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My video of the Kennedy Space Center

I did not know what to expect when Steven and I planned our trip to Florida. However, there was one day I really looked forward to,... the last one. That was the day when Steven and I would finally visit the Kennedy Space Center. That was also the moment where we would meet and discuss with a veteran astronaut during a lunch / question period. We would also see the magnificent nature at the National Wildlife Refuge that Cape Canaveral is known for. I was simply "blown away" by it all



My CCD Journey : 5

Another evening with the 6SE. One of the difficulties I have had is in getting objects anywhere near focus - there are fewer stars in the field and when they are out of focus they seem to be WAY out of focus, so decided to have some fun with Vega, which is bright enough to appear on the screen anyway. Discovered that I need to give the focus knob three 'rotates' to the left (from my 32mm e/p) when it is just the CCD. Maybe I should explain that a 'rotate' is, I would guess, about 60 degrees. I



my new scope :) (first light optics)

hi everyone my first scope arrived yesterday after reading through blogs and tearing my hair out i decided to go with Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian very impressed- although complete cloud cover on the first night (i suspect this happens to everyone!) got it from first light optics, super impressed with service, very quick delivery only ordered thurs and got it tues, and looking around other sites was a very reasonable price so would defo recommend will add a photo of my new pride and joy re



Solar Scope traded for a pair of Equinox's

(musings from May ......) Well, funds were running low and I could not justify spending another £2k on both mount and imaging camera for Solar work. It broke my heart but realising I could not use my Canon 5DMkII to image what I was seeing through the eyepiece to the same level, it had to go. I picked up quite a package in part exchange, some bits I wont need and will be appearing in the for sales area. Some I might need in the future (QHY-5 camera and IR remote control PS2 controller for guidin



shuttle sts 134 endevour is up

for all you who don`t know shuttle is up launched at 1.55 pm our time.Launch was going to be 30th may? don`t know why it was bought forward? must have fixed the heater problem on the fuel tanks. All ways impressed with the launch never fails to amaze me!! we may see double pass of ISS and shuttle IF the weather is clear!! IF!!

mr saddo

mr saddo

Activity at south pole again.

Good seeing today from athens after a long time. Used Coronado maxscope Sm70mm CaK and Coronado PST D.S Sm40mm Ha. We have active region at the south pole after a long time. Region 11214 in action with a sunspot group without penubra. At the west side region 11210 is ready to leave the visible solar side. Near to the limb came the region 11208. There are big filaments over two regions. No big prominences today at the solar limb. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



Beginner help....please heq5/CDC

Hi I have a 200pds and heq5 pro(syntrek)and trying to use cartes du ciel on my laptop for tracking etc. I have polar aligned at bottom of garden so i could see star in circle so thought all would be well when i ventured to top of garden and tried slewing to various stars. However once there it all went wrong, i tried originally to slew to the moon but it seemed to be pointing at the earths core! even i know it isnt there ha ha. I have setup eqmod from gps figures from my mobile im roughly in the



Sat 14th May 11

Over the last few months I have found that Stellarium has been so power hungry that I could not get any other programme to work on the obsy laptop whilst it was running, one of the reasons which I did not do much remoting. This week I decided to reinstall XP and see if I could change anything, but no, still the same. After a bit of thought I decided to see if I could run the hub direct from the house, installing the wi-fi on the laptop gave me a spare cable, so putting USB boosters on the cable

The Sailor

The Sailor

The sun rest.

Bad-average seeing from athens today. The activity of the sun going down the last days. Only two big regions on surface. 11210 without sunspots right now. It`s time for rest. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



Evening 11 May

Evening 11/13th May Hi all was out last night for a quick play started around 10 o clock already to go for about 22:30,the 90mm frac goto and webcam phillips i stayed out for about 30 mins and that was that heres one of many the link is for 2 albums one for the 11th and one for the 13th,photo bucket please leave coments here after looking if you wisha cheers pat clear skies always http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/11may%20evening/ http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd81



Thu 12th May 11

The night started out with rain in the air but turned out okay and so opened up and aligned. It was great to have the 2" barlow, thank you Sy, was a great purchase, the Messiers were wonderful to see and wandering round the sky was a dream. Cloud cover beat me in the end and ended the night on a good note.

The Sailor

The Sailor

new to astronomy

Hi i have been interested in the skies for a long time, and only just last christmas i got my first telescope, skywatcher 400mmx80mm refractor and have not a day gone by not looking up, but i wanted more so i can remember what i have seen. i am on a tight buget and so i went for recycleing from the garage, and made a phone camera holder and a part of a hoover handle 1.25mm, put the parts together and 2x barlow in the telescope, then took some pictures of the moon, with my 8mp camera phone, great



Spotless region giving flare.

A new region coming from north east with no sunspots. No number from NOAA. The faculae has strong magnetic fields inside it. And finally the area broken and giving a c-class flare. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



ribbon flare B8.1

A ribbon flare B8.1 inside 11207 destroy a filament over region. Solar-007.eu - SOLAR OBSERVATORY



moon 11 may

11 MAY took a few pics last night ,did not notice the lpf filter was covered with dew ruined to many pics maybe got 25 out of 300 lol what a pain heres the link about 20 more pics to look at v http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/11%20may/ just a small one here v



Tue 10th May 11

Been a good day, after making the new solar filter for the Evostar 80 left the mount on solar tracking for the rest of the day, all went well and then closed down for the evening. The local club is having a lecture, off to that and if the clouds stay away will return to the fight :). The night is warm, no breeze so will be staying out as long as possible. Have been going through a list of targets, all Messiers and all going well. With the night as it is I have decided to stay up and hopefully ge

The Sailor

The Sailor

webcam software?

does anyone know a good webcam software for mac?? or software that converts microsoft webcam footage to mac????? (that you can use an microsoft webcam on an apple...) thanks



May 10th moon and the wind

May 10th Hi all well the night started great clear skies, and my first night out in a couple of days , well gave it 45 mins all kit out side ready to go .got out there and the cloud an wind wa blowing at around 13 mph a thought a will take a quick couple and get in ,no such luck at all the wind with the dew shield in place was really grab in the tube focus was a issue with the turberlence and the boiling moon video was out the window tried for about 30 mins and gave up a did want to try a few s



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