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Orions nebula

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Hi just came inside freezing my bits off after a while outside. Had my first chance since getting my scope a few weeks ago to get a proper view of the moon... Amazing!! Had a quick view of Saturn again as she popped up from behind houses.

My question is when looking towards Orion is the nebula part the cluster of stars that is A bit below the belt? Should it appear as stars or should I be able to see stars and a bit of a haze

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Got my best view ever of M42 in the dob last Sun night. Crisply defined, swirling clouds, and a distinct hole in the middle with the 4 trapezium stars shining out like diamonds. So clear and absolutely beautiful it was :)

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Hi Ecosse I've tried without any luck to see the Trapezium numerous times since getting a little 70mm refractor in Nov. Then I tried again some nights ago, aimed at the middle "star" with the red-dot and there it was, clear as anything, quite beautiful. Can't wait to see it with my TAL. I think that night offered the best seeing I've had, a big help. Keep trying, some nights are better than others.

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The Orion nebula is a naked eye object in my village and it looks just fine in 8x30 binoculars, even through thin mist like last night when I found it too cold, damp and the moon too bright to make a telescope worthwhile.

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Ecosse, i used a 32mm first but my view was slightly better when i switxhed to 15mm. The 25mm should be good too. I don't think I tried a 10mm ep.

Stick, look at Orions three stars going up left to right then look at the other three that go down towards the ground, the middle "star" is M42.

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Found it!!! Seems I wasn't going low enough fron the belt before. Even with light pollution I was able to make out a slight green tinge like others have said. Well chuffed :hello2:

Also had a look at the double star in the plough and as usual couldn't resist Saturn.

What still amazes me is how long you can spend looking at one thing and the thoughts that go through your head when looking at it

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sorry for being a newbie but is M42 part of orion ?

M42 lies in the same direction as the group of stars that we call Orion and is around 1,350 light years from us I believe.

The stars that form the shape that we call Orion are all at different distances from us so most are not really related at all.

From another vantage point in the galaxy they would form an entirely different pattern along with other stars.

Thats probably not a very good explanation but that's the way I understand it :hello2:

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