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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. @AdeI had the original SkyTee mount and I did become frustrated that the Az side did not always move slowly. In the end I used a handle on the one side to make things easier. I attach the only photo I can find to show the handle in situ. In the end I bought the SkyTee 2 which I felt was much better because of the slow motion controls.
  2. Nice EPs I was looking at buying a 5mm Tak LE to increase my max magnification on my various scopes. I think you have a good bargain at £90.
  3. Just in case anyone wondered this is the 36inch refractor at the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, CA. I was shown around by two professional astronomers who offered me the chance to view through it. Unfortunately the night they offered was the day of my return flight to the UK. Sorry Jeremy it was too big to lick 🙂
  4. I feel so out of this thread not having a refractor - why did I sell my 4" Astro Tech ED frac??? Anyway here is a recent photo of a large frac that I was allowed to check over.
  5. Chris I have tried using 'flocking' material and it works okay. However, despite the concerns my permanent market pen (wide tip) has been okay.
  6. Great review Stu. I love my Heitage 130P which I place on a Pronto alt/az mount with tripod. The other night using the smaller Heritage I easily split Epsilon Lyra using a 6mm Baader Ortho + the Baader 2.25x barlow (243x). To be honest if I did not own the Skywatcher 150P Newt I would have bought this larger Heritage. This scope has to be one of the best value pieces of kit - not only for beginners but also experienced amateurs as well. Stu forgot to mention but I used a black permanent marker pen to blacken the sides of the secondary - its seems okay and I did clean the secondary with warm water a few months back which did not cause any problem.
  7. Must have a look later with the 150P Newt. Certainly there is a lot of activity in Ha at the moment. John I did not appreciate you had a f/11 achromatic frac. I keep saying I must buy a frac and thought an achromatic was a possible way forward.
  8. If you have clear sunny skies and a Ha scope you need to have a view of the Sun. A magnificent large spiked prom on the SE. Some plage activity around AR2767 and AR 2768. In addition there is two surface filaments above and heading south from AR2767. A small prom on the eastern edge plus two small surface filaments on the NE edge. Using a PST + DS.
  9. Well done Chris I am sure it will be well received by many members that have purchased the 130P or 150P. By the way have you link to the foam you purchased from eBay.
  10. Like you John I had a good view of Neowise using my Apollo 15x70 binos. Its still a great sight but clearly on the edge of naked eye visibility.
  11. Managed to view it today using the Skywatcher 150P Newt and 13mm Ethos in WL. Clouds came over before I was able to use the PST + DS. Great to have a bit of action especially from solar cycle 25.
  12. Nice scope John. I bought a 90mm Mak/Cass and took it to Turkey in 2006 for the Total Solar Eclipse - really good. I gave to a friend who had a lovely apartment over looking the Sea in Southern Spain - looking back I wish I had kept it.
  13. My Wife woke me at just after 3am to tell me the sky was crystal clear and there two bright stars looking towards the South/West. Now Pam is not particularly interested in astronomy so this was a pleasant surprise. I showed her that the two 'stars' were Jupiter and Saturn. I could not miss the chance of a quick grab and go because my Apollo 15x70 binos were still downstairs from the previous night. So I quickly viewed Jupiter, Saturn and Mars and then viewed Comet Neowise. This was now about 3.45am and the sky was getting lighter - the Comet was getting difficult but I could see it. At this time Venus was really bright and it was nice to check out the nearby stars in Taurus. However, I wanted to try and see Mercury. A quick reference to Stellarium on the mobile (now after 4am) - sky getting much brighter - but there it was. Okay I should have tried Uranus and Neptune but I was pleased to see these Planets plus the Comet for unexpected observing session.
  14. Nice one Stu. I will give it a go - hope it stays clear and can also take the Comet in as well.
  15. Michael all the talks are recorded by Grant and can be found on the StarGaZine You Tube channel.
  16. Tried to view Comet from home - too many trees in the way. I even tried from a bedroom window. In the end I got into the car and drove out of the City to a dark location with a good northern horizon. I used my Helios Apollo 15x70 binos - all I can say is WOW. Its the best Comet that I have observed because I missed Hale Bopp in 1997. From this dark site the Comet was an easy naked eye object. So glad that I have seen a naked eye Comet for the first time. I hope to drive to the same location tonight and use my Heritage 130P.
  17. I also have a large black cloud on the northern horizon. I have not seen the Comet so I was hopeful tonight.
  18. Good to see Jay Tate doing his bit. He is an interesting guy and the Centre is worth a visit when it opens again. I remember the site being built, before Jay, and it was opened by Patrick Moore.
  19. I like that idea Ade and it looks very good. I am glad that you were able to keep the Wife happy.
  20. I good product review Chris as always. I look forward to further updates on modifications. The 150P does look like a good travel scope with an appropriate alt/az mount. As you know I have the Heritage 130P which I use on a Skywatcher AZ Pronto which works okay - not sure how that mount would perform with the 150P.
  21. I have missed this talk twice. Pete was going to give this talk at the SGL star party but we were flooded out. Next he was coming to Herefordshire A.S. on 2nd April but it was cancelled because of the virus. Hopefully, third time lucky - see you tonight.
  22. Great photos - I have seen two Annular Eclipses which were a wonderful experience. Really appreciate you providing these photos and certainly your trip was worthwhile - well done.
  23. Interesting - I recently purchased both the 6mm and 10mm Baader Classic Ortho in the hope of picking up fainter galaxies using my 12" Dob. I had a look today and noticed that the nose pieces did have a shine to them. I have not really tried these EPs since they were purchased - I will keep your suggestions on hold although I might undertake some improvements in the future.
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