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Experimental Saturn process

Space Cowboy

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Decided to use a softer wavelet setting in registax and i think the inner ring is showing or is it just blur? Also I used 2 alignment points one on each winger with the boxes side by side...this has produced a nicer curve on cassini but there is a join down the middle of the planet?


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The Crepe Ring is showing best in your first image to me Stuart - although the next 2 are a bit sharper.....

I'm a bit at "6's & 7's" with RV6 Vs RV5 at the moment.....the multipoint alignment is definitely an improvement in V6, but I'm still undecided whether making the quality grading/alignment/optimisation process fully-automatic is a benefit or not: linked wavelets isn't imho anything of real advantage as it is a very harsh tool and any decent data wouldn't need such severe "applications' amplification"

Denoising is a little better integrated into V6 as far as tools layout/simplicity is concerned, but V5 denoising is just as effective... (in V5 you merely uncheck the #1 slider box and use it to denoise each other slider's aplication as you go.)

As I commented on CN the other night, I suspect that RV6 is, like all versions, primarily predicated upon Lunar imaging first & foremost.....but that's just my own "feeling.":icon_scratch::)

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Thanks for your comments guys!

Cheers K man just need to get the crepe on a sharper image. Looking at the murky sky that's not going to happen tonight lol

I do like the multi alignment method on v6 it definetly produces more definition in cassini. Sometimes it leaves alignment marks on the final image which is very annoying not sure what causes that?

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