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astroboot any ideas when its back?


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hey guys as most every one knows the scopes n skys astroboot went offline in nov, i was just wondering if any one knew any infomation on when its coming back their website said :

We'll be taking AstroBoot off-line from midnight Monday 22nd of November 2010 - it will be back in a few weeks as soon as the Christmas rush subsides, with even more great stuff when it returns. All orders placed up to this time will be fulfilled - orders placed from cached pages after this date will be fulfilled after the restart date. Why close the AstroBoot? The AstroBoot operates on a minimum profit basis and the seasonal business volumes we are experiencing make it very difficult to justify the manpower and resources AstroBoot demands - so basically we need to concentrate all our efforts on our primary sales operation for the next few week while the sales volumes are so high. But AstroBoot will be back, bigger than ever, as soon as the rush dies down!

any ideas?

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the company scopes n skys have a part of their website that is basacally a carboot sale of various "nik nacks" random things, broken things (there was quite a few broken binoclours) and lens ect which they usually sell quite cheaply, iv personally bought a actual telescope (the 80X900 in my sig) it was advertised as a different scope a bresser 80 x 800 but they sent me a different one (only paid £20 so cant go wrong) so there is situations like that its mostly DIY stuff although i did get a really nice hat which i ware in work (asda H/S driver) so if any one gets their shopping in the blackwood area with a black astro engineering hat its me!!)

Shhhhhhhh...don't tell him....he'll get all the good stuff :icon_eek:


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They did say it wouldn't re-open until the Christmas rush had died down. But i think it's probably more delayed than that due to the Stargazing Live event. I think sometime in Feb sounds realistic.

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Where did you get that info from?

I hope it isn't that long before it reopens, I am itching to grab a bargain and a few things that I may or may not need :)

The guy who runs the section is away until the end of the month. I'm assuming they are saying mid Feb is because it will naturally take him a little time to check inventory and get the page updated and running.


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