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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I wan't to do this when I have a garden big enough, so I'll watch with interest. I hope all goes well
  2. A very interesting man. I learned a lot about Halley and his likely interactions with Isaac Newton, and Robert Hooke when I read the second in the series of these books: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Skys-Dark-Labyrinth-Book-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B006WB2FAE A really great series, and very easy to read.
  3. Same as others, surely he hasn't taken a hack saw to a new Tak I thought! Brilliant of Tak to have that focuser section removable Congrats by the way! She's a beaut!
  4. Here one of mine in action. Dew shield very temporary until the Astrozap arrives.
  5. Guarding them, I like it Part of it for me is eye lens size, and this scales with focal length, as said love Orho's but wouldn't buy e.g. a 4mm. I'm looking at the Vixen 3.4mm HR at the moment. The eye lens looks reasonable, and it has 10mm of ER.
  6. I wen't through a big 'ortho epoch' a few years back, and found the 6mm to the comfortable limit in terms of eye lens size and eye relief. I went through volcano top circle V's, BGO, GCO's. All great, as I'm sure the Fujiymas are too but never tried one.
  7. Oh my word! I like this a lot! I see I nice gap ready for the 3.4mm HR? perhaps? I know FLO has just received a small number over here.
  8. Very nice! There is something very purist about observing with an Ortho. I do have a spot for them myself, but tend to use EP's with a bit more eye relief now days
  9. I'm going to have to try one some day. I know John has some Pentax in his case, and he's of course our resident EP connoisseur.
  10. I got another FLO parcel today too 1 ) C8 Focus mask so I can take an in focus picture of Jupiter. 2) Astro lynx power cable, because my CPC800 grinds to a halt when I try to slew to objects. I'm guessing the power can't get through fast enough, so hopefully this beefier cable will help, fingers crossed. 3) WO prism diagonal - I nearly went for the Tak prism, but the WO has a built in helical focuser which will be great for both my scopes as the both have single speed focusers. Hope it's clear later
  11. Nice, Alan. I've never tried any of the Pentax EP's, but understand they are as good as Vixen SLV's only over a bigger 70 degrees ....sounds fun
  12. Poor 25585, he's taken some ribbing over having 4 rings on his Tak....well the tube is well ribbed anyway.
  13. I've got to say I prefer your clamp, looks more proportional. I'm a bit surprised there is more than one type for the fs60cb. I might get just to two rings for it in the future lol
  14. I think he's risking it with anything less than this with that heavy DL tube http://www.losmandy.com/AZ8.html
  15. I see, attaching kit like finders, I didn't think of that. I did wonder about the Losmandy too, but I guess it is an expensive scope so can see why you might want the extra bolts. I think the skytee might be the weakest link now as it's just weak cast metal. I've seen a case where a skytee has suddenly sheered and a scope dropped to the ground, luckily the owner was close at hand to catch it! I don't think I'd have another one after seeing a thread about that. I've just sold an Ercole, and that was like a tank and all cnc machined, maybe something to consider if you don't already have one.
  16. Flipping heck. you really like the Primaluce kit don't you! What's the logic behind having 4 if you don't mind me asking? You have a DL, on a Skytee so I'm guessing it's not flexure for imaging you're concerned with?
  17. Thanks, Stu. lol yeah, I'll leave the 76 objective upgrade or the q module for now, but it's great to have options, even if they are expensive ones
  18. Please someone link me to a picture of that!
  19. It looks well protected too! Like scope armour I don't think I'd change it because of the way it looks, but it is quite heavy, so maybe for that reason? Early days, we'll see P.s. didn't you put bright red rings on your Tak?! or am I thinking of some one else?
  20. All I can say is I've tried Synta simple prisms and they were terrible for spikes, but the Tak prism's I've owned were really clean. I've heard good things about the WO prisms, and I'm about to buy one to find out for myself.
  21. Yes, I've had the same issue with some prisms, although it's usually cheaper ones.
  22. Takahashi fs60cb sporting some Vixen lanthanum glass, waiting for some grab n go Jupiter action. Mount very temporary. Not sure what to buy for this little beauty? P.s I own a flipping Tak!! ?
  23. Hard to beat Vixen lanthanum glass, nice collection!
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