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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. Really interested in the 6" CC especially as my largest Alt/Az mount is the AZ5. Look forward to your review John. Visually the CC and RC looks almost identical although the CC has a tube length of 437mm and the RC 391mm - I can't see any other identity marks.
  2. Nice report John. I was all set to observe Mars last night but fell asleep watching TV. I wanted to use the 12" Dob but did not have the energy to set it up. Its these times that I wish I had a quality frac like yours.
  3. It rained quite a bit yesterday so decided not to take out the 12" Dob. I settled on the Skywatcher 150P and used Neodymium and Baader 0.9 ND filters. The best view came with the 10mm Baader Classic Ortho + Baader 2.25x barlow - mag 169x. The polar cap was quite noticeable and thanks for this website (https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/interactive-sky-watching-tools/mars-which-side-is-visible/#) I was able to identify a central area of markings which appear to be Mare Sirenum, Clmmerium and Tyrrenum. Around about 10pm it started to rain again so my session was ended. Hope to use the 12" later in the week to obtain more detail.
  4. Well done Francis and some lovely images especially NGC891 which I know is close to your heart. Can you use this new scope for visual or do we have to wait for a classical cassegrain if the StellaLyra covers this type of OTA in the future?
  5. Just checked it's working okay. When this has happened to me on other websites I usually reboot the computer. However, this does not explain the problem of using various computers from the same household.
  6. Thanks John I assume that the 30mm setting is 51 deg.
  7. John 30mm is unusual for a zoom. What's the FOV at the 30mm setting?
  8. Thanks for that. I will try again with the 15x70 Apollo binos and have the TeleVue Nebustar 11 and the Lumicon UHC again.
  9. Brilliant - really pleased you caught the Cocoon Neb - I tried the other night but was not successful. Were you using a Hb filter on one or both sides?
  10. Great read Bob and some wonderful objects. Its nights like this that keeps us going.
  11. I just lie back in the reclining chair and I don't seem to have a problem.
  12. Last night I had a zoom meeting and about 10.30pm I went outside to witness one of the best transparent skies in a long while. Too late to set up the scopes so decide to have a session with the Helios Apollo 15x70 binos. Started by observing M51 and then over to M101 by which time I knew that the sky was very good for observing. Took in these objects - M13, M92, M11, M16, M17, M2, M15, M33, M32, NGC7789. All these objects were observed with the binos and no filters. I now added the TeleVue Nebustar II and the Lumicon UHC and took in these delights. The North American Neb (hugely bright), both parts of the Veil, M27, M57 (small but easily identified), NGC 7293 (Helix - very easy), M39 and viewed the Dark Cigar (B 168) and tried to see the Cocoon Neb (no go), NGC 281 (Pac Man Neb). Finally, and not expecting too much, I viewed the California Neb. Well there was a definite glow and the outline compared well with the star maps of the area. I would say this was about the best view I have had of this Neb. I nearly went indoors to pick up the Hb filter but my eyes were really dark adapted after well over 1.5 hours. So a brilliant unexpected observing night - I love these Apollo binos
  13. @JohnI bought my Helios Apollo 15x70 binos several years ago and have often used a combination of filters. Usually I have the TeleVue Nebustar II on one side and a Lumicon UHC on the other. I often switch the Lumicon for an Astronomik O-III and like Ship and Stars have had good views of the NAN and the Veil. There are many other objects that appear good with this arrangement - The Helix, Rosette, Monkey Head etc. I have even tried Hb and a UHC to view the California Neb which although very faint I could detect a glimmer of something. Quite often I use these binos, lying back in a reclining chair, in total darkness at the end of the garden which I did the other night. Had a good view of the Helix.
  14. I have found that transparency has not been the best over the past week. To assess how good visual observing can be - look at Ursa Minor and count the number of stars.
  15. Hello Alexa welcome to SGL. I appreciate your concern at the wildfires. My Son lives in Livermore CA and the fires came within 10 miles from his home. I have friends at the Tri Valley Astronomers and their observing site together with their telescopes were all destroyed. There sent me a photo of the site which I used the last time I visited in 2018.
  16. Sorry to read this Mark. I also had high hopes and the price looked very good. However, I really wanted threads so I could use my 2" filters. It will be interesting how you get on viewing the stars.
  17. I have the 15x70 Apollo binos and use them quite often with filters attached. I use the TeleVue Nebustar II on the one side and a Lumicon UHC on the other - excellent combination. I sometimes replace the Lumicon with an Astronomik O-III and don't find it too bad.
  18. Thanks Bill for an excellent detailed report on filters. Some years ago I undertook a review using a filter slide. Can't remember the coloured filters now but of the two slots remaining one had nothing and the other I used a Neodymium Moon and Skyglow filter. The best result came from the Neodymium followed by no filter at all. I particularly appreciate your statement on exit pupil. Certainly on my 12" Dob using my 10mm Baader Ortho + Baader 2.25x barlow (exit pupil 0.88) gave very good views last night observing Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Finally, thanks for the overall conclusion that the Baader Contrast Booster gave the best results. It certainly appears to be the 'Jack of all trades'.
  19. I previously owned the Vixen type which were very good. I often felt I should buy another pair but the cost was too high. I looked at these which were reasonably priced https://www.amazon.co.uk/Omegon-2-1x42-wide-field-binoculars-observing/dp/B01NGTGBWN/ref=asc_df_B01NGTGBWN/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309924713643&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2883094844327619224&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006790&hvtargid=pla-590821328761&psc=1 These Omegon binos have filter threads to allow filters to be used. Looking at the Helios (very good price) don't appear to have threads when you magnify the image.
  20. Alex a very enjoyable review. The Baader Classic Orthos are excellent value for the money. I have a TeleVue zoom so I might undertake a similar review using the zoom against my 10mm BC. Thanks again.
  21. Another very enjoyable video Chris. I never thought about imaging Planets - you have whetted my appetite.
  22. I purchased some Baader Classic Orthos (6mm and 10mm) some months ago but have not really used them in the 12" Dob. A separate thread yesterday mentioned the GRS visible at a reasonable time so I felt this was a good test of the EPs. Not the best sky for Planetary observing but the GRS was easily visible - best mag was the 10mm Ortho (152x). I also used the bottom part of the Baader Classic barlow - 1.3x which gave me 198x. I then switch over to Saturn and picked up 4 Moons - unfortunately Enceladus was too close to Saturn and I could not make it out. I wanted to observe Mars which I have not done this season. So whilst waiting for it to rise above my roof I set about viewing some DSOs. First up was M51 which I used my 13mm Ethos and 9mm Myriad. Then M101 which I used my 20mm Myriad. Decided to observe something different and started with NGC 6781 (Snowglobe PN). Used various EPs + Astronomik O-III also the TeleVue Type 2 Nebustar. Then down to the GC NGC 6760 and then another PN - NGC 6751 (Glowing Eye). A move over to M11, M16 and M17 (the latter being a great view in the 13mm Ethos using the TeleVue Nebustar. Another PN - NGC 6818 (Little Gem) and then the hunt for NGC 6822 (Barnard's Galaxy). Not easy but using the 20mm Myriad and moving the scope back and forth over the area I picked up some very faint glow. Took in M72 and NGC 7009 (Saturn Neb) before observing the Helix Neb - NGC 7293. I thought I would experiment with different filters using the ES 24 68 degree EP. Used Astronomik O-III, TeleVue Nebustar and Lumicon UHC. Which was best? - a tie between the Astronomik and TeleVue with the contrast using the Lumicon only slightly behind. Back to Planets - viewed Neptune using 6mm Ethos and 10mm Baader + Baader 2.25x barlow - could not see Triton. Finally Mars - it was wobbling - because it was still just above the roof. However, the polar cap easily visible plus some planetary marking (although I will need to check what they were) So not a bad observing night. Look forward to having another go at Mars.
  23. An interesting find John. This PN does not appear in my list of 666 bright DSOs. However, it is an object in Steve O'Meara's 'The Secret Deep' - No.106. In his book he is using a 5" Frac and at 33x the PN was readily visible with averted vision. I also found that the PN is recorded as one of the best 100 to observe - http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/plannebs.html I observed this PN in August 2016 so a return would be appropriate.
  24. Great report John. I never appreciated that you could observe Phobos or Deimos so I will give it a go. I have looked at Stellarium and you can judge the best time when the Moons are furthest away from Mars. Not observed Mars this season so I must give it a go.
  25. If you want a higher base you can place the Dob on a Water Butt Stand. I use the Wickes version to get extra height with my 12" Dob. https://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Universal-Water-Butt-Stand/p/189521
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