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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Wrong!! - More!! or All of them and more!! 😁
  2. Working now. Tried a different ESP32 module. I thought it was hot - I was right!!
  3. Wired up a stripboard for ESP32 and BME280. ESP32 is working and connecting by WiFi but BME280 isn't. The connections look right and I can't see any solder bridges. I'll check again later - need a break now and cool off!!
  4. Ordered more cable to wire up my weather station units. 12V 24V AUTOMOTIVE 2/3/4/5/7 CORE THINWALL RED/BLACK CAR CABLE WIRE ROUND/FLAT (Flat 2 Core 0.5mm² 11Amps, 10 Metres) This is similar to but smaller than the 16.5A cable I used for the main 13.8v feed in my observatory. It will be fed from a buck converter to drop the main supply to 5v. I may rebuild my main power distribution box to provide this extra supply. Currently I have 4 supplies at 13.8v Mount Imaging rig ASC Roof control These are all provided with digital ammeter, fuse and switch. I think the weather station supply deserves the same treatment.
  5. My brain seems to have shut down due to heat!!
  6. I have 13.8v fed to my pier with a 16.5A low voltage flexible cable plus thick domestic type earth cable, from the distribution box in the warm room - separate supplies for mount and imaging rig. I have a network switch on the pier feeding the two RPi control boards and a cable from the mount to one RPi so minimal cables while still using wired Ethernet. I could probably get away with WiFi but prefer high reliability for imaging. Except for the ASC which uses WiFi as it's less important. Now if INDI supported the ESP32 I could cut down a lot on power requirements!
  7. Yes, I was wondering about the cable resistance problem. I shall have to look into the current requirements. I think the weather units will be under 100mA. Mostly the other devices are RPi boards which need around 2A as I recall which adds up. Maybe it's a case of just running 5v for the weather station units. These require only 5v and not the 13.8v whereas the imaging systems require both.
  8. As I add stuff to my observatory I continue to add 13.8v to 5v buck converters. I could be adding 3 more with the weather sensors. This is making me wonder whether I should add a 5v power bus to my observatory power distribution system.
  9. Must make sure brain is fully engaged and working before engaging fingers to keyboard!!
  10. Sorry - me getting confused!!
  11. I've uploaded the sketch to the two new ESP32s I've just bought so this gives me the framework to add my own code and remove what I don't want. Really it just a test that the Upload works on the two new modules.
  12. String SendHTML(float temperature,float humidity,float pressure,float altitude){ String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>"; ptr +="<html>"; ptr +="<head>"; <------------------------------------------------- WRONG!! ptr +="<title>ESP32 Weather Station</title>"; ptr +="<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>"; ptr +="<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,600' rel='stylesheet'>"; ptr +="<style>";
  13. Filters only make invisible objects visible with long exposure imaging.
  14. I may be wrong but I don't think your for loop gives the right results. I worked out that the pins needed special numbering viz. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9. Note that 3 had to be left out as we get that with NNE from N + NE (1+2).
  15. No, I hadn'r come across Consensus Averaging before either - it's very clever and makes use of the waggling of the vane to get a better resolution out of the 16 compass points. My earlier weather stations used magnetic damping to reduce the waggling. Then to get an average I would use 16 bins to collect points for each direction and use the one with the most counts as the true direction. Consensus Averaging takes this much further.
  16. Ah yes, that's a simpler method - thank you. Actually, since I shall go on to do Consensus Averaging I'll use integer values 0-15.
  17. Yes, that was one of the alternatives I had in mind but the 8+1 wire digital connection doesn't need any resistors. Otherwise not a lot to choose between them - no resistors v more wires.
  18. I think they have to be read individually.
  19. Thinking online... Let's look at how a table may be formed. We have a "1" for N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. If we assign a value of 1 for N and 2 for NE we have 1, 2 or 3. So the value for E has to be 4. With E on we can have that alone or with NE or SE. NE has a value of 2 so ENE gives 2+4 = 6. So far so good... N=1, NE=2, E=4. We haven't used 5 so let's try assigning 5 to SE. ESE = 5+4 = 9. Next number is 6. Assigning 6 to S gives 6+5=11 for SSE. Assigning 7 for SW gives SSW=7+6=13. Assigning 8 for W gives 8+7=15 for WSW. 9 for NW gives 9+8=17 for WNW. Now the critical case of NNW. That's 9+1=10, which we haven't had yet so that's fine! Let's tabulate this. N = 1 NNE = 3 NE =2 ENE = 6 E = 4 ESE = 9 SE = 5 SSE = 11 S = 6 SSW = 13 SW = 7 ESW = 15 W = 8 WNW NW = 9 NNW = 10 So the table looks like this. N NE NNE E SE S SW W ESE NNW SSE N/A SSW N/A ESW N/A So we have a table of 16 entries rather than 256. Great!
  20. Need to think out how that would work.
  21. Probably C++ (Arduino IDE) as I know that best.
  22. That's my usual way of doing things but I need to get readings from the ESPs more automatically. ATM I'm just using a browser (Firefox) to read each ESP manually. This current method will do for now - far better than nothing.
  23. That's what I was thinking but ATM I can't think of a better method. I'll get my thinking cap on!
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