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I don't believe it!


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Weather app on my phone shows something similar so it must be true;)

Will be very interested to see if the transparency of Monday nights remains (reported in another thread. I have never seen so many stars from my back garden with the naked eye.:o

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Oh I can believe it all right. Happens everytime I get on a plane. Stuck in Zaragoza in Spain for work, not home till Friday, so hope it holds...planning an astroweekend with friends in dark-sky D&G.

But it is nice and warm here and looking forward to some apres work Tapas. I can see Jupiter from the bar as well.

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I rather believe in the idea that "seeing is believing". I do hope its true for your area but if I had a pound for every clear night the Met Office "predicted" I might be able to afford one those Ethos thingies!!!

Clear Skies


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In my area Met Office predicted last two nights as clear- they weren’t… Last night Met Office site updated at 21:00 said clear skies – went in garden at 21:01 – clouds…… However tonight they are saying partly cloudy – looks like it may be clearing up nicely :o


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I went to my dark site last night with a few other SCAG members and had a great night... It was abit dewy, and i didnt manage to get much observing in ( too much talking on my behalf) but whata great time i had.

Im really looking forward to the weekend and getting some more nights in:)

Im really tired no though, got home by 1245 and sleep after 1... Up at 5 for work :(

Never mind it was well worth it

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I missed it. Actually, I saw the beautiful clear skies (despite them being blue, green, purple and orange from here) and had to go back in as I was working all night for a customer. The skies are cloudy again. Drat.

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