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A few astrosnaps


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I've finally managed to get my setup working, and feel I've made a huge amount of progress in the last couple of weeks.

These shots were taken as part of my testing of the OAG, but I thought I'd post them anyway. They are short exposures, but have given me at least a little bit of processing practice!

These were all taken with a SXVFH9 mono, a Megrez 90 on an EQ6, captured and guided with Maxim via EQMod, using a SX guidehead on a Brightstar OAG. Stacked including flats (first time with homemade EL panel lightbox :mad:) in DSS,and tweaked in CS2.

M1: 2x120s, 2x300s, 2x600s

M36: 5x120s

M37: 5X120s

M38: 6x600s (and the extra time clearly shows!)

M42: 6x30s, 3x120s, 1x300s (I should have been in bed at this point, hence the short exposure time, but I had to give it a quick go!)

I'm now really looking forward to being able to go longer and deeper :)







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Good progress indeed Helen. you have got to grips wth the important aspects of Imaging.

The Images are very good, so you must be delighted with what you've acheived to date. Off Axis Guiding seems to have cured the flexure issues you had, so that must be very encouraging for you.

You can go forward with renewed confidence now, and well done for persevering. Welsh tenacity you see :).


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Thanks for the encouragement guys.

The Auriga clusters are among my favourite objects as they were the first DSOs (after the 'usual suspects') which I learnt to find on my own. They seemed a good target given it was full moon, and clusters would show up any trailing quite clearly. I started with M38, and then thought I'd grab quick shots of the other two just to show the different patterns/densities. I was then about to pack up (it was 3:30am by then) when I noticed Orion had cleared the trees, and so just had to give that a go too :)

I've done a few 3-3:30am stints in my time, but 4:45am was a new record :) But I went to bed happy :D - and then got up and learnt how to take and process flats :) I've got an M13 I shot that night too, but the dust was so bad I decided it was better to just clean it straight away rather than trying to compensate using flats. If only I'd known at that point how easy flats are to take using Sky Flats I'd have done it before cleaning :mad:

I've since been experimenting with the automatic filter wheel, and I've got that working too, although the first set of RGB has a problem as the subs with the blue filter are out of focus :( I need now to find out whether its the filter, filter wheel, or scope that's causing the problem. Its not the end of the world if I have to refocus for blue, but I like the fact that with Maxim and the automatic filter wheel it takes one of each colour consecutively, so if it clouds over at any point I'd still have a colour set.

Next on the hit list are getting the focal reducer spacing right, and learning to use the QHY8. And after that I'll change the scope over and see what challenges a longer focal length brings!!

Given the weather forecast for the next week, I think I'll be working on my software skills first though....:D I'm planning on working through Harry's PI Tutorials, and re-reading Ron Wodaski, and Scott Ireland.

Its nice to be enjoying this again, rather than just getting frustrated (although I know its usually 2 steps forward 1 step back...).


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Wow...that's some seriously expensive kit :) You seem to be winning too.

I think I'll be going down the mono route with a manual filter wheel to begin with. They're so much cheaper and I can deal with the inconvenience. I'd then get an auto over time.

The strapline for this place should be "We'll inspire you...but it's gonna cost!" lol

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Yes, it can get expensive! But I've built up my kit over 4 years, and almost all was bought secondhand (at greatly reduced prices). When things go well it all seems worth it, but many times over the last year or so I've wondered why I have so much money tied up in kit that isn't working properly and is just causing me huge amounts of frustration!!


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Thank you for sharing. M41 is marvelous!

That and M42 :):mad:

At long last Mrs U!!! Thought you were just buying kit because the mattress was getting close to the ceiling :D :D

I would now just concentrate one object, long expsoures and lots of them, rather than changing scope again....

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