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Saturns Rings

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Can anyone tell me when in the next few years, or even in the next few months, when the rings of Saturn will be tilted for us to have the best view? Seems that info isn't being shouted from the mountain tops. Thanks all.

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They have already tilted to a much more favourable angle. The view i had two days ago was stunning and the Cassini division was not a problem to see, even in the 90mm refractor. They will continue to open over the next couple of years but sadly this coincides with Saturn becoming increasingly poorly placed in the sky. The next two seasons are going to be the best for Saturn viewing.

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I have yet to see Saturn, I really want to see Saturn with it's rings. Hopefully soon :)

If you can cope with a 6.30am start, you can see Saturn and it's beautiful rings on the next clear morning. :D

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If you can cope with a 6.30am start, you can see Saturn and it's beautiful rings on the next clear morning. :)

Kept sleeping thru the morning :D Just wondering is Saturn visabled with naked eye in a LP zone?

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Yes, even in heavily light polluted areas. In fact it may make it easier to spot as it will be the only 'star' visible in that area of the sky. And Saturn has a yellow colour plus it won't twinkle. At the moment around 6.30 Saturn is due South and approx 35deg above the horizon.

Good luck if you go for it. :)

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ive not viewed saturn for about 7 years, i really should make the effort

Well worth it now the rings are opening again. I must admit Saturn with only slither of ring was not brilliant. I'm usually observing Saturn at every possible chance but last year i didn't bother too much.

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Kept sleeping thru the morning :D Just wondering is Saturn visabled with naked eye in a LP zone?

I was looking at Saturn the other morning while driving to work (about 07:30) with a blue sky backround it looked lovely wish i had been at home with scope , i live in se London I dont u can get any more LP than that :) , by the way that was my first sighting ....

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I'm gonna set alarm to around 6am, hopefully it can be spotted from my back yard.

Good luck, hope you get the clear skies for it.

By the way, have you installed Stellarium on your PC? It's a great planetarium software that will show you where everything is. You can also adjust the limiting magnitude (light pollution level) to match your own, so you get a better idea of what to expect. A thoroughly worthwhile download.

Yep.Look South, so far spotted the planets' shadow on the rings, much better than earlier in the year.

yes, much improved view now :)

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Can anyone tell me when in the next few years, or even in the next few months, when the rings of Saturn will be tilted for us to have the best view? Seems that info isn't being shouted from the mountain tops. Thanks all.

Saturns rings will continue to "widen" for the next few years, unfortunately Saturn will also be headed ever lower in the sky as seen from the UK, which doesn't help observing it greatly.

So make the most of Saturn now!

You've missed the best of the party i'm afraid, Saturn was better for me in 2003/4 in a 120mm scope than it was in a 317mm scope in the mid 80's, all down to altitude above the horizon i'm afraid.

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Good luck, hope you get the clear skies for it.

By the way, have you installed Stellarium on your PC? It's a great planetarium software that will show you where everything is. You can also adjust the limiting magnitude (light pollution level) to match your own, so you get a better idea of what to expect. A thoroughly worthwhile download.

yes, much improved view now :)

Yes, I also have starry night CD that came with the scope also have stellarium and Starmap Pro on my iPhone. Everytime I use starmap pro to point at jupiter it's correct, Same with the moon. It's very useful.

Also could you please advise me on how to adjust the limiting magnitude and what is my LP pollution level?.

I am in South East London, Grove Park. Bromley BR1 5DU. Perhaps you could tell me whats my level. Cheers.

What's better Starry Night or Stellarium?

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You've missed the best of the party i'm afraid, Saturn was better for me in 2003/4 in a 120mm scope than it was in a 317mm scope in the mid 80's, all down to altitude above the horizon i'm afraid.
shame I was'nt an observer back then. :)


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Saturns rings are on about a 9 degree tilt towards us right now and will continue to open up to the end of Jan. They will then begin to start closing again for a while but won't receed to full side on before tilting back even more open.

They will continue to open/close on a "wobble" for some time to come - but opening more and closing less each time. Saturn won't get very high though for a few years and will remain in the south - so we'll be looking at it through a lot of atmosphere.

For best views get your scopes really cool, choose a clear night, view at it's peak altitude, and use quality ep's with well collimated optics - even then it may appear to "boil" a bit.

At the moment it rises in the morning so you need to catch it well before the sun comes up :)

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