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Feeling crabby last night - updated

Kaptain Klevtsov

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10 6 minute subs binned 2X.

Atik 16HR camera and Ha filter on 200mm f/5 Skywatcher Newt. sat atop an HEQ5 mount on a pier.

The guide 'scope was too bendy and too short a focal length to go unbinned. As it was the subs were nowhere near saturation so the subs would have to have been half an hour each unbinned.

Hope you like,

Captain Chaos

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Outstanding improvement to the image CC, had a great view last night of the crab neb. and was even convincing myself that I could see a hint of structure in there but unsure if it wasn't the old imagination playing tricks on me.

I blame these awesome images you guys produce- convincing me that that I can see things that are not there, mind you, if you think you can see something isn't that the same thing as really seeing it? OH i can sense a serious bout of existentialism coming on- someone help me please!!!

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