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Emission line Rosette - Do not adjust your set


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Fantastic night here last night. The brass monkeys had frostbite but the sky was as good as I've seen it. Got in from work at 9.00pm, finally after much faffing and setting up got imaging just after 11.00. Just finished 3 1/2 hour sequence as Rosette disappeared behind neighbours house. Band of cloud came over as packing away. Perfect.

Been planning this for a long time - 7x10 mins each of Ha OIII and SII narrow band filters. False colour since the filter colours have to be changed to make RGB. I have used the Hubble mix matching the filter order in the spectrum to that of RGB. So SII is red, Ha green and OIII is blue. Comes as a surprise when we are used to seeing red rossetes. The other thing I did was to give the SII a big boost and OIII a smaller one when doing the colour combine in maxim - ratio of 3:1.4:1. This stops the other colours being totally swamped by the Ha. Also used the Ha as luminence so HaHa OIII SII

There is quite a bit of OIII in the inner portions of nebula with only a very small amount of SII mainly in the outer regions.

SXVH9 Astronomik 13nm emission line filters ZS66 with AP 0.67 reducer Super polaris mount. All unbinned

I made a very stupid mistake when I set up the guiding by having a play with the backlash compensation in maxim and forgetting to turn it off. This meant that there was a small but constant tracking error leading to star trails. Went to bed thinking I'd ruined it all but have just about managed to sort it this morning.

I'm very pleased with this.


Here's the Ha which has a lot of detail I think from 70 mins unbinned subs


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Just terriffic! Any chance of seeing a "natural" color side-by-side? The false color really shows features you may miss in the natural version, and the technique you use to attenuate the HA works really great. Amazing how advanced amateurs have gotten in just the last few years, isn't it? I can view archives from the Mayall 4 meter on Kitt Peak and not see detail like this from the 1980's.

A masterpiece Martin!

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That really, really, is a wonderful creation Martin. It is just incredible what some of you are doing here.

I know a lot of effort is going into producing these images. To have the skills to enhance the information that is contained in images like this, is remarkable. One can never tire of looking at them.

Barkis. :rolleyes:

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Thank you everyone, it's great to have such positive feedback from all off you. AM - thank you very much for your kind comments. I don't have a natural colour image at the moment, maybe next year!

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