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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Are you going to do a thread on this? Will you need 6x diagonals for adjusting the IPD?
  2. Congratulations. I'm sure you'll enjoy first light from all the other reports I've seen. I can't believe how many SGLr's own these premium refractors now!
  3. Congratulations, Dave! It can't be easy to find one of these, net alone in such good nick
  4. Great result! I've dabbled doing DSO's with my ASI120, but nothing close to this. Lovely detail in there.
  5. Does it come close to focus with the mirror diagonal? If so maybe the shorter light path of a 1.25" Prism diagonal will work?
  6. I'm wondering if you could straight up image with the thing? Might be a nice little step up from a 200mm lens for some people? Also Matts question above is interesting. p.s. I think SW should switch to green and white for their scopes as it looks better than the green and black to me at least.
  7. I think the Bresser 102 f/13 would be very close optically to that particular scope for half the price. I've not owned that particular Bresser but the 90mm version and the 127L, and I was very impressed with the optics, better than the Synta Achros I've tried in all honestly. I also messaged the guy a few years back and it's collection only too, but I can kind of understand that with such a long scope.
  8. Unless you're imaging or after a travel scope 100mm really is the sweet spot for aperture in the UK, I've heard this said time and time again. Another vote for the ED100 or one of the new Bresser 102/1350 f/13's if you like classic scopes and have the mount for it EDIT: Sorry I missed your last post where you mention you've already considered the Bresser.
  9. Very nice Garry, I know these get very good reviews.
  10. That spec looks awesome for the price. I wonder if it would be suitable for EAA with my 5SE reduced to 790mm fl f/6.3?
  11. Forecast looks great for tonight, first clear night since receiving my new scope. Just the small matter of a 12 hour night shift getting in the way :( 

    1. Alan White

      Alan White

      Chris I feel your pain, I was lucky enough to get 45 minutes of lunar in as it got dark, home early but work to do for a big meeting on Monday and a full weekend.

      Work, such an inconvenience at times.


    2. Chris


      Work sure is, Alan, where's that Loto win when you need it. 

  12. I'm pretty certain it's 3/8" as these latest SW mounts are designed for photographic tripods. hold on it might say on the FLO sight. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/sky-watcher-az5-deluxe-alt-azimuth-mount.html Yep it says 3/8" threaded connection in the features section at the bottom of the page.
  13. Go for it, looks like a great little manual AZ mount
  14. Here you go, Jules. It may give you the idea:
  15. Nice thread! Also sometimes partial to a bit of Vixen. 80mf achromat plus Vixen SLV eyepiece..I still have the eyepieces at least:
  16. I've got the Uni28 on my future list Glad you're using plenty of senses to enjoy your new mount
  17. Was it all the talk about Berlebach's that did it , Mike Very Very nice by the way!
  18. lol yep, there is always something to want to buy, and there is something to be said for compact handy optics. I've just hit the button on some Helios Lightwing 8x42 ED HR bins, or in terms of this thread - 2 x ED42 scopes That's my Xmas pressie sorted!
  19. Is this another new piece of kit? I've seen these online and they do look like a dream AZ mount. How does your new Bjorn stack up against Stanley so far?
  20. Please let us know how that goes I'll hold my hand up, I was quietly wondering about IPD and collimation, plus what the system was, cheers
  21. Matt, your setup is giving me palpitations, I think I need a lay down!
  22. I'm pleased about the extra height you mention, sounds really good I used to have one with an AVX but never really tested the height.
  23. I know, I'm on a role! Plus, I've still got to pick what astro goody my wife is getting me for Xmas!
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