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Planetary Imaging with DSLR Video Mode?

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Hi Alexxx,

I might not be the best person to give you an answer as I only used BackyardEOS in Planetary mode for the first time a couple of nights ago. However, I'm chuffed with the results I managed, so some of the settings must have been about right!

The biggest issue I had was that I didn't set "Expo. simulation" to "Enable" in camera. Once I sussed that it neede to be on, the changes I made to the settings started to have an effect! So, do that first...

Then, with byeos in Planetary Mode and the camera in M mode, you have some setting options on the right hand side. I can't remember all of them, but the important ones were ISO set to 200 and Shutter set to 1/10 or an 1/8, have a play with that one and you can see the changes on screen. I had the 5x button clicked too. I set the Frames to 900, but by all accounts that should be set higher. It depends on which planet you are trying to image. With Jupiter you can only manage a couple of minutes max as it rotates quickly, so I reckon that, with my camera generating a frame rate of about 16fps, I should have set the Frames to more like 1800 or so - this is all theory from what I've read since and I'm hoping to test it out tonight! Then set the Target Name and hit record. It whirs away and generates an avi for you.

Processing was then in PIPP and Registax.

Good luck!

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Record liveview at 5x for 1:1 pixel ratio.

or if anyone has a 550D, 60D and 60Da then the only way to go is Movie Crop Mode, which is true 1:1.

Mike, I've now experimented with the crop mode and have a couple of questions. It seems that the only way to record video in that mode is with EOS Utils (not possible in BackyardEOS or APT, which generate jpegs from live view and construct an avi rather than direct video recording). The file created from EOS Utils is a mov file. What's the best software to convert that to an avi for processing?


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Picked up on this thread with great interest. I used 640x480 movie crop mode on my 600D on Jupiter. Is this the best procedure. I use EOS utilities and am unfamiliar with BY EOS. I ran into the issue with .mov vs .avi too on both registax and autostakkert. Look forward to any tips.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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As far as I know the 600D does'nt have movie crop mode.

It does 640x480 movies but these are not cropped out of the centre of the sensor.

Movie Crop is true 1:1 pixel ratio any other video option will not be.

For the highest resolution you want to get as near 1:1 as possible.

I gather recording Liveview at 5x is as good as 1:1,

warning recording Liveview for long periods gets the sensor quite hot, so keep recordings short.

Get the latest version of Autostakkert, it has ffmpeg intergrated into it, third link down.


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just looked at my menu settings for my 600D
in movie mode I can only use the x3 - 5 setting with the higher sizes
when I go down to 640 x 480 the x3 - 5 is disabled

I got my T ring this morning and thats the camera ready to go only snag is the weather says rain & cloud

and its my wedding anniversary today so I doubt I'll be out tonight

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