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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Oh dear - that's gone right over my head. For a start I just want a program that reads data from the ESP and displays it. Either as numbers or as graphs/charts. Later I would like to upload to my web site, which I used to do years ago but used a commercial weather station. I wondering though if my brain is getting too old to handle all this.
  2. I'm looking for the software to run on my Linux Mint machine.
  3. I have the ESP8266 NodeMCU V1.0 ESP-12E WiFI Module on a breadboard ready to connect to for testing. I have the information on programming this so that's alright, I think. Now to the nitty-gritty... Can someone please tell me how to read the WiFi signal from my computer (Linux Mint). For astro I use KStars/Ekos but the far end uses RPi with INDI - a totally different system. I know several of you use these ESP devices in your weather stations so I would appreciate help here please and not try to "reinvent the wheel".
  4. Yes, I love socialising but been deprived of it lately. SGL has enabled me to survive the last few months!!
  5. Proper chatterbox me! 🤣 I think I'm known for "talking the hind leg off a donkey"!!! May be a sign of loneliness.
  6. I hate to think hope much I've spent over the last decade.
  7. Beautiful images Dave!! This I'll have to have a go at this object.
  8. I have a feeling it's what that other group of astronomers - the observers - use on their telescopes to see an image, but I could be wrong! 🤣
  9. So sorry for your loss Agnes. Been there myself a few time so I know the heartbreak. Greatest condolences. <<<HUGS>>>
  10. I have a strange tendency to type an "e" on the end of words when I know full well there is no such "e"!! A typical one is "bothe". Silly isn't it???!!! I also tend to type words or at least letter pairs, backwards. Probably slight dyslexia (I have to type that word extremely slowly!!).
  11. I echo all these comments. SGL is great - no more than that - wonderful!
  12. That is absolutely fantastic Carole!
  13. Gina


    I think a system with GOTO would be very helpful. It would enable going straight to the object to view from a phone or laptop app. Makes it much easier. The alternative is "star hopping" for which a good knowledge of the night sky is needed. Such systems were very much more expensive when I started and fewer available. On the other hand, I know some people prefer "star hopping" to the higher tech approaches but my feeling is that your girls are well into tech.
  14. Gina


    Welcome to SGL - lovely to see you here.
  15. Not month - actual day. I was just a couple of hours into my 17th birthday at the time they walked on the moon.
  16. I was 17 and had my own TV. EDIT! Ooops. Moon walk was 69 wasn't it so I was 27. Maybe I just act 10 years younger than I am!
  17. That's absolutely spectacular Dave! All those hours of imaging and all the image processing has been well worth it!
  18. Superb image! With Melotte 15 looking good too.
  19. Schottky diodes drop fewer volts and are available in high current ratings. Whether they can fail short-circuit though, I don't know.
  20. I've decided to use digital inputs on the ESP (probably an ESP8266-12E) and wire the reed switches one-to-one to 8 digital inputs with the other ends commoned to another wire going to the Gnd. I prefer all digital rather than any of the analog techniques due to the virtual immunity to interference. Using internal pull-up resistors this arrangement needs no resistors at all.
  21. Looks like the ESP8266 module and digital inputs could be a goer. The alternative would be the ESP32 which would do the job and so much more that's not wanted. Seems the ESP8266 may do all I want for the wind sensors, light sensor (ADC) and rain gauge which I may mount on the same mast.
  22. Thank you very much everyone for your birthday wishes 😀
  23. Thanks Jason 😀 Looks like I can use that module then.
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