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Not my night again , looked out at 10 , all clear, took a while to set up ,as it was damp , dew strip had to be sorted etc etc , then bandits at 9 oclock coming , oh nooo , just as i got the ole Jelly fish framed , so it was all cut short , just 20 subs is all at 45 secs , this nebula is ultra faint , the head only just showed in the subs , i decided to at least process the devil , been practising DDP in Maxim , and it paid off , pretty happy with the result , thinking what would this image be like at 60 subs , we will have to wait and see,

Atik 16hr used , ED 80 , Processed in Maxim , manual alignment , and tweaked a bit in Photoshop. this is the lower part of the nebula , ,top left you can see the link part of the neb to its other half . be lovely to get the whole thing in .

Rog :D


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Rog, I deeeply admire every single one of your images. I can't work out for the life of me how you do it so well, consistently. However, I have one major complaint, and that is I wish you would do colour more often, because some of these targets have stunning colour hints, all of which are lost in mono.

Amazing stuff as usual.

A question - do you ever image planets?


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Hi Andrew , and everyone , thank u for those lovely comments ,

Ok to anwer Andrews question , i agree some of these do have some lovely colours to them , mainly though the emission nebs are red, sometimes we get some reflection neb intermixed , this does set the image off nicely , most of us CCD imagers use the LRGB OR RGB AND NOW NARROW BAND IMAGING , reason being, the lum image is the quality one and the rest of red blue green are gathered to complete the colour image , this however does take a while normally i would give myself 4 hours to get enough data for one coloured image , this of course can be done over several nights , you know with this weather lately ,its going to be so hard to get all this data, so its rush out set up and bang away with what time you have , i,m still on a learning curve as well with colour imaging, its the process which takes the time , but i,m getting there

As for Planets yes i have taken them ,started off doing PLanets , and Lunar , i,m afarid i do run out of patients with Planets ,as its hanging around waiting for those ideal conditions, but if you have seen my web site , they are there , Jupiter ,saturn , Mars and Venus .



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Thanks Rog. Understood.

Fantastic images. The shapes of the different nebulae are most fascinating to me. The detail that you capture is just amazing. As for the moon images... beautiful. I don't find globs terribly interesting though. They all look the same to me. :?

Anyway, good luck with it all, an congrats for the Astronomy Now publication


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