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1.25" versus 2" eyepieces

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Thanks Steve

I like that view very much indeed. I used to think that my TV32mm plossl was wide enough, but it's nothing like that. Lovely eyepiece but I'd like the wide view and it has to be sharp accross the field. It was said early on that there is no point having a huge view with only the central 35% being sharp, have to agree.


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'HERE I come to save the day!!! S.N.Steve is on his way!!!' :lol:

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I used to think that my TV32mm plossl was wide enough, but it's nothing like that.

When you're ready Dave, I'll be pleased to offer a quote :)

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I can recommend the 31mm T5 nagler, unfortunatly it's £500 :shock:

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year :lol: , please, please, please can I have what Mr Copestake is suggesting...

[opens present] .... sigh .... socks again - I'll have to make do with my £45 Optiluxe..... :)


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I can recommend the 31mm T5 nagler, unfortunatly it's £500 :shock:

wow! :shock:

Anyway, back to the original topic -

Couldn't agree more....

Low power just has to be 2"!


okay, so if I go for a 32mm upwards, I should go 2", even if the rest of my collection is 1.25"?


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I'm suddenly feeling a little inadequate .... they have a similar thread to this running at Cloudynights and one guy there has over 50 eyepieces (not counting barlows, focal reducers etc) !! :lol:

Mind you he'll be in trouble if he gets a binoviewer - he'll have to buy another 50 to match :)


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Well (and I shall be hopefully careful!) I was working in the USA, my disposable income was about 3x what it was when I worked in the UK. Now (forcibly) retired on about £600 pm... As we say in good old Blighty: "'Ard oop, but 'appy"? One cannot help but feel a tad envious, sometimes though! But this is actually quite a COOL astronomy group and one feels a certain kinship. Folk can actually (sometimes) NOT afford stuff... :)

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Well (and I shall be hopefully careful!). When I was working in the USA, my disposable income was about 3x what it was when I worked in the UK. Now (forcibly) retired on about £600 pm... As we say in good old Blighty: "'Ard oop, but 'appy". One cannot help but feel a tad envious, sometimes though! But this is actually quite a COOL astronomy group. Folk can actually sometimes NOT afford stuff... :)

I take your point - on SGL you can participate fully and are welcomed whatever you have, or dont have in the way of equipment. At Cloudynights, unless you have at least 2 APO's and a full set of Naglers you don't really feel inclined to join in.


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I take your point - on SGL you can participate fully and are welcomed whatever you have, or dont have in the way of equipment. At Cloudynights, unless you have at least 2 APO's and a full set of Naglers you don't really feel inclined to join in.


I've been thrown off Cloudynights before. My blood boils sometimes with the attitude of some of the folk on there. Seen so many threads where people have asked advice on low end kit only for a load telescope snobs to reply. They just rubbish things they've quite obviously never used. As you can probably tell.......it really really really winds me up!

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Have to agree with you there Rus.

They do seem to be manic collectors of kit.

I dont know about others,but i have about 6 eyepieces....only seem to use two favorites, colour filters sit there never being used,various adapters again seldom used.

Over the past two weeks i have been trying to rid myself of stuff that sits there,rationalise the scopes and cameras.

Recently got an ED100 and will have SC3 early in new year...plan is to just use these and get some progress in the imaging,and to do more visual.

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My eyepiece set is an eclectic mix to say the list (it changes too often to be worth listing). However, one of my New Years resolutions is to settle on two or three orthoscopics and a number of Meade Series 5000 eyepieces - they lack the glamour of Pentax and Televue but the glass, coatings and attention to detail are excellent!

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I do tend to "Buy British" (By Gad, Sir!) - In part, on principal. :) Seems a bit unfair this "dollars equals pounds" thing, but I'm no economist. I think the "CN effect" did lead me to buy FAR too many eyepieces. Repent at leisure? But dealer SERVICE goes a long way with me. If you don't mind buying from "Johnny Foreigner" [Teasing in Jeremy Clarkson way!] telescope-service.de communicate in English (Far better than my German) AND saved me money, with friendly (unexpected) advice! They have some pretty good (Euro) deals on eyepieces and delivery remarkably quickly... :lol:

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Well, I use mainly 2" for a couple of reasons really. First, with the big scope they are pretty much a pre-requisite otherwise it's just not being used to it's maximum. Secondly though, have you ever seen how silly a Meade S4000 26mm looks 8 feet up a truss tube? You need bins to even see it :)


PS - incidentally I have somehow acquired a few more 1.25" ep's that I won't be needing so expect a clearout again soon! Postage cost only as usual. On your marks...

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I bought my two TV plossl's (11mm and 32mm) to see what all the fuss was about and I have to say I like them alot - though if they hadn't been going dirt cheap I really wouldn't have bothered. Won't be getting any more - my two TAL SP's, Tal25pl and Jap 12.5 Ortho do the job I bought them for nicely thankyou very much, and they were ALL cheap second hand. Sounds like CN wouldn't be very impressed with my collection but who cares eh? :)

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