the theam track album from Blade runner 2049, Hans Zimmer whilest taking a look at the moon. I dont recollect doing this before but it was a very unusual experience. Something I might do more often. Anyone else done this?
  12. For what its worth I have been waiting for such a mount for years. As much value as my EQ5 is its fithteen years old and now a bit too loose for high power and I have stripoed it down enough times to admit it's well used but still loved. I would happily buy a Vixen AP with an RA if we're £750.
  13. Keeping it short. Something better than and EQ5 that can handle 10kg but cheaper than a Vixen AP. Visual only not for astrophotography so no need for goto if it brings the price down. There is little choice for visual astronomers that want a solid light weight tracking mount that doesn't need fixing out of the box or is made from putty. And having to pay for features I don't need. iOptron could nail this. iEQ30 RA drive only without goto. Stick a WiFi on it and loose the controller like an AZ GTI. Sell the add ons it will keep the visual only happy and allow a lower point of entry for those that will upgrade over time. it goes on and on.........
  14. Printed on the side of two of the mounts it says. GEM45 on the other two it says GEM45 EC.
  15. Read the text printed on the mount. 😉
  16. You won't find any here. No one really cares because it's difficult enough finding slow moving stars between clouds and the neighbourhood lights. Try YouTube lots of answered question on UFOs there.
  17. I made this for you. You can see there are plenty of satellites faster than the ISS.
  18. Ignoro I also visited the Observatory on Hvar. for anyone interested the link to their website. http://oh.geof.unizg.hr I was shown around by Jasa Calogovic who looks after the three telescopes. We got a look at the Zeiss refractors used for solar work and one of the big reflectors the other was in use. The island is also a fantastic location I had a great view of the milky way and the southern horizon the week before. Croatia amazed me with how good it is for astronomy. With the hills, dark skies and clear to the horizon views into the Adriatic access from Split airport. Don't want to turn this into some sort of tourism advert. But the fact there are two observatories quite close should be enough for any amature astronomer to consider it a destination for observing or a holiday. Kevin.
  19. They have "16 Meade" for the public but there was a big queue for it. I brought my own 100mm refractor. very clear and stable skies. English translated site. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=hr&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://www.zvjezdano-selo.hr/&xid=17259,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265&usg=ALkJrhjYqPBKdNhwbMlYcQghe5gDBRvsHg
  20. The best observing location I have been too. No trees to the south for me this weekend. I won't say any more than it was magical. http://www.zvjezdano-selo.hr The car park was packed and people everywhere. Sun reflected in the harbour of the Croatian city Split. Saturn Moon Jupiter Antares. Croatian Islands behind a lower ridge to the south.
  21. I got a good look at Saturn tonight with great skies. As the scope cooled and Saturn's biscuit colour (my son's words) started to pop and rings split it just puts the brakes on life for a moment.
  22. I thought musicians were poor all the time or is that actors.
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