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AVI won't load in registax...

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Am I doing something incredibly dumb?

I saved the AVIs, they play fine through VLC media player.

Only thing I have done is to rename the files to something more meaningful to me. Can't remember the original filenames, so can't rename back to check.

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Files still have the avi extension.

Found I still had the original files on laptop, so copied over again.

Same issue, I get a "FILE CANNOT BE LOADED" error when I try to open any of the videos I took last night.

Sharpcap capture parameters:-

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]


Frame Rate (fps)=25.00

Colour Space / Compression=YUY2









Edited by ScubaMike
Added sharpcap parameters
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I had a similar issue a few months back, not 100% sure but i think i made sure i had all the latest ms patches and let latest regstax or at least i reinstalled it. As i say cant remember which it was but my money's on the ms pacthes.

As Peter says try opening them in virtualdub and then resave in old format.

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I had the same problem in Registax4 but not with 5 - however, download virtualdub which is free - load your avi into that then simply resave it as AVI - this removes any compression that registax doesn't recognise - worked for me - and, it is a great way of chopping up avi's should you need to

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Thanks Peter & Justin,

File now loads OK thanks.

However, nothing can be seen.

There are 3400 frames, but all just showing as plain white.

I'm trying to follow the tutorial here (RegiStax- Free image processing software), but can't see any frames in registax


Files are 2-3Gb in size, should I chop the video up a bit?

Edited by ScubaMike
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Your frame rate of 25 seems rather high and it could be your capture PC/USB couldn't handle the data rate

If not captured, why does it play OK through VLC (media player)?

Does the video play alright in a media player?


Yes, plays fine through VLC.

Is there another program, used instead of Registax, that I could try to see if still a problem?

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I removed registax & reinstalled it.

I then used VirtualDub to chop the video down to about 1000 frames (800Mb).

Registax then loaded the chopped video OK.

I then tried to load one of the original videos (3200 frames - had already been re-saved by VirtualDub), and registax locked up.

I then killed Registax through Task Manager and restarted, but no video would now load (not even the copped video that I loaded OK after reinstall).

Anyone else seen this behaviour ?

Can't be doing with reinstalling Registax everytime I want to use it.

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If not captured, why does it play OK through VLC (media player)?

Yes, plays fine through VLC.

Is there another program, used instead of Registax, that I could try to see if still a problem?

You could try Avistack.

Are you using the same computer to capture the images and process ? If not, install the webcam drivers and capture software on both computers. Registax sometimes has problems if the codecs are not on the computer.


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That might be it Peter,

I capture using laptop, and transfer to desktop for processing.

I'll try installing the device drivers on the desktop to eliminate that one.

Had just started tracking down another stacking program, and had seen AVIstack, will give that one a go if I'm still hitting problems.

Thanks for the help.


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I saw a similar problem once when the avi codec wasn't properly registered - i.e the avi wouldn't play in windows media player even though it played in VLC.

It took a while to work out which .dll it was, there was a clue in the error dump in regsitax when trying to load the avi file.

This came about between avi transfers from an Old WinXP PC -> Windows 7

Care should be taken registering and unregistering dlls but ...

I registered the correct dll with regsvr32.exe and straight away the preview of all the AVI's appeared and registax loaded the avi without any problem.

Sorry that I can't remember the exact dll, I should have emailed it to myself....

It might have been an intel graphics chipset dll, hmmm.

edit - just found some notes I took when I fixed this problem. It was indeo chipset avi files and not intel as I'd originally thought.

To play Indeo files on Vista WMP:

* Go to the windows run command (Start:Run type "cmd" and press enter)

* type "regsvr32 ir50_32.dll"

The required DLL is now registered on Vista & WMP will play the videos.

Thought I'd update this post in case anyone has this particular problem and stubles upon it via a search engine.

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Tried installing the drivers for the SPC900 onto the desktop.

Still no joy, registax just won't allow the video to be loaded.

Installed AVIStacker, which recognised the video though.

Now I'm looking at the images that others are producing with even more respect.

Focus was miles off, while I could see some banding, I think that I was filling in the detail myself. The camera doesn't lie, the capture was really poor.

I'm blaming the seeing, as the focus seemed to come in & out. Don't think it was vibration as I walked away from the scope for most of the capture period, so vibrations would have been at a minimum.

On the plus side, the tracking wasn't too shabby, and will be further refined now that I can reposition my tripod with some degree of accuracy.

Roll on the next dark night so I can try again.

(any further suggestions on how to get Registax working gratefully received. Could it be the capture itself? what should I be saving the video as?)

PS I'm using SharpCap as the capture software.

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Just a matter of time before you crack it :-) (at least thats what i keep telling myself)

YUY2 is the generally accepted format setting in SharpCap, although I can't get AviStack2 to recognise these but Registax opens them fine.

Have you tried dropping the frame rate 10 fps is the 'norm'.

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  • 3 years later...

Hi i am new here registered just now cos i needed a fix for this too and after much searching i found a fix, i found if you are using windows 8, 8.1 you will need to install x264vfw  to get registax to work. not sure if this can fix older versions of windows but mine is working fine now after a few days of searching the net.

Hope it helps others new to stargazing

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I had the same problem in Registax4 but not with 5 - however, download virtualdub which is free - load your avi into that then simply resave it as AVI - this removes any compression that registax doesn't recognise - worked for me - and, it is a great way of chopping up avi's should you need to

Just a warning - I've had to load VirtualDub a couple of times from SourceForge and got malware each time, even with up-to-date malware protection. I don't like the site! But the sw is great and I just do scans and uninstall unwanted downloads.


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  • 9 months later...


Im also having trouble with Registax loading video's. My canon eos 1200d records video to MOV files.  I have downloaded VirtualDub which will not play or load any of my videos even if I change the file to avi. I have tried loading videos direct from the camera. I am totally lost. I admit Im no computer wiz and I think this maybe the problem.

I have tried many stacking programs with the same trouble.

Im using windows vista, not sure if this could be a problem.

Please I need some advise. :help:


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Im also having trouble with Registax loading video's. My canon eos 1200d records video to MOV files.  I have downloaded VirtualDub which will not play or load any of my videos even if I change the file to avi. I have tried loading videos direct from the camera. I am totally lost. I admit Im no computer wiz and I think this maybe the problem.

I have tried many stacking programs with the same trouble.

Im using windows vista, not sure if this could be a problem.

Please I need some advise. :help:


Run the .mov file through PIPP and this will convert the file to .avi https://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/

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If you are doing this for planetary imaging and there is significant empty space around the planet then it is worth getting PIPP to crop the frames around the planet while it is doing the MOV to AVI conversion (https://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/example-uasge/example1B).

This will greatly reduce the memory and processor power that RegiStax will need.

Another thing I would advise is to use AutoStakkert!2 (http://www.autostakkert.com/) for stacking instead of RegiStax.



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Thanks Chris. I have tried autostakkert and had same problem but now PIPP sorts my files out I will try again.

PIPP is a very good bit of software, I'm impressed with what you can do with video files

Thanks for your advice


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