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Dark Raven

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Everything posted by Dark Raven

  1. Ben interviews Simon abot ZWO ASI2600 Duo Air
  2. It can be externally controlled via ASCOM / Alpaca over WiFi.
  3. New Features Added an AI model for denoising linear images Redesigned the user interface for incorporating the denoising model Extended GraXpert's cli interface with a denoising command. Run graxpert -h from a terminal to view the cli documentation For gpu acceleration during denoising, please note: on Windows, we rely on DirectML which requires a DirectX 12 compatible graphics card. On Linux, we rely on CUDA 12 and libcudnn8. On macOS, we rely on CoreML Repackaged AI models in .onnx format. This simplifies to provide GPU acceleration on different hardware platforms for us. Thanks a lot to Riccardo for his pull requests! Frank aka astrophotocologne has created introductory video on GraXpert 3.0: Download: https://www.graxpert.com/ Cuiv, The Lazy Geek also made video about it. Deep Space Astro First run comparison to PI and RC astro NoiseXterminator
  4. Looks like it. Nope, ASCOM / ALPACA connection via WiFi is available. See video with Nico Carver and Ben in Edit 4 below:
  5. Nico confirms it is ASI AIR Mini hardware inside and 2600MC Duo is externally controllable via ASCOM / Alpaca over WiFi.
  6. Interesting new development. The tease started as April Fools Day joke. But now appears to be introduced at NEAF. Below was shared in one of AP imaging groups. Nico posted this. It was a matter of time. I like the concept, if it gets to work properly (had to RMA my 2600MC DUO). I wonder how much memory will it have 32 GB or 256 GB. What do you think? Edit 1: From: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/919191-new-camera-zwo-asi2600mc-air/ Edit 2: Edit 3: https://x.com/zwoastro/status/1781344506878509057 Edit 4: ASI AIR Mini hardware inside. 2600MC Duo can be externally controlled via ASCOM / Alpaca over WiFi.
  7. Same here. With seldom clear nights that I am able to put everything else aside, take my gear and drive to the dark site. I have no patience for troubleshooting.
  8. Thought you might want to know...
  9. I tested consumption on Black Sharks You can also choose various voltage and power. I bought this below as it was fitting to be run directly off ASIAIR But then discovered Black Sharks and never used TEC Module.
  10. Appears to be in line with my results. I used off the shelf smart phone Peltier cooler on ASI585MC. Best results will be during the summer months.
  11. He had such calming presence and joy for sharing knowledge. His videos were truly global inspiration and he will be missed. Tonight we light a candle for a man who brought stars closer to all of us.
  12. I would second Astro-Physics Riccardi-Honders. That is a peace of optical instrument. Ed Ting had nice look at one:
  13. Had similar issues with corner stars on full frame with my scope. Troubleshooting was cumbersome and took forever given my limited availability, clear nights for last six months. Adding individual 1mm, 0.5mm and / or 0.3 mm rings (refers to unscrewing the camera adding ring and reattaching the camera), refocusing (on full frame), adding more rings, overshooting, correcting, overcorrecting. Add freezing temps and loosing clear nights on this just adds to the overall frustration. I bought Precise Tuning M54 Artesky Ring Unfortunately, it rotated field of view so it was hard to make like for like comparison without spending even more time on rotating the focuser. But then light at the end of the tunnel just as I wanted to give up... M54/M48 Backfocus Adjuster-Jiaxing Sharpstar Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (sharpstar-optics.com) Askar Backfocus Adjuster | First Light Optics I can confirm that it works great! Got it sorted 90% in half an hour... Then clouds rolled in... Went from this: To this: As mentioned still some fine adjustments to be done, but much better and so much faster.
  14. Perhaps a less destructive middle ground solution with smartphone coolers.
  15. Well, was not planning on it but did it anyway... With OEM cable: After market cable: Result is that the guide cam connects fine and takes exposures without issues. ASI app crashes when ASI2600MC DUO is activated in app. Video below: ASIImg_V1.10.1 (64bit) 2024-02-10 03-51-45.mp4 With cold camera from outside, unfortunately the result is the same as seen above. After it worms up for some five to ten minutes it connects, sometimes. Have it, went down to 12.14V and the result is the same. The voltages tested are within the spec and should all work. Ranges between 5W and 7W. And just for the kicks tested both ASIAIRs Plus again... AA+ v3.0: AA+ v3.3: Long story short, contacted the distributor and requested RMA. They accepted based on evidence provided, sent return label and wished me good luck and lots of patience given it is New Year at ZWO. Thank you for your inputs. Will keep you posted as the situation develops (in few moths probably)...
  16. Hi all, It appears I have an unusual connection issue with ZWO ASI2600 DUO and wanted to check if I am doing something wrong before I go for RMA to distributor. Important to note that all cables, power supplies and both ASIAIR Plus work flawlessly with my other cameras, namely ZWO ASI6200MC PRO, ZWO ASI585 and ZWO120MM-S. Did not try to connect to laptop as I am mobile imager and do not use laptop for acquisition. The main camera although recognised does not connect to the ZWO ASIAIR Plus, while the guide camera connects fine and works every time. As I am sure you are aware ASI2600MC DUO uses same data cable for both cameras. The main camera rarely connects indoors at room temperature, but never outdoors at cold temperature. Guide camera works and guides just fine. Misshaped stars on DUO are normal due to guide sensor position and light circle of WO REDCAT 51. I have tried using flat and red round ZWO OEM as well as after market USB 3.0 data cables, Nothing else was connected to AA+ Different power supplies such as two different direct AC grid to 12V transformers (12V, 6.5A), EcoFlow Delta 2 (12V, 3A and 10A) outputs, and two different ASIAIRs Plus 32 GB and 256 GB model (always directly connected to power supply not through ASIAIR Plus), but the problem persists. Few screenshots to demonstrate the issue in detail below: Voltage provided is always separate for AA+ and 2600MC Duo ranging from 12.77V to 13.28V with 6.5A from AC adapter to 3A - 10A from ECOFLOW Delta 2. Connection issue persists with latest stabile version: As well as with latest beta. To repeat all of the above works flawlessly with my other ZWO cameras. Confusing part is that sometimes but quite rarely it DOES connect. Have I missed something? Should I try something else before returning to dealer? My fear is that distributor will test indoors at room temp and conclude that the product is fine refusing RMA. Thank you for your input.
  17. It is quite bigger than ASIAIR Plus but smaller than Eagle. Below you can see relative size comparison in regard to Raspberry Pi CM4 module that powers both units. I would say it's a bit too much (size, setup hustle, reliability) for mobile imager like me. Probably perfect for someone having permanent pier or small obsy
  18. Looks like it's coming to the market soon. Quite powerful AP HW/SW combo, but Interesting to see that even experienced users still struggle to set it up. Reflects my RPI 4B and CM4 experience with Stellarmate / INDI / EKOS perfectly. Btw, a question for Mods, should we consider a dedicated subsection for AP HW controllers like Eagle, ASIAIR, Stellarmate PRO, iOptron iMate?
  19. Problem solved... https://www.amazon.co.uk/DS3231-Precision-Module-Raspberry-Consumption/dp/B08LDFCV9B/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1LUKV0XA0KBZ&keywords=DS3231+High+Precision+Real+Time+Clock+Module&qid=1704494299&sprefix=ds3231+high+precision+real+time+clock+module%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-3 https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=161133 DS3231 has native support in INDI.
  20. That is suboptimal position and you are loosing a lot of light for the OAG camera. See proper positioning here: 5. Using OAG-L and 2” EFW I've noticed that stars in my DUO guider are not round due to 2" filters vignetting but it guides just fine. If I remember correctly it is also mentioned in the above video as well.
  21. SBIG did and they held the patent for a decade. They must have asked for a fortune in royalty. Unfortunately sensor tech was not as sensitive or advanced as it is today and it did not work well if at all. That's probably why you did not see it elsewhere. It differs from OAG in a sense that the filters come after OAG in the imaging train. With duo filters are in front.
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