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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I think I need that explaining maybe with some code. I presume you need to put that in the ArduinoOTA initial code. Anyway, I can look into that later, I'll be happy if I can get my weather measurements into the house.
  2. I think I get the idea having looked at the WebUpdater example. Do you just send the sketch file to the IP address?
  3. Yep - that works. Does that mean that I could upload a new sketch to that IP address without pressing the Boot button?
  4. Ah!... Need to put SSID and PW in I think.
  5. I like modular code too.
  6. WOW!! That's brilliant! It would mean I could load new code into the ESP32 in the wind sensors enclosure without taking everything down.
  7. Explain please... Don't know what OTA means in this context. So far so good - time for a coffee!!
  8. That was it - Done Uploading! Great - thanks. onwards and upwards...
  9. Hmm... Problem... Following instructions HERE I get as far as uploading the WiFiScan sketch, it compiles OK but the Upload stage fails to connect with the following report :-
  10. I currently have version 1.8.10 of the Arduino IDE, the latest is 1.8.13 but info online says later than 1.8.5 is alright for programing the ESP32 so guess I don't need to upgrade. I'll try it...
  11. As I see it, there are two functions of a weather station. To provide current information about the weather outside and in the observatory. To provide a record of the weather over a period. I shall concentrate on the first initially and should not be too difficult, the second may come later purely for interest but will be much more difficult.
  12. Ah yes, I thought I remembered that I2C would only work over a short distance.
  13. The sensors will be around 10ft apart. The observatory is 15ft x 8ft with the scope room 8 x 8 and the warm room 8 x 7. In the photo below we are looking at the NW corner. The wind sensors are attached to the SW corner of the warm room and I plan to place a Stevenson screen around the middle of the north wall, near the post for the ASC, with I2C connections going through the wall into the scope room where I plan to sense temperature and humidity.
  14. ESP-Now does look rather complicated and I have another idea. The two sensor ESPs are not that far apart and a serial wired connection would be quite feasible I think. Not difficult to program either. There's also the possibility of having independent ESPs, both communicating with indoors over WiFi.
  15. Thanks Jason, I'll check that out.
  16. I'm amazed at the range of ESP-NOW - 165 metres! Think that's for ESP32, ESP8266 seems to be 140m. Still a lot!
  17. Found the answer - HERE
  18. The requirements for the ESP for the outside and obsy measurements are only 2 wires as they are I2C devices and both can run on the same port. The ESP8266-12E could handle this easily. But will ESP-NOW work with one ESP32 and one ESP8266?
  19. https://lastminuteengineers.com/bme280-esp32-weather-station/
  20. Thanks folks 😀 Gives me plenty to read and think about. I will look into MQTT but first I'll get the simpler web server approach working to check I can get the ESP32 working.
  21. I see that the ESP32 can be used as an output device server so I could probably use one to drive my wall dials. But that's for later - need to walk before I try to run! 😁
  22. Yes, I did know that - I have the 30 pin version.
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