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Everything posted by Chris

  1. imagine such a thing! Do wish they would do an SW ED140 though
  2. Is that the f/10? if so I considered that one too, it should be nice. You'll have to let us know how you find it
  3. @DRT Hahah! I completely missed that! It's almost worth re-taking the picture to try and make it even more convincing, e.g. slightly move the camera position and take the EP cap off! Good spot
  4. Good post by Dave above. it seems to me that many visual observers put most of the money into the scope rather than the mount, and vise-versa with the imagers, and why not? When looking through your scope you can tell how good the optics are, but could you tell how good the mount is when looking through the scope? i.e. the difference between the Vixen and the Skywatcher when tracking siderealy? A ten year average lifespan for the Skywather EQ5 would suit me fiine, I'm sure there would be something else I would want to replace it with after ten years anyway.....well in my case it's more like after one year max I understand the need for expensive mounts more with the imagers, they need the sub pixel tracking accuracy so their sub exposures don't get ruined etc. I am however looking at this as a guy with limited funds. If I had unlimited funds I would probably be less practical about it and follow my heart.
  5. Hi, if the Vixen mount was only twice the cost of an EQ5 I would also consider one for the extra build quality etc, but isn't it many many times the cost of an EQ5? not just twice the cost? A new EQ5 costs £250, and with enhanced dual axis drives comes to £385, plus the alt bolts can be upgraded for very little so call it £400 max. How much does the Vixen cost by the time you've added a steel tripod and drives? If it was say £700- £800 I wouldn't rule one out entirely myself for the future, but I think it's probably double this?
  6. Yeah not bad, Dave, not bad Seriously though, they're both amazing setups in their own right! The Tak does take the biscuit though! I'll be very interested to hear how it performs on Planets, the Moon, doubles, open clusters, globs, Planetary nebulae, galaxies, well you get the picture...that's a big bit Fluorite glass at the front!
  7. haha well looking at my previous form I'd bet about 5-6 months, Gus, but you never know hey
  8. Cheers Stu and Jules I'm looking forward to the clouds parting! If the optics are anything like the build quality then I'm in safe hands with it I think- feels like a proper scope, an actual metal focuser and metal tube rings unlike the budget end Bresser 90/1200 I initially tried and couldn't quite live with. Lovely coatings on the Vixen, plus very nice looking Plossl EP's and a metal prism diagonal as standard...I'll be interested to see how the Vixen Prism performs. Also quite dark inside that tube which bodes well
  9. Been doing a bit of penny pinching lately, so out with the ED100 HEQ5 combo, and in with a Vixen A80Mf f/11.4 on an EQ3. Two year old (well nearly 3) for scale
  10. Hi Pystab, I think the EQ5 would be better for high mag work due to its steel tripod, the EQ3's standard ali tripod does introduce vibrations at high mags. Another factor is tube length, the classic 70's achro you have has a very long tube with a focal length of 1250mm, so if the wind catches it or it gets knocked the end of the tube is going to move a lot more than your Takahashi's shorter 740mm focal length tube. I've had a 1200mm focal lengh Bresser on the EQ3 and it vibrates a lot, my new Vixen A80Mf seems a bit better at 910mm focal length but I suspect over 100x the vibrations will be there. Your Tak will be another increment better on an EQ3, I'm guessing it would be ok for 120x and would work above that if you allow the vibrations to die down for a few seconds. However I think the EQ5 would just work full stop. Here is my EQ3 with some long tube achros:
  11. You must be climbing the walls, Dave, fingers crossed for first light very soon....and please don't delay in telling us about it
  12. It should say "AND SO IT SHOULD FOR THIS KIND OF MONEY" at the end of each slide Seriously, my EQ3 with dual axis drives does the same job, and you can buy this new for less than £300. How much is the above Vixen again, I'm sure I read £1000+ but I surely must have imagined it, right? If you are rich and can't move for money, then maybe get the Vixen to make room in your wallet, other wise get an EQ3, EQ5 or AZ4. It looks lovely but still!
  13. Thanks Andy, I didn't realise how thin the ply would be until I just read the CN thread you linked, but it kind of makes sense to keep it thin and reinforce with baffles, your 5" f/12 Istar in red looks the business! I really enjoyed reading all about it and the build process, plus seeing the end result!
  14. Wow there's more! This size scope looks good on a medium duty EQ mount. I see the tube is quite far forward in the rings, is it balanced at this point? If so it looks handy for not having to stoop down so far to get to the eyepiece
  15. Thanks for posting up pics of your lovely scopes, Andy, and cheers for the link, I'll read that with great interest! One other question if that's ok? plywood is a great insulator, so how would you say the plywood tube compares with conventional materials in terms of cool down time?
  16. Wow! I had a big hunch you were getting a Tak, but thought it would be a Tak 100, not a big boy like the FS128, the mount too! What a wonderful thing, a big congratulations from me Dave, all I can say is enjoy....that might be an understatement! p.s. for a while I thought you might be getting a Vixen 115s!
  17. Thanks Jules, I must admit it's a touch shy on the aperture I would have wanted, 90-100mm would have been better. Despite this, I did take a shine to it so thought it worth putting in a low offer. My EQ3 is getting a bit lonely. I didn't expect Opticron to take £135 shipped when the buy it now was £199, so I was genuinely surprised. I guess I do have the 6" Dob for more aperture (Dob Mob don't laugh )
  18. Search for Vixen telescopes on Ebay, Opticron are clearing some ex-display stock, there are a couple of other fracs there I might be ok with SWMBO, I've just spotted some new red shoes that weren't there before, I have a bit of leverage! If anyone asks the Dual axis drives were 40 quid
  19. Hi Shane, I've just sold an ED100 due to recent car expenses, the Bresser 90/1200 I reviewed hear was basically it's budget replacement...I bit too budget unfortunately as it turns out. However, I am curious about this new line by Bresser, I just think I picked the wrong one to try by the looks of it I've had a few ED's - ED80's, ED100's and once when I was really flush I had the Equinox 120. I totally agree these Synta ED's are basically spectacular for the money, but I also really rate the long focus crown and flint achromats which I've also had a few of over the years. Lets just say I'm in budget mode at the moment, well apart from the naughty 6mm Vixen SLV, and the Dual axis drives for my EQ3 that are on their way to me, I'm a bad man, I've not told SWMBO yet
  20. Thanks Mark, for now I have a Vixen A80mf f/11 refractor on the way I'll pick up the larger Bresser 102/1350 when I have a more suitable mount down the line.
  21. I think I've found my next project after I've finished grinding, polishing and figuring my mirror. Maybe not one that big though! wonderful craftsmen ship, Andy, I really like what you've done here! Wood and brass might look nice? Steampunk maybe? Is it just marine ply for the main scope tube? I'm just wondering if we can get away with this design with our damp UK climate??
  22. Honey worked! Bresser have refunded me including the cost of postage which honestly didn't expect, thanks Bresser
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