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Everything posted by John

  1. I agree. I had one of the very early TAL 100's (1999) and that was fitted out for 1.25 inch eyepieces. On the 25mm TAL Plossls, those can vary depending on the production run. Optically they seem to be uniformly good but the field stop diameter did vary so the AFoV could be from 55 degrees down to around 48 degrees.
  2. The ED120 doublets have been known to show less CA than some lower cost 127 triplets.
  3. I have a wooden tripod which, though not exactly the same quality as the new one that FLO are offering, closely mirrors it's design. I haven't used it for a while but I do recall it being very stable with the mounts that I tried it with which included the Skytee II, the Ercole, a Giro III and a Vixen GP. The design looks more slender in some ways than the Berlebach Uni but the wide leg / top bracket design gives a lot of stability and better vibration dampening / resistance. More than you would think from the weight / mass of the tripod. To be honest I'd forgotten that I had this tripod until I re-read the FLO announcement today πŸ™„
  4. Maybe it is the Venusian's tribute to Queen's 1975 hit song ? 😁 Great images by the way !
  5. Is is an interesting idea but as far as I understand it, the exit pupil created by the scope / eyepiece combination is usually somewhat smaller than the eye lens of the eyepiece and exits the eyepiece though it's central axis. Given a typical low power eyepiece exit pupil of, say, 6mm diameter I'm not sure how one could hold this disk of light with both eyes at the same time ? Maybe I'm missing something I will give it a try though, during the next clear night. I hope I don't end up permanently cross-eyed !
  6. I have just weighed my ED120 Pro at 6.4kg which includes 9x50 RACI finder, 2 inch diagonal, tube rings and a 250mm CNC Vixen-type DT bar. The focuser on the scope is a Moonlite CF dual speed though which might weigh a bit more than the stock focuser.
  7. I've been comparing the new Stellalyra dual alt az mount with the Skytee II which is still listed by FLO at Β£289.00 vs the Β£319.00 for the Stellalyra. It's not immediately clear what the differences are - is there something internal perhaps ?
  8. I had a Tak 30mm straight through finder which came as the package that my FC100-DL came equipped with. I'm afraid that I lasted just one short session with it. The quality is excellent of course but the humble Skywatcher 6x30 RACI worked better for me in terms of comfort and the orientation of the field (which is a personal preference I accept). The Skywatcher finder fits into the Tak finder bracket and, IMHO, looks fine on the scope. I don't have so much infatuation with the brand to prevent what I see as effective and sensible changes here and thereπŸ™‚
  9. This source is very often quoted or linked to on forums: Amateur Telescope Optics (telescope-optics.net) Most of it is way over my head though πŸ™„
  10. I think it is very similar to the tripod that William Optics and Baader used to have in their ranges quite a few years back. In the USA Oberwerk list something very similar as their TR3 model.
  11. Many manufacturers weight quotes don't include tube rings, finder, dovetail, diagonal etc. It's worth checking if it's critical, to be 100% sure. My 130mm F/9.2 triplet weighs 9.3kg and that does include those accessories but it is not the lightest around (or the heaviest !). Borg have the reputation of producing about the lightest refractors for their aperture class. I don't know if the 125mm is still made though ?
  12. I don't actually use the finder to find fainter DSO's themselves of course. It is centering the star field that the DSO lies in that the finder is used for. For really faint stuff a wide field eyepiece in the scope provides the next step πŸ™‚
  13. Telescope Services and Stellarvue have done the same with this mount so why not FLO ?
  14. I use 6x30 RACI's on my 100mm and 102mm refractors. 9x50 RACI's on the 120mm and 130mm. I have a couple of RDF's that sometimes get used instead but mostly it's the optical RACI's which are Synta products either branded Skywatcher or Orion (USA).
  15. The Vixen NPL 30mm that the OP already has is a decent low power eyepiece and gets 95% of the way there in terms of true field. Cost = zero πŸ™‚
  16. That is my understanding as well. My 12 inch dob vanes were like this:
  17. I've used early versions of the AZ100 and currently have a T-Rex. I can assure you that the AZ100 is every bit as good as the T-Rex, has more functionality potential now and is of course fully supported by the folks at Rowan.
  18. Very interesting idea and one that looks relatively easy to try out πŸ™‚ My 12 inch dob used curved vanes which worked quite well but I was only visual.
  19. The views through that, when the conditions allow, are going to be truly superb I'll bet 😁 Congratulations on the impending "beastly" arrival Stu πŸ™‚ (plus, it will develop your muscles as well !!!)
  20. I guess "aperture fever" comes in slightly smaller doses where refractors are concerned πŸ™‚
  21. The FC100's are great like that - they seem to need virtually no cool down time at all πŸ™‚ My Vixen ED102 F/6.5 needs 20 minutes or so to give it's best. Thicker lenses and a fatter tube I reckon ?
  22. Nice report Joe πŸ™‚ If the mountain is un-named, it's yours - you can name it Mount Joe 😁 You just need to get the I.A.U to agree to it πŸ˜‰
  23. I was wondering if today there are glass types that are more readily available that could achieve similar results ? Putting the wavelengths of light back where they belong (or very close to it) seems preferable to filtering them out to me. And SA correction is improved as well. At one point Istar were working on a similar corrector to the Chromacor but they didn't pursue it favouring a move to ED glass in the objective design instead. This thread is about filtering though so I'll shup up about correctors I think πŸ™‚
  24. FLO's price seems quite reasonable for such a well corrected, high performing and complex eyepiece. I guess I'm looking at alternatives such as the Delos and the XW's which seem to be in the same league.
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